
The Appreciation of Nature for the Design Creativity on Songket Weaving Cloth

Symbol is a means of non-verbal communication which is generally used in culture. The use of symbols is for the needs of expressing cultural elements possessed by an ethnic or even a nation. For example, various symbols are used on songket weaving cloth and the symbols are interpreted having different meaning based on the cultural background of the people where the songket weaving cloth is produced. This is qualitative research focuses on the symbols and meaning delivered on the design of Balinese songket weaving cloth. The research uses observation method and deep interviews for data collection. Theories of linguistic semantic and linguistic semiotic are applied for the need of the analysis. The analysis highlights on the type and meaning of symbols. The results show there are five classifications of symbol based on the motif design. The interpreted meaning of every symbol is generally to the nature appreciation since the artists life is very close to nature.

Motifs and Colours of Endek Ikat Weaving

This research analyzes the motif and colour of endek as one of the Balinese traditional ikat weaving cloth (ikat in Indonesian Language means bind). Endek is produced by tying strands of thread using a non-machine traditional equipment.  The methods used for data collection are observation and in-depth interview. The analysis focuses on the meaning represented on each varied motif and colour. Semantic and Semiotic theories are applied for analysing the meaning of endek motif and colour. Results of the analysis showed that unique and specific motif and colour of endek ikat weaving represented the meaning of appreciating nature, culture, and philosophy. The varied motif and colour can not be argued as the belonging to a certain region in Bali because the various existed motif and colour refer to the same sources like the universe, Hindu Religion, tradition, and culture.  The variety of endek motif and colour cannot neither be recognized as the belonging to a certain designer nor industry. It is because of the motif and colour creation is strongly influenced by how creative an ikat weaving designer is by utilizing the available sources that he or she refers to. Motif and colour creativity of endek ikat weaving is influenced each other among the designer so that there is not any typical motif and colour belongs to a certain ikat weaving industry or region in the meantime imitating activities often occur.

Motivational Young Entrepreneur’s Personal Branding on Instagram: A Modest Crazy Rich Asian

Individuals’ personal branding in social media convey meaning with particular signification. Interpretation of the image could rebuild and strengthen an individual’s public persona. Putri Tanjung, the CEO of a creative business has carried values as a young inspirational entrepreneur through her contribution and influence on society. This study aims to analyze the meaning of motivational content on the @putri_tanjung Instagram account. This paper discusses the signs and meaning of Putri Tanjung’s personal branding using Ferdinand de Saussure semiotics method. The findings show that there is intrinsic meaning in the motivation message presented in the message of each Instagram content selected in this study. The study identified components of personal branding used in the unit analysis which consists of values, skills, and behavior. This paper concludes that despite her family background, she does not represent herself based on the well-known conglomerate family, but as an inspirational individual with a work ethic.