
The Strategic Management of Mosque-Based Education

As in the early days of Islam, mosques are not only places of worship but also places of empowerment and Islamic education for Muslims. As an Islamic educational institution, fostering personality attitudes, and the center of civilization for the people, mosques should be managed with modern, professional and accountable organizational management, following the management stages, in order to facilitate the service function for mosque congregations. Among these stages is to develop a good plan, which contains the formulation of actions to achieve the results according to the goals set, namely a decision on what to do in the future. This study uses a descriptive method with the aim of describing various phenomena that exist in the research location. The data collection techniques are through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results showed that the planning of strategic management for mosque-based education used several strategies to develop, prosper the mosque, with the formulation starting with the development of the vision and mission, identifying various opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weaknesses faced by the al-Mukarromah mosque, determining the good goals for the mosque in short-term, medium-term and long-term goals, and determine alternative strategies and specific strategies to achieve.

Human Resource Management: A Literature Review

This article aims to find how human resource management based on literature review from previous research from several countries around the world. This article uses search and review methods, where the review process began with a search engine, Google scholar, to search articles with keywords. The authors found the scope of the reviewed articles was still limited so it needs to be followed up related to human resource management. Result of the review show that human resource can run optimally if they apply good management. The research about this topic is limited and this article is a literature review, so further research needs to be done related to human resource management and to include other data collection methods including interview and questionnaire. The theoretical benefit of this article is to add knowledge about human resource management and the practical benefit is as an information for further research.

Effectiveness of Soil Erosion Monitoring Strategies in Kuresoi South, Kenya

Soil erosion is still one of the most important land problems and it is linked to land use and land cover changes. To mitigate against this, there has been an effort to transfer the management of natural resources to local communities especially in the tropics. Many of these initiatives incorporate the development of monitoring systems. Local monitoring systems constitute an almost compulsory component of any program or project dealing with sustainable management of natural resources. The purpose of this study was to assess soil erosion monitoring indicators as effective management tools to be used to help in monitoring change in natural resources within the study area. The study was comprised of a total representative sample population of 68 respondents from Kuresoi south catchment which was achieved using Nassiuma coefficient of variation formulae. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Data and information was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Both quantitative and qualitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences and presented in form of charts, tables of frequencies and percentages. The study results revealed the effectiveness of soil erosion monitoring indicators, degree of soil erosion and natural resource management. The study therefore recommends that it is important to introduce capacity building programs to the community and other stakeholders through creation of awareness and training so that they can have knowledge on these factors and thus implement the appropriate mitigation measures.

Analysis of Management of Impacted Urethral Stone in Children

Introduction: Urolithiasis is still intriguing due to its mysterious and complex nature, although being known to mankind from before the Christian era.

Objectives: The main objective of the study is to analyse the management of impacted urethral stone in children.

Material and methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Foundation University Islamabad during 2020 to 2021. The data were collected from 100 patients. The age range was 1 month to 5 years.The definite history of the multitude of patients were accumulated and 24 hour urine test was gathered from every patient and sent for PH, explicit gravity, Creatinine, uric corrosive, calcium, phosphate, oxalate, citrate and magnesium.

Results: The data were collected from 100 patients with the mean age 38 ± 9.01 months. There were 35 male and 65 female patients who were selected this investigation. The primary introducing grievance was amble torment on the influenced side for example in 79.0% patients, trailed by hematuria and consuming micturation.

Conclusions: Urethral stone is an important cause of acute retention of urine in children. Anterior urethra is more frequent site of obstruction.

The Importance of Distributed Leadership Practice Perceived By the Head of the Department: A Study of a Public University in Afghanistan

This qualitative scale research means to comprehend the act of distributive leadership among senior colleges as like chancellor deans and administrators. The scientist used a non-trial subjective, grounded hypothesis to look into the plan. Theoretical framework distributing leadership in a school network gives a chance for educators to impact important community-oriented or collaborative practices through shared authority. Spillane (2005) clarified that dispersed leadership is a point of view of a calculated or analytic instrument for pondering school authority. It’s anything but a definite diagram for viable authority, nor an expose of how the leader ought to be practiced and shared duties have been a guide in creating research questions. A solitary respondent included, which was the head of the department. The information was gathered utilizing meeting strategies dependent on semi-organized inquiries. Meeting information was dissected through a precise coding procedure to discover themes. In view of the examination of these topics, the most noteworthy subjects that developed reliably are hierarchical culture measurement, trailed by vision, strategic, authoritative objectives measurement, trailed by a common duty measurement, and the least is the element of initiative practices. The university vision, crucial, objectives were shared among individuals in the arranging and performance of exercises. Be that as it may, as a type of authority dependent on shared exercises, there are still spaces for improvements, for example, common trust, closeness, and sharing of obligations.

Investigating Factors Affecting Human Resource Productivity in Government Organizations

This article examines the factors affecting human resource productivity in government organizations. Due to the endless innovations and changes that we are facing in the world, successful organizations have taken special measures to use all the intellectual and practical capacities of their employees. In today’s world, attention to human resources as the axis of change and the basic element of any organization that operates under the influence of information and communication is more and more felt. Also, the idea of empowering, motivating and involving human resources is considered as one of the strategic and vital programs of managing. In this article, the factors affecting the increase of human resource productivity and the factors that reduce the productivity of human resource in government organizations have been fully studied.

An Exploratory Study to Identify the Factors Affecting the Management of Covid-19 Patients among Nursing Officers at Selected Hospital, Puducherry

The pandemic outbreak of covid -19 especially caused by the pathogen called corona virus2 (SARS-CoV-2) which causes severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (SARS) .This virus especially affects the more elderly individual than youth and more men than women and killed over 80,000 in china. It was established by WHO.

Agents of Deterioration of Organic Museum Objects and Their Management: A Review

Museums stored a number of objects which shows our cultural and natural heritage. These heritage materials are rich source of educative materials and are organic in nature. After a passage of time these collection become deteriorate due to some agencies.
Organic objects are of immense importance, that’s why their protection and preservation are very necessary. In this article the author summarizes different agencies of deterioration and their preventive conservation treatment.

School Library Management: A Literature Review

This article aims to find out how school libraries is managed based on the literature review from previous research from several countries around the world. This article uses search and review methods, where the review process began with a search engine, Google scholar and IEEE, to search the articles with keywords. The authors found the scope of the reviewed articles was still very limited so it needs to be followed up related to school turnover management research. Result of the review show that libraries can run optimally if they apply good management. The research about this topic is limited and this article is a literature review; so further research needs to be done related to school library management in general and to include other data collection methods including interview and questionnaire. The theoretical benefit of this article is to add knowledge about educational library management and the practical benefit is as an information for further research.