
Physiological Response of Male Bali Cattle to supplementation of complete pellet feed based on Fermented Corn Cob Waste as a source of fiber and NuPro Yeast Extract Supplement

This study aims to determine the aim of this research, namely to determine the physiological response of male Bali cattle supplemented with complete pelleted feed based on fermented corn cob waste as a source of fiber and Nupro yeast extract supplement. In this study, 4 male Bali cattle were used in the age range of 1 – 1.5 years, with an initial body weight ranging from 101-124 kg with an average of 116.75 kg and a coefficient of variation of 9.16%. This research used an experimental method with a Latin square design consisting of 4 treatments and 4 periods as replications. The treatments in this study were P0: Pellet complete feed (20% fermented corn cob + 80% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast), P1: Pellet complete feed (30% corncob + 70% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast), P2: Pellet complete feed (40% corncob + 60% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast), P3: Pellet complete feed (50% corncob + 50% concentrate + 1% extra Nupro yeast). Data obtained in Analysis Of Variance. The results of this study obtained the average value of body temperature (0C) P0 38.15 ± 0.55, P1 37.94 ± 0.81, P2 38.42 ± 0.39, P3 38.14 ± 0.88, pulse (times/minute) P0 72.08±9.28, P1 71.83±4.21, P2 67.25±13.10, P3 69.33±8.21, Respiratory frequency (times/minute) P0 21,75±1.49, P1 22.08±1.03, P2 24±1.24, P3 22.83±1.68 and water consumption (Liter/head/day) P0 5.68±0.62. P1 5.93 ± 0.82, P2 5.75 ± 0.61, P3 5.75 ± 0.20. The results of statistical analysis showed that the treatment had no significant effect (P>0.05) on body temperature, respiratory frequency, pulse rate and water consumption of male Bali cattle. The conclusion of the research is that complete feed supplementation with pellets containing fermented corn cobs as a fiber source provides and Nupro extra yeast supplement the same physiological response between treatments, so it can be used as a complete feed constituent at a level of 20-50% combined with concentrate feed.