
The Influence of Service Quality on Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at Hospital X

The development of the business world is increasing, competition is very tight, so the thing that companies need to pay attention to is service quality. Service quality plays a very important role in hospital services because it will influence the loyalty and satisfaction of customers or patients who come to the hospital. Factors that influence service quality, namely Tangibility, Assurance, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Emphaty. Meanwhile, the definition of satisfaction is a person’s assessment of the product’s perceived performance or results in relation to expectations. And the definition of loyalty is a classic word used to describe loyalty and very enthusiastic devotion to an individual. What can be done to prepare ourselves for market demands is to improve service quality. The aim is to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research aims to find out how much influence service quality has on customer satisfaction and loyalty at Hospital X. The number of samples in this research was 100 respondents. The data used is a type of quantitative data obtained from filling out questionnaires by selected respondents using a simple random sampling method. The analytical method used is processed using Smart PLS (Partial Least Square) software. The results of this research show that there is a significant influence of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has a significant influence on customer loyalty, but customer satisfaction does not mediate the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The Influence of Green Brand Image, Satisfaction, Trust, on Loyalty Moderated by Environmental Ethics on Green Products in Indonesia

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Brand Loyalty as a Catalyst for Growth: Leveraging Innovative Brand Experience to Enhance Market Success for a Small Clothing Brand

This research entitled “Brand Loyalty as a Catalyst for Growth: Leveraging Brand Experience to Enhance Market Success for Small Clothing Brands in Triple Two Reworks” aims to identify strategies that can increase brand loyalty and market growth for small clothing brands. This research focuses on Triple Two Reworks, a local brand that specializes in redesigning used clothing into new fashion products that are aesthetically pleasing and sustainable. This study reveals that brand loyalty plays a critical role in the long-term success of a brand, especially for small clothing brands that often face limited resources and challenges in reaching a wider audience. This research uses a qualitative approach with in-depth analysis of positive Triple Two Reworks brand experiences, as measured through indicators of customer satisfaction and their engagement with the brand. The research results show that superior brand experience can increase customer loyalty and market success. Triple Two Reworks can leverage positive brand experiences through a branding strategy that includes providing a personalized shopping experience, product customization options, and responsive customer support. Additionally, the adoption of sustainable fashion trends and limited-edition collections can attract environmentally conscious and fashionable consumers, thereby expanding market share and increasing competitiveness. This research concludes that by optimizing the brand experience, Triple Two Reworks can build strong customer loyalty and achieve sustainable market growth.

The Influence of Social Media Engagement, Consumer Brand Engagement on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Tourists Visiting Coffee Shops in Kintamani, Bangli District, Bali

Bangli is a regency in Bali Province, famous for its natural attractions. Kintamani is quite well known to foreign and domestic tourists, the beauty of the natural panorama of the Batur mountains makes the main attraction of Kintamani tourism destination as a favorite choice for tourists. Currently in the Kintamani area, there are many coffee shops mushrooming along the road, coffee shops in Kintamani in 2020 are 70 locations. With the rapid development of the internet, coffee shop business actors in Kintamani are increasingly aggressively promoting through their respective social media channels. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of social media engagement, consumer brand engagement on the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists visiting coffee shops in Kintamani.

The research method in this study uses a quantitative approach with a sampling of 200 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling and data collection through distributing questionnaires, observation, and literature study. The data analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SmartPLS 3.3.3 analysis tool.

The results of this study indicate that: (1) social media engagement has a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction, (2) consumer brand engagement has a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction, (3) tourist satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on tourist loyalty. Social media engagement has a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of tourists visiting Kintamani coffee shops.

Measurement of Service Quality Perception, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in PT Medika Antapani

Indonesia had 11,347 clinics in 2020, 10,238 Pratama, and 1,109 Utama. West Java Province had the most clinics in 2021, with 6,572 Pratama and 1,042 Utama. Private Bandung public health provider PT. Medika Antapani 2020–2021 customer visits decreased. Pratama clinics in Kiaracondong have almost doubled to 15 clinics, giving cash clients many options. To compete, health services must constantly improve service quality to satisfy customers and build loyalty.

This research helps PT. Medika Antapani meet customer service needs. The author uses a descriptive and causal research design. The author distributes Likert scale questionnaires to 200 respondents who meet the criteria. According to a descriptive analysis of 200 respondents, most are male, 60-74 years old, live in Cisaranten Endah, are employees, and use general practitioner services. The total average for causal analysis was 3,088, 3,127, and 2.93 for service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty. Satisfaction and service quality affect loyalty by 84.1%.

Service quality improvements are needed in PT Medika Antapani for addressing six areas, including low scores on the latest equipment, recruiting Ob-Gyn doctors, and providing reminder messages. For future recommendations, PT Medika Antapani must evaluate its services to maintain quality and develop in areas service users need.

The Important Role of Member Satisfaction in Building Loyalty of Fitness Members during Covid-19 Pandemic

This scientific paper provides an overview of the weaknesses of fitness centers in building member satisfaction in increasing member loyalty. The basis of this scientific article arises from the desire of researchers to measure the level of satisfaction felt by fitness members to build the loyalty of all members. The essence of the research idea is as a form of important ideas conveyed to build a positive level of satisfaction of fitness members through quality service to build the loyalty of members who are increasingly loyal to the center fitness. The sample in this study used all data on the number of center members’ fitness. Referring to the research objectives following the right tools using the Structural Equation Model PLS-based (SEM) with the right measuring scale in previous studies using a quantitative approach. Service quality cannot build member loyalty independently. Good service quality can build member loyalty through the mediation of member satisfaction. The results of this study can contribute to building high member loyalty along with building member satisfaction as a mediation of the level of service quality perceived by members.