
A Study of Communication Strategies used by English Teachers and its Implication in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

The objective of this research was to analyze the English teachers’ communication strategies and their perception during the teaching learning process.  The writer analyzed the data gained through the questionnaire by describing the English teachers’ perception about the communication strategies usually used during the teaching learning process.  She also analyzed the teachers’ communication strategies into the fourteen strategies based on to some experts, there are several types of communication strategies that can be used to solve problems in communication (Dornyei 1995, Littlewood 1984, Tarone 1980). (Tarone (1980) presents five types of communication strategies, including: paraphrase, transfer, appeal for assistance, mime, avoidance. Littlewood (1984) describes eight types of communication strategies: they are avoidable communication, adjust the message, use paraphrase, use approximation, create new words, switch to the native language, use non-linguistic resources, seek for help. Meanwhile, Dornyei (1995) stated that the three main types of communication strategies, namely: topic avoidance strategies (topic avoidance and message abandonment), compensatory strategies (approximation, word coinage, circumlocution, literal translation, code-switching, appeal for help, used all-purpose words, non-linguistic signal, foreignizing), and stalling or time gaining strategies (use of fillers/hesitation devices). The design of this research is qualitative research. The writer described the data in order to have a clear and complete description of the research result.  The researcher used the result of the English teachers’ questionnaire as the data. The sample of this research was the English teacher who lives and teach in Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2022/2023.

Explanation of Womens’ Ideological Linguistic Aesthetics in Poetry by Indonesian and Malaysia Women Poets

Linguistic aesthetics is seen from the linguistic side with a critical view. The text is built from several linguistic tools in which there are ideology and power. This study aims to find and describe (1) vocabulary, (2) the beauty of metaphor, (3) grammar in Indonesian and Malaysian poetry. The literary approach used is a comparative literature approach. This research data is in the form of a poetry text consisting of vocabulary, phrases, and lines with certain ideological values. Data collection activities were carried out using documentation techniques with knowledge and insight into the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of poetry, and critical discourse analysis of poetry, particularly concerning the ideological insights of women in Indonesian and Malaysian poetry, and interviews were conducted with the poets. Data analysis procedure using diagrams of the stages of understanding women’s ideology based on the elaboration of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics: explanation-analysis and interpretation. Triangulation was carried out to test theories, data, and research methods to avoid research bias. The findings of this study are the linguistic aesthetics of the poems by the Indonesian and Malaysian female poets in the form of (1) vocabulary, (2) the beauty of metaphor, and (3) grammatical. This study strengthens the theory of critical discourse analysis because the findings of this study indicate that linguistic aesthetics describes three stages: description, interpretation, and explanation. Practically, these findings are useful for language and literature researchers to enrich the application of critical poetry to poetry.