
Transformational Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance: A Literature Review

The principal as an educational leader in school institutions has an important role in advancing the educational institutions he leads. The success or failure of educational institutions is strongly influenced by the ability of the principal as a leader to be able to carry out his duties, one of which is helping teachers in improving their performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of transformational leadership on teacher performance. This study uses a literature review. The result of this discussion is the role of transformational leadership causes a teacher to work more enthusiastically and focused, so that the teaching and learning process becomes transformative for every teacher.

Situational Leadership Practices in School: A Literature Review

The importance of situational leadership practices in schools is interesting to study. The purpose of this literature review is to analyze situational leadership practices in schools. The articles used in this literature review are articles obtained using the “Google Scholar” database by entering the keyword “situational leadership”. There are several literature reviews on situational leadership in schools that were found. Based on the results of literature studies from various countries in the world, it was found that situational leadership style can develop work motivation, improve teacher performance and can increase teacher commitment to the organization.

Reluctant to be Educational Leader

Our study investigates the leaders’ challenges looked at by current educational organizations. Universally, the requirement for top-notch academic administration has never been more noteworthy. However, developing proof recommends that hardly any academics are quick to lock-in. In this study, we explore scholastic educational leadership at the principal of a school from organizational and scholarly viewpoints. Our objectives are to explain early job academic approaches and positions towards scholastic educational leadership, what may lie behind these, and make proposals about how to support their future enthusiasm for scholastic educational leadership.
A privately respondent included, which was the principal of a school in Malaysia. The information was gathered from interview questions and utilizing meeting strategies dependent on semi-structured questions. Meeting information was dissected through a precise coding procedure to discover themes. In view of the examination of these topics, the most noteworthy subjects that developed reliably are hierarchical culture measurement, trailed by vision, strategic, authoritative objectives measurement, trailed by a common duty measurement, and the least is the element of reluctant leadership practices. The school vision, crucial, objectives were shared among individuals in the arranging and performance of exercises. Be that as it may, as a type of leader dependent on shared exercises, there are still spaces for improvements, for example, common belief, familiarity, and input of duties.
Overall, our small research gives clear to the developing collection of speculations and procedures researching advanced education culture. While the contextual analysis discoveries may not be generalizable, different organizations may profit by a portion of the bits of knowledge give.

Instructional Leadership Practices in School: A Literature Review

The importance of instructional leadership practice at school attracts the researcher to conduct a research. This article is used to analyze how the instructional leadership practices in schools. The review begins with internet that is google scholar searching for articles of instructional leadership as the keywords. There are several literature reviews of instructional leadership practices especially. Based on the literature reviews of various countries in Asia, we found that strong instructional leadership practices can build the teachers works by strengthening the system of organizational belief. These factors also can encourage students learning.

Effect of Principal’s Emotional Intelligence Management on Principal’s Leadership Quality: A Literature Review

Emotional intelligence management skills offer leadership qualities that are sufficient to advance an organization and to achieve its goals. Therefore, the skills to manage emotional intelligence must be possessed by a leader, including principal. The importance of emotional intelligence management for principal’s leadership attracts researchers to do a literature review study. There are several articles that discuss the principal’s emotional intelligence management. The purpose of this literature review is to determine the effect of emotional intelligence management on the quality of school principal’s leadership in the world. Based on the results of literature reviews from various countries in the world, most of the studies show that emotional intelligence management has a positive and significant influence on the quality of principal’s leadership.

The Principal’s Leadership in Implementing the Full-Day Kindergarten: A Literature Review

The importance of the principal’s leadership in implementing the full-day kindergarten education program attracted authors to research and this article discusses the results of the literature review conducted by the authors.  There are a number of articles about the principal’s leadership review and full-day kindergarten implementation especially in the context of the world that can be found.  The purpose of this review is to find out the principal’s leadership in implementing full-day kindergarten in a world context.  Based on the results of literature reviews from various countries in the world, the authors found the scope of the articles reviewed is still very limited and it is very difficult to get literature that combines the two variables, therefore, the authors would be positively explain the findings for each variable.  The results of the review literature on school principal’s leadership show that the principal’s leadership in carrying out his role as a leader has an impact on teacher performance and student achievement.  The results of the review literature on the implementation of a full day kindergarten show that children who attend kindergarten (FDK) a full day experience academic and development benefits compared to children who attend a half-day program.  Thus, the authors are interested in following up related to the principal’s leadership in implementing full-day kindergarten.