
Internalization Strategies of Company Culture: A Case Study of Ex-Employees of Chevron Pacific Indonesia Transitioning to Pertamina WK Rokan

In today’s business world, organizational changes are frequent and are often motivated by variables like as mergers, acquisitions, and strategic realignments. These transitions sometimes include substantial alterations in the company’s culture, which can pose obstacles and offer possibilities for employees, especially those who are moving across businesses. This study examines the methods used by PERTAMINA WK Rokan in order to assimilate the former workers of Chevron Indonesia and to adopt the business culture of PERTAMINA WK Rokan which is AKHLAK as they transition between the two companies and post-transition. It sheds light on the challenges and intricacies involved in assimilating to a new work culture during and after change in management. Cultural integration plays a crucial role in organizational changes, impacting employee morale, productivity, and ultimately, the effectiveness of the business. When employees switch from one organization to another, they carry their values, beliefs, and work habits with them. These may or may not match the existing culture of the new firm. Gaining insight into how individuals embrace the process of transitioning between cultures is crucial for promoting effective integration and cultivating a harmonious work environment.