
Knowledge and Attitudes of Pregnant Women in Preventing Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a harmful depression risk; if not treated properly, it can have bad consequences for both mother and child. Hence, efforts are needed to prevent postpartum depression in pregnant women. This article aims to describe and find out the effect of self-help psychological intervention on the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women in preventing postpartum depression. This article was quantitative research with a quasi-experimental model. The study population was 155 pregnant women in the Darussalam Public Health Center working area in Aceh Besar, 2021. The sample was 74 respondents, with 37 in the intervention group and 37 in the control group. Data was collected using The Knowledge about Postpartum Depression Questionnaire (KPPD-Q) and Attitudes Toward Postpartum questionnaires. This study found that the self-help psychological intervention significantly affects the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women (p-value = 0.000 <0.05). Also, there were significant differences in knowledge and attitudes between the intervention. This study concluded that Self-help Psychological interventions could ascend pregnant women's knowledge and attitudes toward preventing postpartum depression. Respondents' age, education level, and gestational age are the driving factors for increasing knowledge and attitudes.

Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge Regarding Management of Patient’s with Cholelithiasis Disease

Cholelithiasis affects approximately 15% of the US population. Rising trends in obesity and metabolic syndrome have contributed to an increase in diagnosis of cholelithiasis. There are several risk factors for cholelithiasis, both modifiable and non modifiable. Women are more likely to experience cholelithiasis than are men. Pregnancy, increasing parity, and obesity during pregnancy further increase the risk that a woman will develop cholelithiasis. The classic presentation of persons experiencing cholelithiasis, specifically when gallstones obstruct the common bile duct, is right upper quadrant pain of the abdomen that is often elicited upon palpation during physical examination and documented as a positive Murphy’s sign Descriptive Cross-Sectional Design is adopted in the current study to achieve the early stated objectives. The study started from January   2nd, 2021 until May, 20th, 2021.  A Non-Probability (Convenience Sample) of (60) nurses were including in the present study. Sample collect from 1, 3,4) and emergency department The results of the present study indicated that the majority of the samples (93.33%) have deficit knowledge, which agree with the results of the study showed that the reasons for lack of nurses’ knowledge regarding from the researchers’ point of view “might be related to lack of continuing educational programs or sessions about Cholelithiasis, supervision, continuous evaluation of nurses’ practice, and cooperation between multidisciplinary health care team members (nurses-physicians). Conclusions according to the present study findings, the researcher can mention the following conclusions:Most of nurses in medical units had knowledge deficit concerning management of cholelithiasis nursing management. It is found that the most of nurses are middle age group within (35-39) years old. It is concludes that the most of nurses are institute and college graduated, most of the nurses years’ experience in medical wards(1-10 years). most of the sample have participating in the sessions training in medical wards  but no related to cholelithiasis nursing management. Encouraging nurses to update their information by participating in training sessions and conference inside and outside Iraq to improve their knowledge regarding cholelithiasis nursing management which working in medical wards.

Proposed Social Marketing Campaign to Increase Blood Donation and Active Users in Reblood Application (Case Study: PT Gaya Hidup Sehat)

Every five second, people in Indonesia needs blood. Blood donation is essential in every country to helps patients survive from illnesses and injuries. Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) has released the data of blood donation in 2020, there were 3,5 million blood bags has collected across Indonesia. With current situation, Indonesia still needs to fulfil minimum 5,2 million blood bags (2% of the Indonesian population) per year. Those condition that motivate PT Gaya Hidup Sehat to take a part to solve the problem of shortage blood donors by implementing the healthcare technology with Reblood application. Reblood aimed to provide all of information related with blood donation that currently still limited, not accessible and not integrating each other’s. Since it first launched in 2018 until now, Reblood has acquired 60,748 active users with more than 40,000 blood donations collected and transferred to PMI. However, in 2020 until 2021 the number of active users has decreased significantly almost 70% due to pandemic Covid-19. This research was conducted to increase Reblood’s active users and encourage more people to do blood donation in order to fulfill blood bags capacity.  337 respondents was participating on the survey to analyze the motivation, barriers, and knowledge and behavior to do blood donation. The result of those analysis then formulate using Social Marketing Framework by Philip Kotler and Nancy R.Lee. The findings in this research enriches the strategy of behavioral changes with the use of social marketing approach for increasing blood donation campaign.

A Study to Assess the Problems of Prolonged Use of Mask During Covid Pandemic Among the General Public Residing in Lawspet Area at Puducherry

A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted to assess the problems of prolonged use of mask during covid pandemic among general public. The objectives of the study was to assess the problems of prolonged use of mask during covid pandemic among the general public and to find out association between the problems of prolonged use of mask during covid pandemic with selected demographic variable. The researcher developed self-administered open ended questionnaire to assess the problems of prolonged use of mask during covid pandemic among 300 public residing in lawspet area at Puducherry by using purposive sampling technique. The major findings was, regarding the demographic variables out of 300 general public 156(52%) were in age group 18-29 years, half of the public was female 198(66%), half of the public were married162(54%), 138(46%) of the public were completed under graduate(UG) level of education, half of the public were hindus168(56%), half of the public were lived in urban area 156(52%), half of the public were monthly income Rs.5000-10000 150(50%), 126(42%) of the public were company worker, 168(56%) of the public were in nuclear family, 138(46%) of the public got information from social media, 102(34%) of the public were affected in covid 19 respectively. Out of 300 public all of them were using mask 300(100%), half of the public were used surgical mask (three layered mask) 156(52%), 108(36%) of the public were used the same mask at only one time, 234(78%) of the public was not washed the single use disposable mask, 134(44%) of the public were told not wearing the N95 mask is cost effective, 120(40%) of the public were faced problems while wearing face mask was sweating, 198(66%) of the public were told no adverse reactions after using mask, 102(34%) of the public were told 4 hours was tolerable hours of wearing mask, most of the public were told correct way to wear mask was covering mouth and nose 228(76%), 144(48%) were 2 times changed the mask for full day. In association between the problems of prolonged use of mask with selected demographic variables. There is a significant(p<0.005) association between problems of prolonged use of mask during covid pandemic with selected demographic variables as religion. Then the researcher created awareness to all public regarding importance of mask, motivated to do proper hygienic measures life hand washing techniques and taught about criteria for use mask to promote the health from covid pandemic to endemic.

Knowledge and Attitude of Market Traders in Using Masks as Personal Protective Equipment during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Knowledge and attitudes towards health problems are factors related to health behavior. During the pandemic, the use of personal protective equipment is very important to prevent the occurrence of covid-19, for market traders, who must interact directly with buyers. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of traders towards the use of masks during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Leuwi Panjang market area. The method used is quantitative research with a cross sectional approach, data obtained from 75 respondents by random sampling using questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of this study indicate that 30 (40.0%). The results of chi square test obtained a p-value of 0.005 > 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between the knowledge of traders on the use of masks and the attitude of traders towards the use of masks, a p-value of 0.01 > 0.05, which means that there is a relationship. There is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes of traders towards the use of masks. The suggestion from this research is to collaborate with the Covid-19 task force and this research provides new knowledge for traders regarding the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of traders towards the use of masks as a personal protective equipment.

Determining the Relationship between Bangkokian’s Willingness to Receive COVID-19 Vaccination and their Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) towards the Contagion

In the age of COVID-19 where a lethal contagion is ubiquitous across the globe, vaccination is of supreme significance. Vaccines provide immunity to individuals, rendering them less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection or their symptoms less severe should they ultimately become infected. Vaccinating an adequate proportion of the population can majorly contribute to the achievement of herd immunity, consequently depressing the spread of the Coronavirus and ushering humanity towards eventual subjugation of the ongoing pandemic. Unfortunately, there are obstacles preventing such a roseate prospect from realization, one of which is vaccine hesitancy. Interestingly, past research in various regions around the world has associated this factor, partially, with the public’s knowledge and attitude concerning COVID-19, which could be measured by the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) towards COVID-19 scale. Such an association plausibly intimates that a public campaign shedding light on accurate information about the contagion might be of help in augmenting people’s willingness to receive vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Because circumstances inevitably varied from place to place, population to population, this study was undertaken to explore whether any similar association existed in Bangkok, Thailand, where the pandemic has been growing progressively worse, with the initial hypothesis that it did. However, results revealed that while there was indeed a statistically significant correlation between Bangkokians’ willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccines and their KAP towards the contagion, the correlation was weak (r = 0.30). This evinces the need for a more thorough and farther-reaching study and, until such a study has been meaningfully concluded, the appropriacy of apposite agencies concentrating elsewhere in their efforts to vanquish vaccine hesitancy and accomplish herd immunity against COVID-19.

Pregnancy Associated Osteoporosis: Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Exercise among Pregnant Women in a Selected Nigerian Community

Pregnancy induced decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) often occurs at the femoral necks, lumbar spine and other sites during the second or third trimester of pregnancy leading to pain in the hips, pelvis, low back etc and sometimes fractures even with mild trauma/falls. Exercising during pregnancy has been known to offer several benefits including improving bone health. However, there is paucity of studies investigating the knowledge, attitude and practice of pregnant women towards exercising to minimize the risk for osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of exercise for the prevention of pregnancy associated osteoporosis among urban and rural dwelling pregnant women in a selected Nigerian community. A total of 258 (168 urban dwelling and 90 rural dwelling) pregnant women were recruited and subjected to interview using a pre-validated questionnaire on KAP of exercise in the prevention of Pregnancy associated osteoporosis. The urban and rural dwelling women had moderate and poor knowledge of exercising for osteoporosis prevention respectively. Both groups of women had moderately positive attitude towards exercising for osteoporosis prevention. Also both groups of women had poor practice towards exercising for osteoporosis prevention. A significant association was only found between having another source of income in the family and the women’s attitude towards exercise.