
A Proposed Website Development Based on SECI Framework and Quality Function Deployment Methods (Case Study at Telkom Property)

Employee capability is one of the most important things that can influenced the company’s performance. In an effort to increase employee capabilities, qualified knowledge management is needed to ensure that the knowledge possessed by the company can be formed, used and used appropriately. Telkom Property is one of the subsidiaries of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. engaged in Property Management, Property Development, Project Solutions and Transportation Management Services. In order to maintain its business during the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2021 Telkom Property made changes to its vision and mission which had an impact on digitizing the company’s business processes. As a business enabler, the Human Resources Division continues to strive for the development and improvement of employee capabilities. Some of the initiatives that have been carried out are by increasing the frequency of knowledge sharing events and holding the Innovation Award which aims to be a forum for employees to provide innovation for the company. Based on the observation results, when viewed from the 5 steps of the knowledge management process, Telkom Property does not yet have the means to store knowledge. Therefore, in this research, the development of a knowledge management website at Telkom Property is carried out which aims to be a knowledge repository so that knowledge owned by companies and individuals is documented so that it can be accessed by all employees and helps the knowledge sharing process to be more effective. The development of this website takes into the SECI concept, where the features developed can support the Socialization, Externalization, Combination and Internalization processes. Proposed website development is made using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method in order to develop the website based on the user requirement. HOQ tools used to support to transform the user needs into technical responses and 14 technical responses should be develop by the company to deliver the user centric website.

Factors Related To Public Behavior towards Patients with Mental Disorders in Buton Utara District

Background: People with mental disorders often get greater stigma and discrimination from the surrounding community than individuals who suffer from other medical illnesses. This treatment is due to ignorance or misunderstanding of family or community members regarding mental disorders. This study aims to determine the determinants of community behavior towards people with mental disorders.

Method: This type of research is an observational analytic using a cross-sectional design which was carried out in North Buton Regency in October 2022 involving 86 respondents who were selected randomly.

Results: The results showed that the behavior of the majority was good as many as 47 respondents (54.7%), followed by poor behavior as many as 39 respondents (45.3%). Community behavior towards people with mental disorders in North Buton Regency is related to income (p-value 0.043), knowledge (p-value 0.000), attitude (p-value 0.014) and is not related to education level (p-value 0.489). Knowledge is the factor most related to people’s behavior towards people with mental disorders in North Buton Regency.

Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is that people’s behavior towards people with mental disorders is related to good knowledge, good attitudes, and income.

Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice Regarding Use of Face Mask Among Health Care Workers as a Measure of Covid-19 Infection Prevention in Federal Medical Centre, Asaba, Delta State Nigeria

Introduction: Effective use of Face mask is very important to protect healthcare workers (HCWs) against respiratory hazards including COVID-19.Several countries are presently using face masks in their infection control plans, besides, incorrect use and disposal may actually increase the rate of transmission. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of healthcare workers (HCWs) regarding the use of face mask as a measure to COVID-19 infection prevention.

Materials and Methods: This survey was conducted by interviewing 345 HCWs using a questionnaire consisting of the demographic characteristics, questions regarding the knowledge, attitude, and practices of use of face mask. Each correct answer was scored 1 and each incorrect answer scored 0. The total number of questions were 25; 10 for Knowledge, 8 for Practice and 7 for Attitude of heath care workers on the use of face mask. The final aggregate score was calculated and then labeled according to the percentage of correct responses as good >50% and poor < 50% for Knowledge, Practice and Attitude of health care workers on use of face mask. Data were gathered, analyzed using SPSS software version 25.

Results: A total of 345 participants with a mean age of 36.0 years (108 males and 237 females) were    included in the study. The Health care workers were good in Knowledge 324 (93.9%), attitude 250 (72.5%), and practice 282(81.7%) regarding use of face mask. However clinical HCW had good knowledge(X2 = 13.84, P value = 0.001, 95% CI= 0.08-0.51) and attitude(X2= 13.80, p value = 0.0001, 95% CI=0.21-0.6) of use of face mask than Non Clinical HCW when compared with their practice(X2=1.10, p value = 0.30, 95 % CI=0.40-1.35)

Conclusions: Knowledge, attitude of HCWs regarding the use of face masks were found to be adequate. but moderate-to-poor level of practice regarding the use of face mask. HCWs and general public to create awareness regarding the proper use of face mask by utilizing all social media. Provision of user friendly mask by government to the hospitals and at affordable rate to the public in order to improve their level of practice in wearing the masks.

Effectiveness of Structural Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Effect of Junk Food on Mucosal Layer of GI Tract

 Junk food refers to fast food which are easy to make and easy to consume. Junk food also called HFSS- High fat, sugar and salt. Various type of junk food that available in market. Junk food is more popular because of experience of great test and easy transportation. It causes a lot of harmful effects on mucosal layer of GI tract and also effect on the body like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and skin cancer. This study identified that 66.66% had a inadequate knowledge, 33.33% had moderate knowledge none of them had Adequate knowledge for pre experimental group. The study results shows that the pre-test mean value is 14 2 and pre-test SD is 3 36. The post-test mean value is 23.53 and post-test SD is 2.44.  The mean difference is 9.33. The calculated‘t’ value is 12.30 is higher than the table value 1.69. The stud6 structural teaching program is very effective for improving students’ knowledge regarding effect of junk food on GI tract.

Prepare and Standardize the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Scale/Tool regarding Covid-19

Since the first case was diagnosed in 2019 and global outbreak started in 2020, the corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has become one of the world’s most critical health problems. Covid-19 was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Corona virus rapidly spread in crowed area. Paschim Medinipur district is over populated place, therefore it may control with the help of adequate knowledge, positive attitude and to avoid risky practice regarding Covid-19. Therefore, the present study mainly focuses on the construction and standardization of a usable scale/ tool that will help the researcher to know about the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding Covid-19 of undergraduate college students. Education system of India was fully affected for last two years due to Covid-19 pandemic. Total education system was converted as a novel teaching and learning approaches- as digital online learning or virtual classroom during this pandemic phase. This study conducted on fifty undergraduate students, who has been participated for item analysis and sixty undergraduate students was considered for reliability test for this study from different colleges of Paschim Medinipur district. Researcher has generated the items of questionnaire/scale based on the review of literature related to Covid-19 and finally addition or alteration by the experts was done. This questionnaire/scale was divided into three sections i.e. knowledge, attitude and practice section/portion. Knowledge and attitude sections are divided into five and four dimensions respectively. Likert type summative three point rating scale was used in this scale. After construction of scales/tool researcher analysed the items based on discrimination index and difficulty value and Pearson’s product-moment coefficient of correlation (r) was used for the reliability of the scale/tool. Initially, the scale was prepared with the help of 32 knowledge items, 23 items related to attitude and 12 items related to practice. Finally, after item analysis, it was found that in the knowledge section 19 items were accepted out of 32 items, in attitude section 19 items were accepted out of 23 items and in practice section 11 items were retained out of 12 items. The test – retest method was applied for reliability test and Pearson’s Product Moment method was used to determine the correlation between two tests of this scale. The coefficient of correlation (r) of the scale was found as 0.89, 0.83 and 0.78 of knowledge, attitude and practice section respectively, which is highly significant. The present study describes how to construct a standardized tool to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding Covid-19 that has a good items and significant reliability.

Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Self Administration of Insulin Injections

Introduction: Diabetes mellitus usually called  diabetes sugar condition that occurs  when the ones body does not produce insulin or body is enable to use normal amount insulin properly.

Objectives: The objectives of the study where on asses the knowledge and practice regarding the diabetes patient.

Design: a descriptive survey approach to assess the knowledge regarding self administration of insulin among the diabetes mellitus patient.

Tool: using 15 items questionnaire was in known portability conversing sampling technique the sample setting is selected area of kansarakui.

Sample Size: the sample size was 40.

Result: The study identify the 17 patient (42.55) having good, 16(40%) have average, and (17.5) poor knowledge administration of insulin among diabetes patient.

Knowledge on Birth Preparedness among Primigravida Women Attending Antenatal Clinics

Introduction: Birth preparedness is that the process of designing for the birth. Aim this study aimed to assess the birth preparedness knowledge, attitude and practice of primigravida women.

Design: A descriptive survey approach adopted to assess the knowledge regarding birth preparedness among primigravida women.

Tool: Using 20 items questionnaire was conducted in non probability convenience sampling technique. The Sample setting is chosen hospital in Visnagar. Sample

Size: The sample size was 40.

Result: the study identified that the 8(20% ) women having good, 27(67.5%) women have average and also the 5(12.5%) women have poor knowledge and birth preparedness among primigravida. Thus study result shows the pre test average is 11.95 and variance is 2.991.

Knowledge and Perception on Menopause

Introduction: Menopause it’s one type of natural physiological process in the women’s life. The quality of life on menopausal status in the women it’s varies significant Studies revealed that women may reduce and avoid the emotional and physiological symptoms of menopause by encourage and educating themselves when approaching this stage of women life cycle.

Design: In this study cross sectional survey was conducted.

Setting: The sample setting is in kansa village.

Sample size: The sample sizes were40.

Tool: In the study 20 questionnaires items was conducted in randomly sample technique.

Result: The study identified that the 15(37.5%) women have good, 19(47.5%) women have average and the 6(15%) women have poor knowledge and perception score. This study resultshows that the pre test means value is 11.7 and standard deviation is 5.13.

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Early Puberty among Girls

Introduction: While The Onset Of Puberty Is A Natural Process, It Indeed Is A Very Unsettling Phase In A Girl’s Life. Sadly, This Is An Alarming Trend In Urban Areas – Some Girls From Rural Areas Are Still Getting Their Periods At 15-16 Years But Girls From Urban Areas Are Getting Their Periods Earlier Than 8! Early Puberty (Also Known As Precocious Puberty) Means Having Signs Of Puberty Such As Development Of Breasts, Pubic And Underarm Hair And Menstrual Bleeding Early Than Usual. Girls Who Begin Their Puberty Early Before Their Peers Are Usually Quite Alarmed. This Puts Them At Risk Of Depression. Parents Have Got A Very Vital Role To Play. If Necessary, Psychological Counselling May Be Sought For The Girl As Well As The Parents. As Parents, It’s Important To Make Sure That The Child Maintains A Healthy Weight Is Another Way To Avert Early Puberty.” In That Results Showed That Majority Of Pre-Adolescent Girls And Boys (75%), (74%) Had Below Average Knowledge Regarding Pubertal Changes Followed By 25 % Girls And 24%Boys Had Average Level Of Knowledge And In Levels Of Attitude, Majority Of Pre- Adolescent Girls And Boys (95.19%), (90%) Had Moderately Favourable Attitude Regarding Pubertal Changes Followed By 3.84% Girls And 10%Boys Had Unfavourable Level Of Attitude.

Design: Experimental One Group Pre-Test, Post-Test Research Design Was Used To Conduct The Study At Visnagar City. Sample Size: The Sample Size Was 60. Technique: In This Study Using The Purposive Sampling Technique. The Data Collection Was Done With Prior Permission From Authorities The Principal, D.D Kanya Vidhyalay Visnagar.

Tool: The Purpose Of The Study Was Explained To The Students And Written 20 Questions Informed Consent Was Obtained The Demographic Data Was Collected By Using Questionnaire. After The Pre-Test, The Investigator Use Flash Card & Seminar To The Students. On The 7 Day The Post-Test Level Of Knowledge On Early Puberty Was Assessed By Using Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. The Data Was Analysed Using Descriptive And Inferential Statistics. Chi-Square Was Used To Associate The Pre-Test And Post-Test Level Of Knowledge Regarding Early Puberty With The Selected Demographic Variables.

Results: The Mean Pre-Test Observation Score Was 11.5% And The Mean Post Test Score Was The 44.38%, And The Standard Deviation Was 2.50% In Pre-Test And 26.42% In Post Test Score, Also The Calculated “T” Value Was 11.38%.

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programmed on Knowledge Regarding Chikangunya among BSC Nursing Students at Nootan College of Nursing, Visnagar

“Small bite, Big, Threat”- by who 2014

Chikangunya is a viral disease that could take over chronic symptoms. It has no specific treatment or vaccine to date to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme of knowledge reading Chikangunya among BSC nursing students at Nootan College of nursing, visnagar. The analysis of data was done by statistics the study identified that 40% had poor level of knowledge, 33.33% had average level of knowledge and 26.67% had adequate knowledge in the Post – Test. The study result presents that Pre- Test Mean value is 13.67 and SD is 6.55. Post- Test Mean value is 16.96 and SD 5.78. The Mean difference is 3.290. The calculated ‘T’ value is 2.069. Which is higher than the table value 1.69. The study conducted  that level of knowledge regarding Chikangunya among BSC nursing  students found to be increased after structured teaching programme and Post – Test among BSC Nursing student at Nootan college of nursing , Visnagar.