
The Effect of Trust, Knowledge Sharing, on Employee Performance through Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable in Shipping Companies in Surabaya

Organizations strive to achieve success because the business environment is very competitive. Regardless of the size of the company and the company’s market share, every organization strives to manage employees so that they are able to work well. The company will manage its employees so that they run in line with the company’s goals, because one of the things that must be paid attention to in the company is the performance of its employees. Good employee performance can be seen from quality work results, producing quantities according to company standards, being on time, having high attendance, and being able to work together with fellow employees (Mathis and Jackson, in Damayanti et al., 2018). According to Mahmudi (2015:21), employee performance can be influenced by various factors, one of which is personal factors such as commitment. Based on Zehir et al. (2012), organizational commitment is a driver of organizational success, having the desire to fight for the organization, and belief in the goals and values ​​of the organization. Organizational commitment is a variable that is influenced by several factors. One factor that can influence organizational commitment is trust (Redha et al., 2022). Aziz and Abadiyah (2022) confirmed that there is a real influence of organizational commitment on employee performance, whereas Kertabudi and Aripin (2014) proved that there is no influence of organizational commitment on employee performance. Mukri et al. (2017), Hardiani and Prasetya (2018) prove the influence of trust on employee performance, however, research by Prasetyo et al. (2018) proves the opposite, namely that trust has no effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, trust has been proven to have no effect on employee performance with organizational commitment as an intervening variable by Aziz and Abadiyah (2022). Referring to the background described previously, it can be seen that there are still inconsistent research results regarding the influence of Trust, Knowledge Sharing, on Employee Performance through Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable.

Proposed Knowledge Management Design to Improve Business Processes at O Mart Retail Company

Retail trade plays an important role both in a global context and in Indonesia itself because it drives economic growth, creates jobs and shapes consumer behavior. Understanding the importance of industry growth, dynamics of competition and knowledge management are essential for optimizing business performance and achieving sustainable success. Minimarket O Mart is one of the small retail in the form of minimarkets in Indonesia, minimarket O Mart has problems in its business, namely inefficient business because O Mart is still in its standard operating procedures, because there is still no good SOP documentation, besides that the knowledge sharing activities within the company is also limited to chatting and has not been carried out formally within the company. The aims of this study are to propose a knowledge management system that can improve business processes at O Mart and to develop an implementation plan for the suggested knowledge management system, outlining the steps and strategies required for its successful integration at O Mart. Theories that support this research are the Definition of Knowledge, Fishbone Analysis, Knowledge Management Framework, People-Process-Technology Framework, SECI Model, KM Roadmap, and Implementation Plan. The research methodology is based on a qualitative research design involving data collection through interviews with employees from various departments of O Mart Retail Company. This research uses a knowledge management framework (People, Process, Technology) and the SECI model which will then produce a Knowledge Management Roadmap and also a Knowledge management implementation plan which is expected to overcome the problem of inefficient business processes at O Mart minimarkets.