
Assessing Knowledge Management Readiness to Improve Data Quality by Prevent Incorrect Data Input on ERP System in Component Rebuild Center PT Kalcoal

To fulfil the demand of availability component for supporting the mining operation at PT Kalcoal. Recondition component daily activity of recondition is entanglement from one process to another until the end of process. For transform digitalization, recondition component activity will using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in every process.

The purpose of this study is to understand the level of knowledge management readiness in the component rebuild center in the Implementation of the ERP work system, to understand the strengths and areas for improvement for Knowledge Management, and to find tools that can be used to implement Knowledge Management in the component rebuild center.

This research using quantitative method, collected through a questionnaire. Furthermore, qualitative data was used to enrich the primary data collected through focus group discussions. By using APO as tools of knowledge management readiness, the results showed that the component rebuild center is still in the expansion phase, where knowledge management efforts are present in the core activity process and the company sees the benefits of knowledge sharing. The component rebuild center can further develop itself by using people as its accelerator. Having committed change groups and leaders will create a culture of knowledge sharing that can be followed by all lines of business in the company. In order for employees to have a single source of knowledge, it is important to create a knowledge management tool that can be done by building a new portal that can be accessed by all employee users. For the source of knowledge to always align the needs and developments of the company, it is necessary to have the ability to grow and store information safely and freely for employees so that information is always updated and well-maintained.

Proposed Knowledge Management System for the Time Efficient in R&D Department of PT Automotive Lumina

The automotive industry has grown post-Covid 19, positively impacting related sectors like car lighting. Due to high demand, PT Automotive Lumina, a lamp manufacturer specializing in OEM car lights, needs better time management. Responding to RFQs for new car models poses significant challenges due to delays caused by dependence on Juoku Technology. To tackle this, the company initiated an independent R&D process, but the need for more effective knowledge management worsens the situation, affecting competitiveness in a rapidly changing market.

This research addresses two key questions: What Knowledge Management system can be proposed for time efficiency in the R&D Department of PT Automotive Lumina? and How to implement the suggested Knowledge Management system for time efficiency in the R&D Department of PT Automotive Lumina? Qualitative research methods were employed to study these questions, including interviews with key stakeholders. Analysis revealed eight sub-causes contributing to the observed problems, including a lack of skilled personnel, ineffective knowledge management, reliance on Juoku’s R&D schedule, rapid technological advancements, inefficient processes, limited decision-making authority, limited testing equipment in the R&D department, and most importantly, the absence of a knowledge management system. Several solutions to these challenges are presented based on the SECI, PPT framework, and Core, Advanced, and Innovative knowledge framework. Direct training, knowledge capture, and collaboration tools are among the planned knowledge management programs at PT Automotive Lumina. Preparation procedures were conducted in November and December 2023, with the proposed solution implementation set to begin in February 2024. Following deployment, knowledge management activities will be evaluated, and necessary modifications will be made for future improvements. PT Automotive Lumina aims to enhance time efficiency and support independent R&D through improved knowledge management procedures.

Maturity Assessment of Knowledge Management at Livestock and Fisheries Service of Sungai Penuh City

In order to make a significant contribution to national and regional GDP, the Livestock and Fisheries Service (LFS) of Sungai Penuh City in Jambi Province aimed to achieve annual production growth exceeding 10 tons from 2021 to 2026. To accomplish this goal, knowledge management had to be put into practice to strengthen the organizational ability to create rules and regulations for the livestock and fishing sectors. The research adopted a mixed method, with a quantitative approach using the APO KM Assessment Tool and a qualitative method employing interviews. Based on KM maturity levels with a total score of 170.26, the LFS was at the “Refinement” level. There were opportunities for improvement in Technology, People, and KM Process in LFS. Additionally, as part of LFS’s KM strategy, a formal KM policy, governance structure, and professional KM function should have been established.

Knowledge Management Evaluation in Agile Organization with WFA Way of Working (Case Study: PT DDLI)

The rapid changes in various aspects such as people, process and technology in agile organizations need proper knowledge management. This research analyzed the KM maturity level in PT DDLI, a technology company behind one of Indonesian digital banks. After examining various assessment models, the assessment question that was proposed by KM3 in PBC is the most appropriate model to assess the KM maturity for PT DDLI. This research uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Quantitative by conducting surveys and qualitative by conducting 5 Why RCA and TOWS analysis for identifying the causes of KM issues in PT DDLI. This research helps PT DDLI to identify current KM maturity level, KM issues and offer the recommendation for future improvement. This research can become a starting point for larger scale research in the future specifically to study the KM behavior in agile organizations.

A Proposed Acceleration Strategy for Knowledge Management Implementation at PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk.

This research seeks to investigate the implementation of Knowledge Management (KM) in PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. Through digitalization, organizations are attempting to operate effectively and efficiently to enhance their performance on a consistent basis. Moreover, this era of digitalization stimulates the rapid cycle of performance enhancement and innovation. For this acceleration to be successful, the management of knowledge must be optimized. This implies that information must be effectively stored, created, developed, managed, and utilized. One of the activities that can support business objectives and priorities in an organization with an effective knowledge management strategy is the correct application of knowledge.

Proposed Knowledge Management Design to Improve Business Processes at O Mart Retail Company

Retail trade plays an important role both in a global context and in Indonesia itself because it drives economic growth, creates jobs and shapes consumer behavior. Understanding the importance of industry growth, dynamics of competition and knowledge management are essential for optimizing business performance and achieving sustainable success. Minimarket O Mart is one of the small retail in the form of minimarkets in Indonesia, minimarket O Mart has problems in its business, namely inefficient business because O Mart is still in its standard operating procedures, because there is still no good SOP documentation, besides that the knowledge sharing activities within the company is also limited to chatting and has not been carried out formally within the company. The aims of this study are to propose a knowledge management system that can improve business processes at O Mart and to develop an implementation plan for the suggested knowledge management system, outlining the steps and strategies required for its successful integration at O Mart. Theories that support this research are the Definition of Knowledge, Fishbone Analysis, Knowledge Management Framework, People-Process-Technology Framework, SECI Model, KM Roadmap, and Implementation Plan. The research methodology is based on a qualitative research design involving data collection through interviews with employees from various departments of O Mart Retail Company. This research uses a knowledge management framework (People, Process, Technology) and the SECI model which will then produce a Knowledge Management Roadmap and also a Knowledge management implementation plan which is expected to overcome the problem of inefficient business processes at O Mart minimarkets.

Process Business And External Environment In Mattering Service Quality: The Moderator of Knowledge Management

This quantitative study investigates the connections between knowledge management, business processes, and service quality. The study examines how corporate procedures directly affect service quality and how the outside environment affects it. It also looks into how knowledge management affects business processes and customer service quality. A sample of the medical industry in Tangerang City, Indonesia, received surveys, and 12 complete replies were examined. The results show that while the external environment significantly affects service quality, business practices do not directly influence it. The relationship between business processes and service quality is moderated by knowledge management, underscoring the significance of efficiently utilising organisational knowledge resources. These results point to the necessity of a comprehensive service quality improvement strategy that considers outside variables and employs efficient knowledge management techniques. Future research should overcome drawbacks like sample biases and explore these correlations using a variety of approaches and larger samples.

The Effect of Talent Management and Knowledge Management on Employee Performance with Employee Engagement as Mediation Variable in BPJS Yogyakarta Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of talent management and knowledge management mediated by employee engagement on employee performance at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan KACAB Yogyakarta. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach, the population in this study were BPJS Ketenagakerjaan KACAB Yogyakarta employees, totaling 42 permanent employees. Researchers determine the number of research samples using non-probability sampling technique. The non-probability sampling technique that the researchers used in this study was saturated or census sampling. The sample used was all employees of the Yogyakarta KACAB Employment BPJS, namely 42 employees. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The analytical method used in this study is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) 4.0. The results of this study indicate that talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with employee engagement as the mediating variable, knowledge management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with employee engagement as a mediating variable.

Proposing Business Growth of PT. DECRA Group Indonesia through Knowledge Management

The informatics industry market has shown promising growth in the post-COVID era, presenting certification companies with lucrative business opportunities. The informatics market’s GDP growth rate ranks fourth among other fastest-growing industries in Indonesia, demonstrating a 7.19% increase from 2022 to 2023. PT. DECRA Group Indonesia, a certification company, have intention to penetrate a new market which is IT Industry. Knowledge plays a crucial role in the certification process, especially ISO auditors are required extensive knowledge across various business types. Therefore, this research focuses on exploring the role of knowledge management in supporting the growth of PT. DECRA Group Indonesia. The study aims to investigate how knowledge management approaches can enable DECRA Group Indonesia to improve their resources and capitalize on the IT market. The data collection method in this research involves gathering qualitative data through interviews with the business owner and HR manager as the primary sources. These interviews aim to gain an in-depth understanding of their perspectives on the company’s business growth. Additionally, secondary data sources such as the company’s website, competence review forms, and lists of employee competencies will be utilized to supplement the research. The analysis employs Goal-Analysis approach using Fishbone Diagram model to identify what key areas in achieving company’s goals. Building upon the analysis, KM Framework Table is constructed based on the People, Process, and Technology for each improvement that need to be made. Then SECI Model, derived from the KM Framework Table, guides the implementation of knowledge management practices, facilitating the conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge to foster innovation and organizational learning. Furthermore, to ensure successful implementation in SECI model, an Integrated Learning Cycle model is developed, which takes into consideration the communication channels and learning processes that are crucial for the effective knowledge transfer and acquisition. To facilitate the practical implementation of knowledge management strategies, a KM Roadmap is developed by providing a simple-structured approach for DECRA in aligning its people, processes, and technology considerations to support knowledge management initiatives. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the critical role of knowledge management in driving business growth for PT. DECRA Group Indonesia, enabling the company to enhance its internal operations, develop competencies, capitalize IT market successfully, and leverage knowledge as a strategic asset for sustained innovation and competitive advantage.

Knowledge Mapping to Improve Organization Capability in Internal Audit of Indonesia Stock Exchange

In the recent years, the Indonesian Capital Market saw a significant increase in terms of number of investors, daily transaction turnover, transaction frequency, and number of listed companies. This tremendous growth directly affects Indonesia Stock Exchange’s (IDX) to reconsider their knowledge management process to generate optimum results from carry out their responsibilities. As the sole capital market trading infrastructure provider in Indonesia, some of the stock exchange function can only be operated by using knowledge of IDX employee which acquired by years of working experience in IDX.

The objectives in this study were to determine identify the essential knowledge and to define the essential knowledge that needs to be improved in IDX’s internal audit, and then propose an implementation plan to improve knowledge in IDX’s internal audit. The research method used is qualitative methodology through document analysis and key persons interviews interview which was conducted in April 2023. This study uses a variety of knowledge management approaches to address knowledge mapping, knowledge gaps, and knowledge loss. According to the study’s results, the author identifies knowledge gap and offers several recommendations regarding Knowledge Development Program to close the knowledge gap and Knowledge Retention Program to build on the knowledge that Internal Audit already possesses.