
The Evaluation of The Impact of Improving GCG Quality on PT Holding X’s Performance

Based on the Decree of the Minister of SOE No Kep-117/M-MBU/2002 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Practices in State-Owned Enterprises it is stated that SOEs are required to implement GCG consistently and sustainably. PT Holding X as a subsidiary of the leading SOE in the field of information, technology, and telecommunications in Indonesia are aware of the importance of implementing GCG. They believes that by implementing GCG, the overall performance of the company will grow positively. Thus, the company decided to improve its GCG quality in period 2021, yet the company has not conduct a full assessment on the impact of improving GCG quality on company performance. The goal of this research is to analyse the impact of increasing good corporate governance practices on performance at PT Holding X. This study will look at good corporate governance practices based on Ministerial Regulation Number Per-01/MBU/ 2011 concerning the Implementation of GCG in SOEs which links the results of the GCG assessment and the company’s achievements to the KPIs previously determined by the company. This study will use performance measurements based on the 4 perspectives of the balanced scorecard. There was an increase in the quality of GCG at PT Holding X by 26.32% and an increase in the performance of PT Holding X by 14.72%. This score indicates that there is a positive impact from improving the quality of GCG on improving company performance, this results is in line with the expectation of the company based on previous research results.