
Analysis of Interactive Educational Puzzle Media to Improve Elementary School Students’ English Language Skills

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of interactive edugame puzzle media in improving English language skills of primary school students. The method used is a literature study that reviews various literature and previous research results related to using interactive learning media, especially edugame puzzles, in learning English at the primary school level. The results of the analysis show that interactive edugame puzzle media has significant potential to improve students’ English language skills, especially in the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. Factors contributing to this media’s effectiveness include interactive elements, immediate feedback, and fun aspects that increase students’ learning motivation. However, effective implementation requires careful design and support from teachers. This study concludes that interactive edugame puzzle media can be a valuable tool in English language learning in primary schools, with recommendations for further research into optimal design and implementation strategies in different learning contexts.

Development of Literacy-Based Interactive Learning Media in Improving Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students in Islamic Religious Education

Critical thinking is very important in learning because it will improve students’ thinking skills in learning practices. So far, critical thinking has not become a culture among students, so there are still students who are passive in the learning process and do not dare to argue or ask questions. Critical thinking skills are the ability to organize themselves in producing interpretation, analysis, and evaluation as well as exposure using evidence, concepts, methodologies, and contextual considerations that are used as the basis for making decisions. Indicators of critical skills, namely: solving problems, making decisions, persuading, analyzing assumptions and conducting scientific research. This study aims to develop literacy-based interactive learning media in improving the critical thinking skills of junior high school students in Islamic religious education subjects that are valid, practical, and effective. Learning media that can support the success of learning activities in improving students’ critical thinking skills must be developed by meeting several criteria, namely valid, practical, and effective. The validity score obtained for each aspect is the media aspect with a percentage of 76.33% and for the material aspect with a percentage of 78.66%, therefore the learning media is declared valid. The average score of the overall learning implementation observation results obtained a percentage of 82.73%. There were 26 students who were complete or around 81.25%, the average score percentage of student activity was 84%, and as many as 92.83% of students gave a positive response. The findings of this study indicate that the development of literacy-based interactive learning media is effective in improving students’ critical thinking skills in Islamic Religious Education subjects. The implication of this research is the need for literacy integration in Islamic learning to help students’ develop a deeper and more critical understanding of the subject matter.