
The Influence of TikTok Hosts on Customer Trust and Engagement in the Live Streaming Shop for Men’s Grooming Products

This study examines the factors that influence trust and customer engagement during live streaming shop sessions on TikTok, with a particular focus on men’s grooming products. The study tested five variables, which are visual appearance, host approach (promotion and humor), interaction (review the product and consultation), trust in host, and customer engagement, with a survey of 319 respondents and analyzed with PLS-SEM method. The study found that visual appearance, host approach by promotion, and interaction with consultation have a positive relationship with trust in the host, while host approach by humor and interaction with review the products are rejected. Trust in the host has a positive relationship with customer engagement. The results provide insights for the hosts of men’s grooming products on TikTok live streaming shops, highlighting the importance of visual appearance, promotion, and consultation in building trust with viewers. Humor should be used with caution, as they can negatively impact trust, and reviewing products is just a mandatory for host and could not build trust based on it. Lastly, the interaction through consultation is particularly effective in building trust. Thus, this trust factor is increasing, the customer engagement will build in the TikTok live streaming session.

Harmonization in Multicultural Community Life

This study aims to define the interaction and tolerance of Hindus and Muslims in the life of a multicultural society. A socio-cultural approach related to local wisdom is used in this study. The application of qualitative methods with observation and in-depth interviews was used as a means of collecting data and information. Theories about multiculturalism were used to analyze the data. Azra (2007) states that multiculturalism is an understanding of life that puts forward togetherness on the principle of difference, whether religious, political, or ethnic differences. This study found that community life in Serangan Village, South Denpasar District, which consists of six banjars (village community organization) namely Banjar Ponjok, Banjar Tengah, Banjar Kaja, Banjar Peken, Banjar Kawan, and Banjar Dukuh, and an environment called Kampung Bugis Environment goes hand in hand in harmonious situation and condition. This research is expected to strengthen the understanding of multiculturalism for Indonesians who comes from hundreds of ethnicities with multi-variety languages, cultures, customs, traditions, and beliefs. The results of the research are also expected to have contributed to increasing the sense and value of nationalism towards the nation and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.