
Review on the Risk Assessment to Determine Guarantee Fee Standardization (Case Study: PT XYZ, Jakarta)

This article thoroughly examines the process of creating a guarantee fee structure based on risk assessment, specifically focusing on PT XYZ as a case study. This addresses the necessity for a systematic methodology to ascertain guarantee fees that precisely reflect the related risks while guaranteeing fairness and openness. The report emphasizes the significance of infrastructure development in driving Indonesia’s economic growth and the contribution of state-owned firms such as PT PII. The existing techniques for determining guarantee fees are uneven and need a systematic approach, resulting in protracted negotiations and possible biases. This study seeks to close this divide by presenting a standardized approach derived from thoroughly examining existing literature and evaluating risk factors. These risk factors encompass credit rating, financial stability, loan duration, guarantee scope, project intricacy, past performance, and contingency planning. The methodology’s success is demonstrated through its application to PT XYZ Project A, validating its practicality. The results highlight the framework’s capacity to offer transparent and fair calculations of guarantee fees that precisely represent the risk profiles of projects.

NEP 2020: The Status of the Role of Infrastructure in Enhancing Physical Education Programs

Physical Education programs play a crucial role in promoting healthy lifestyles and holistic development among individuals, particularly in educational settings. This review paper aims to comprehensively examine the role of infrastructure in enhancing Physical education programs. Infrastructure encompasses various components such as facilities, equipment, and outdoor spaces. Understanding how these elements contribute to the effectiveness of Physical education programs is essential for optimizing student engagement, learning outcomes, and overall well-being. Physical Education, which includes social skills development, physical fitness, cognitive growth, and the acquisition of critical movement abilities, is a vital component in the promotion of lifetime health and general well-being. Physical education programs’ ability to succeed is largely dependent on the framework that encourages and supports learning. Physical Education program quality and results are significantly influenced by the infrastructure, which includes buildings, tools, and outdoor areas. A comprehensive range of services, materials, and facilities that are necessary to promote an atmosphere that encourages sports participation and active living are included in Physical Education’s infrastructure. Everything from well-equipped gymnasiums to accessible playgrounds support inclusiveness, accessibility, and engagement among a wide range of populations in addition to facilitating a variety of sporting activities. Infrastructure may contribute significantly to the advancement of physical activity, sports participation, and overall well-being by implementing a comprehensive approach that solves financing gaps, prioritizes sustainability, facilitates equal access, and cultivates community relationships. This study intends to investigate these possibilities to optimize infrastructure’s influence on physical education programs.

Infrastructure Management for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools: A Literature Review

The importance of infrastructure management for children with special needs in inclusive schools is interesting to study more deeply in order to achieve educational goals. There are several articles on infrastructure management in inclusive schools that can be found. The review was conducted to find out how infrastructure management is conducted in inclusive schools. Based on the results of the literature review, it was found that there is a significant relationship between infrastructure management in inclusive schools in order to achieve learning objectives. The management of infrastructure facilities has six important points in its implementation, namely planning needs, procurement of infrastructure facilities, inventory, maintenance, use, and elimination. This is carried out in order to achieve educational goals in inclusive schools.

Examining Factors Affecting Curriculum Implementation in Achieving High Academic Performance in Malawi – A Case Study of Kadzakalowa Community Day Secondary School (Ntcheu)

This study examines the factors affecting curriculum implementation in achieving high academic performance in Malawi, with a specific focus on Kadzakalowa Community Day Secondary School in Ntcheu. The study employs a qualitative research design, using interviews and observations to collect data from teachers, students, and school administrators. The study aims to identify the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing the curriculum, explore the strategies that teachers and school administrators employ to ensure successful curriculum implementation, and determine the impact of curriculum implementation on student academic performance. The findings provided an insights into the factors that contribute to successful curriculum implementation in Malawi and offer recommendations for improving curriculum implementation in the country. the study review also that thus factors, Lack of resources, Lack of qualified teachers, Poor students motivations, Lack of school fees, Poor curriculum implementation, Poor motivation of teachers, Poor administrative leadership and Long distance were factors affecting curriculum implementation in achieving high academic performance in Malawi at Kadzakalowa Community Day Secondary School in Ntcheu.

Capital Structure Determinants of Public Infrastructure Companies in Indonesia

The infrastructure utilization concept is a service that is created by certain or several infrastructures over a certain period. The service output should increase a region or nation’s productivity over time, stimulating economic growth. Under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, developing the infrastructure is one of the government’s priorities to support Indonesia’s economic development. The government invested in infrastructure USD 429.7 billion in 2020-2024, which is up 20% compared to 2015-2019. The financial characteristic of the infrastructure sector is the steady cash flow due to the revenue model, which makes it easy to predict so it can utilize to gain high-level leverage. High-level leverage also possesses a huge risk, it requires the company or project’s ability to generate revenue to pay the financing interest. Due to the risks that are possessed by the infrastructure industry, the capital structure needs to be managed carefully. This study is to analyze the capital structure’s determinants, which have a significant impact.

The population is all companies in the infrastructure sector listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The data that will be used is obtained from audited company reports. An unbalanced panel data regression with GLS estimators is used to examine the secondary data. The static capital structure model will be the model that is used in this study. The static capital structures are based on the trade-off theory. Determinants of capital structure based on the static model are profitability, tangibility, growth, and liquidity. Profitability, tangibility, and liquidity positively affect the leverage ratio, while growth has a negative significant effect. Profitability has the highest impact among the determinants that have a positive impact. Which means that leverage is highly affected by it.