
Islamic Moderate Values in Teaching Classic Islamic Books at Modern Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia

This study discusses Islamic moderation in learning classic Islamic books at modern Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. This study aimed to examine the application of Islamic moderation in learning classics and the supporting factors for the successful application of religious moderation in learning classics at the Islamic Boarding School of Modern al-IstiqamahNgatabaru Indonesia. This study used qualitative methods, and data collection techniques were carried out through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and written document analysis. The results of this study indicate that there are three indicators in the application of Islamic moderation in learning the ‘yellow book,’ namely the application of moderation in the learning process, the application of moderation in the form of understanding, and the application of moderation in the form of practice in worship. The supporting factors for Islamic moderation in learning the ‘yellow book’ are, Islamic boarding schools are not tied to one school of thought, ustad provides the broadest possible understanding to students, ustad does not indoctrinate students to follow one school of thought, ustad is not allowed to justify one school and blames on the other hand, students are free to choose the schools they believe in strongly. While the inhibiting factors are the limited practice of santri worship, senior santri are not allowed to influence junior santri, and learning the ‘yellow book’ is still limited. The implications of Islamic moderation in understanding the ‘yellow book’ at the Modern al-IstiqamahNgatabaru Islamic Boarding School are elastic and flexible, tolerant, not categorized, and not confused in making choices. Many alums are in different Islamic mass organizations, and alums join student organizations that are diverse, and active in religious activities in the community.

Implementation of Islamic Education Values in Notary Families in Palu City Indonesia

This study discusses the Implementation of the values of Islamic Education in the Palu City Notary family. This study used is a qualitative method with data gathering using field observational, in-depth interviews, and written material analysis. The data was then analyzed using inductive, dedicated and comparative analysis. The results of the study revealed that the Muslim Notary families in Palu City understands and implements of Islamic education values. Muslim notary families apply and practice the values of Islamic education include the values of Aqidah and Morals. Islamic values are implemented in their professional life and in their families. The result of Islamic education and values implementation are reflected in feeling of fear to Allah which means to have feelings in the heart of Allah.  The person who fears Allah the most is the person who knows and realizes himself the most.  Continuous training is needed to increase listening to religious advice originating from the Al-Qur’an and Hadith. Hoping to Allah that all the good deeds that we are about to do will receive the pleasure of Allah and be accepted as a pious child and Allah will forgive sins.  By hoping in Allah, humans are required to try to increase their faith and increase good deeds both to Allah and fellow human beings. 6). Praying too much for forgiveness so that the sins that have already been done will receive forgiveness from Allah SWT.

ESG Integration into Company Valuation: Case Study of PT Surya Energi Indotama

The commitment of Indonesia to the Paris Agreement has prompted the government to issue regulations supporting the development of renewable energy in the country. Utilizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria allows investors to align their values with their investments and effectively evaluate a company’s risk management capabilities. Companies that prioritize ESG principles, particularly those involved in renewable energy production, can seize opportunities arising from this situation. PT Surya Energi Indotama (SEI), a company that has not engaged in equity funding before, aims to capitalize on these opportunities. To assess the value of PT SEI, both absolute valuation and relative valuation methods are employed. Recognizing the potential of ESG factors to enhance company value, the author implements the Value Driven Adjustment approach and incorporates the SASB industry ESG standard. The valuation analysis reveals a potential valuation increase of up to 30%.

Proposed Innovation Strategy for Streetwear MSMEs using TOWS: Asbhoel

MSMEs in Indonesia, especially in the fashion sector, have experienced significant growth. One of the fashion lines that continues to grow and is popular among Indonesians is streetwear. As a fashion center, Bandung has one of the leading streetwear founded in 2013, namely Asbhoel. A company ideally has stable sales because it shows that the company has the right strategy to maintain sales levels. At Asbhoel, there is a problem of decreasing turnover from 2019 to 2022 due to changes in consumer behavior after the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research was conducted to provide proposed strategy innovation on the problem limitations of the suitable business strategy in dealing with changes in consumer behavior after the Covid-19 Pandemic, which decreased Asbhoel’s turnover. The research method used is qualitative. Data were obtained by exploring literature studies on the development of the fashion industry, streetwear trends in Indonesia, increase in the number and revenue of fashion MSMEs, the contribution of the fashion industry sector to Indonesia’s GDP, business development, and business strategies to increase sales. The data was also obtained from interviews with owners to get sales data for 2019 to 2022 and other analysis-supporting data. The data brought were then analyzed using PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, dan Competitor Analysis as an external analysis method to determine environmental conditions outside the company as well as Resource-Based View and Value Chain Analysis as an internal analysis method to determine environmental conditions within the company, which is then processed using TOWS to formulate strategic innovations for UMKM Asbhoel.

Utilization of Blockchain and the Roles of Banks in Indonesia in Tackling Environmental Challenges: A Qualitative Research

This dissertation investigates the readiness of the blockchain technology to be utilized in the upcoming Indonesia’s Emissions Trading Scheme, also the roles of banks and digital banks in the ETS using PESTEL analysis. The study found that Indonesia still lacks the infrastructure to implement the blockchain technology, while banks in Indonesia has huge roles in the scheme including preparing the infrastructure. With a large and growing population, Indonesia has the potential to develop the human resources necessary for blockchain development. However, finding skilled programmers remains difficult. The relationship between blockchain and the environment is also examined, with experts debating its potential benefits and drawbacks. In addition, the thesis analyzes Indonesia’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including its participation in international agreements and infrastructure improvements. Finally, the thesis considers the role of financial institutions in promoting emissions trading and the challenges they face in doing so. Overall, the thesis highlights the complex and interconnected factors that influence the adoption and development of blockchain technology in Indonesia.

Integrative Negotiation Framework Case Study: “RUMAH DINAS TNI-AD-SBSN 2021 Project in CIRACAS”

WIKA WG KSO is a joint company between PT. WIKA and PT. WEGE, which is engaged in the construction sector, is a temporary limited liability company that was deliberately built to complete the TNI-AD RUMDIS project which is located in 36 areas in Indonesia. One of the project areas is in Ciracas, East Jakarta, which was chosen by the author as the research subject. The location of the research project is in a residential area, so the construction process is carried out in the same place as the community’s activity and mobility area, which in turn raises several issues and criticisms.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the problem solving conducted by PT. WIKA WG KSO, the process taken, until the results obtained from solving problems that have been carried out, as well as to identify alternative methods that can be carried out by PT. WIKA WG KSO to get the best results. The author proposes the interactive negotiation method as a recommendation to achieve a win-win solution that is fair for both parties.

Based on the research that has been done, the authors conclude that there are several methods of integrative negotiation that can be carried out by PT. WIKA WG KSO to achieve a fair and profitable end result for PT. WIKA WG KSO and local residents affected by the TNI-AD RUMDIS development project.

E-Wallet Application Penetration for Financial Inclusion in Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago country with more than 270 million inhabitants spread across urban and rural regions. This makes digital payment penetration a challenge in itself. Private and government e-wallet service providers have sought to increase the use of cashless services to address structural deficiencies in the country’s economy, such as poor financial inclusion and heavy reliance on manual remittances. This study discusses penetration problems that occur in the e-wallet industry and formulates the strategy so that the use of digital payment platforms can be carried out evenly in all regions of Indonesia. This study notes that technology enablement such as smartphone and internet penetration does not correlate with e-wallet penetration. Many underlying factors affect the penetration, such as key driving forces, infrastructure readiness, and people’s perception of the safety and security of mobile transactions. Bank Indonesia and e-wallet providers are responsible to educate people about the advantages along with possible risks of adopting e-wallet as a non-cash payment method.