
Female Sexual Disfunction in Teachers and Nurses of Productive Age in Lampung, Indonesia

Sexual function is an important part of an individual’s physical and emotional well-being that can be influenced by various factors, including the type of work. Vocational high school (SMK) teachers and nurses are faced with different working conditions, with levels of stress, social interactions, and workloads that may impact their sexual lives. This study aims to analyze sexual function based on the type of work of female teachers and nurses in Indonesia. This study used a cross sectional study 82 people consisting of 41 nurses at Ryacudu Hospital and 41 teachers at SMK 01 Kotabumi, SMK YPIB Kotabumi, SMK Muhammadiah Abung Timur, North Lampung, Indonesia. The sample were selected by purposive sampling from July to December 2024. Data were collected through a questionnaire that measured aspects of sexual function such as sexual satisfaction, sexual desire, and sexual disorders experienced. Data analysis using Mann-Whitney test to determine the differences in sexual function in nurses and teachers. The results show that there is no difference in sexual function in female nurses at HM Ryacudu Hospital Kotabumi and female teachers at SMK 01 Kotabumi, SMK YPIB Kotabumi, SMK Muhammadiah Abung Timur (p-value = 0.745). Female teachers and nurses are expected to pay more attention to their sexual function so that it does not affect their performance at work.

Factors Influencing Patient Delay in Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Community Setting: A Cross-Sectional Study

Delays in the treatment of Tuberculosis (TB) result in the failure to achieve the TB program’s goals. The delay in TB treatment can be measured by patient delay and healthcare service delay.This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the occurrence of patient delay in pulmonary tuberculosis. The type of this research is quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The research population consists of all suspected Pulmonary TB patients, totaling 182 patients, with a sample of 158 respondents using the proportional random sampling technique. This research was conducted in the Working Area of Maja Public Health Center, Marga Punduh District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung, Indonesia, in September-October 2024. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted univariately (frequency distribution), bivariately (chi-square), and multivariately (logistic regression). The research results indicate that there are factors associated with the occurrence of patient delay in this study, namely age factor (p-value <0.001), gender (p-value = 0.017), employment status (p-value <0.001), economic status (p-value <0.001), education level (p-value = 0.003), knowledge level (p-value = 0.023), smoking history (p-value = 0.022), distance from residence (p-value = 0.040), and cadre support (p-value <0.001). The dominant factor influencing the occurrence of patient delay in tuberculosis treatment is the employment factor (p-value = 0.019; OR (95% CI) = 21.5 (1.67-279.24). Advice for healthcare workers includes providing education about TB, particularly the cough symptoms suspected to be TB, especially in the smoking community, and efforts to change patients’ perceptions about TB are essential to reduce the level of delay in seeking early healthcare.

Designing Social Media Marketing Strategies Targeting Generation Z for Subsidized Housing in Indonesia (A Case Study of Pt. Graha Putra Asido)

PT. Graha Putra Asido, a housing company in Pematangsiantar, focuses on subsidized housing but lacks a targeted marketing strategy, with only 22.22% of their buyers being Generation Z despite this group dominating Indonesia’s subsidized housing program. To avoid market loss and capitalize on Gen Z’s significant social media usage, this research is done, aiming to propose appropriate marketing strategies tailored to Generation Z preferences and behaviors to enhance PT. Graha Putra Asido’s market reach and engagement, using the P.O.S.T method and a touch on P.O.E.M Strategies. Through a mixed-method approach, including a market survey and key informant interviews, the study explores Gen Z’s social media patterns, preferences, and the company’s current marketing strategies. The research concludes with a comprehensive plan, including a Gantt chart, to achieve three main objectives by implementing targeted social media strategies, such as optimized posting schedules, platform-focused content, engaging visuals, influencer partnerships, and interesting campaigns tailored to Generation Z preferences.

Effectiveness of the Combination of Infrared Radiation (IRR) and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Interventions on the Functional Ability of Low Back Pain Farmers: A Quasi Experimental Study

Low back pain (LBP) is an acute or chronic pain that can be felt in the waist area or in the lumbosacral area. One way to deal with LBP complaints is to use infrared radiation (IRR) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the combination of IRR and TENS on the functional abilities of farmers with LBP. The quasi-experimental study was conducted on 84 respondents (intervention group n=42, control group n =42) who were purposefully recruited from March to April 2024. Variable measurement is done using the back pain functional scale questionnaire (BPFS). Paired T Test and Independent T test are used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that although both groups had an influence on the functional abilities of LBP farmers (p<0,001), in the intervention group it was shown to improve the functional abilities scores of farmers with lBP compared to the control group (15.64 vs 13.29). It is recommended to farmers to carry out IRR and TENS therapeutic measures according to the functional scale of LBP, and it is also advised to healthcare professionals at the public health center to be able to establish cooperation with the parties concerned to organize the treatment program of LBP on farmers using the combination of IRR and TENS.

Nickel Price Projection Using Multivariate Regression Method and Investment Feasibility Analysis of Nickel Mining in Indonesia with Sensitivity Analysis and Monte Carlo

Nickel is one of the metals commonly used in various industries. Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest nickel reserves in the world. Nickel prices will be formed through an equilibrium mechanism between production supply and nickel demand. This study will analyse the relationship between nickel price formation, supply, and demand. Nickel prices will also affect the feasibility of nickel mining investment in Indonesia. The data used in this study consists of market data derived from historical reports of the last 5 – 12 years (2010 – 2022) and mining plan assumptions derived from benchmarks with similar industries. The methods used in this analysis are multivariate regression, discounted cash flow, sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation. The results of the analysis that have been carried out show the relationship between nickel supply and demand with prices, with estimated nickel price projection ranging from $16,750 / Ton – to $18,927 / Ton. The factors that most influence the feasibility of mining investment are nickel price, sales realization, water content, contractor costs, and fuel costs. The risk of nickel mining investment in Indonesia based on Monte Carlo simulations is estimated at around 11.36%. This shows that nickel mining investment in Indonesia is still very attractive.

Understanding Factors That Affect Social Media Advertisement Adoption for Small Medium Enterprises in Indonesia the Case of Facebook Advertisement

Advancement of technology in the field of marketing has been one significant factor in assisting Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to increase their competitiveness. Meta, as a technological company, provide Facebook advertisement as a mean of digital social media advertising. One of the challenges that Meta faced is to attract more Facebook ads adoption especially in the Small Medium Enterprise sector. This research objective is to understand the factors that affect social media advertisement adoption, in this case Facebook advertisement, for small medium enterprises in Indonesia. There are eight variables that are believed to influence customer intention to adopt Facebook advertisement which are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, hedonic motivation, price value, perceived technology security and self-efficacy.

The main data was collected by an online survey and 350 SMEs participated in it. The respondents are SMEs that operate in Indonesia and either have not use Facebook advertisement service or do not use the service anymore. The sample was gathered using non-probability convenience sampling and the data was analysed using structural equation model technique. The research found that Self-efficacy is the highest influencing variable that are statistically significant to influence SMEs intention to adopt Facebook advertisement. Effort expectancy and social influence are found to be statistically significant to influence SMEs intention to adopt Facebook advertisement. Hedonic motivation and price value factor are found to be statistically significant to influence intention to adopt Facebook ads for SMEs that have use the service but choose not to use it anymore. In the contrary, the factor of performance expectancy, facilitating condition and perceived technology security are found to be not statistically significant to influence intention to adopt Facebook ads among Indonesia SMEs.

The research suggests Meta to prioritize an effort to increase SMEs self-efficacy in using Facebook advertisement by giving free training and certification. Other suggestions are to partner with relevant key opinion leaders (KOL)/communities, creating engagement with SMEs through events and giving monetary incentives such as discount coupons. For future research, researcher suggest different/smaller respondent demography and/or different social media advertising platform. Research with respondent that are actively using Facebook advertising service could also give additional insight to the study.

Assessing an Indonesian Credit Union’s Internal Control Using COSO ERM Framework: A Case Study at Credit Union Kridha Rahardja

COSO ERM framework has been widely used for assessing the quality of internal control in many forprofit companies. However, there is still limited application of COSO ERM Framework for non-profit organizations and social enterprises with dual objectives like credit unions. This research evaluates how effective and comprehensive the implementation of internal controls is within a Credit Union in Indonesia, a member-based social enterprise offering financial services to middle-low-income groups. This is a collaborative case study of the researcher and the practitioners of the credit union. Participants shared their perspectives through questionnaire feedback, interviews, and focus group discussions, to examine the control activities within the organization and identify risks that may impact the organization’s goals. The findings suggest a critical demand for forming an operational manual with detailed structures and policies. Furthermore, the sense of loyalty is the key to enhancing members’ participation in various activities within the organization.

Analysis of Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions in Indonesia Using the Extension C-TAM-TPB Model

The success of electric vehicles is influenced by how they are accepted and adopted by society. Identifying driving factors can help stakeholders take appropriate steps to drive Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions. This study examined the driving variables of EV Purchase Intention using the C-TAM-TPB model approach and six extension variables in an emerging market context. This research is quantitative research. Data were collected from a questionnaire distributed to 385 people using a purposive sampling technique. PLS is used in the data analysis technique. Based on the research results, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use significantly and positively affects Attitudes Toward EV. Furthermore, Attitude Toward EVs, Price Value, and Cognitive Status significantly and positively affect EV Purchase Intention. Meanwhile, the Infrastructure Barrier significantly and negatively affect EV Purchase Intention. Meanwhile, Incentive Policy Perception, Functional Value, and Perceived Risk have no significant effect on EV Purchase Intention.

Factors Influencing the Participation of Mothers with Toddlers Aged 2-12 Months in the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Program in Metro, Lampung, Indonesia

Pneumonia (pneumonitis) is an infectious disease that often attacks children under five. One way to prevent and control pneumonia cases is through the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) immunization program targeting toddlers aged two months to 12 months. However, the achievement of Universal Child Immunization (UCI) in Metro Lampung, Indonesia, is below the target. This research aims to determine the factors that influence the participation of mothers of toddlers aged 2-12 months in the PCV immunization program. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 208 patients with mothers of toddlers aged 2-12 months in the PCV immunization program in Metro Lampung, Indonesia, from July to October 2023. Variable measurements were carried out using a questionnaire. The chi-square test and logistic regression were used for data analysis. The research results show that factors that have a significant influence on the participation of mothers of toddlers aged 2-12 months in the PCV program are knowledge (OR= 7.32; 95% CI= 3.38-18.85), family support OR=6, 71; 95% CI=3.09-14.57) and exposure to information media (OR=4.28; 95% CI=1.94-9.42). Mothers with toddlers aged 2-12 months should participate in the PCV program to prevent pneumonia in children.

Factors Related To the Incidence of Pulmonary TB in Rural Communities in South Lampung, Indonesia: A Case-Control Study

Indonesia is ranked second in the world with the highest number of TB cases after India. The trend in the case detection rate of tuberculosis cases for all types per 100,000 population in Lampung Province, Indonesia, during 2016-2020 tends to increase. This research aims to analyze factors related to the incidence of pulmonary TB. This case-control study with a sample of 58 respondents (29 in the case group and 29 in the control group) was conducted in the work area of one of the public health centers in South Lampung Regency, starting September-October 2023, using purposive sampling. The research instrument consists of a questionnaire sheet. Data analysis used Chi-square and logistic regression tests. The results of the study showed that the factors associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB in this study area were age (OR= 3.90; 95% CI = 2.28-6.65), nutritional status (OR= 3.72; 95% CI = 1, 23-11, 16), economic status (OR= 4, 22; 95% CI = 1, 40-12, 65), home hygiene (OR= 6, 89; 95% CI = 2, 17- 21.80), smoking habits (OR: 4.71, 95% CI = 1.48-15.03), and the history of pulmonary TB in the immediate family (OR: 3.57, 95% CI = 1.12-11 .37). The dominant factors associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB in this area are economic status (OR= 34.31; 95% CI= 1.56-753.26) and history of pulmonary TB in the immediate family (OR= 37.67; 95% CI = 1.75-809.26). It is necessary to provide education on risk factors for the incidence of tuberculosis, especially about reducing close contact between TB patients and family members, for example, by wearing masks and not throwing away TB patient waste.