
A Case of FIBROADENOMA Cured with Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine- Evidence Based Homoeopathy

Introduction: Fibro-adenomas are the most common benign tumor of female breast having distinct clinical and Histopathological findings. This case report of fibroadenoma highlights clinical presentation along with proper investigation reports like ultrasound, individualized homoeopathic treatment provided and ongoing follow-up. Palpable mass, nodular swelling, pain, redness and changes in the breast appearance along with fibrous and glandular tissue components are emphasized for proper diagnosis. Homoeopathic literature shows that case of fibro-adenoma had been successfully treated with individualized homoeopathic medicine. Individualized homoeopathic approach to breast fibro-adenoma ensures improved outcomes in mental, emotional as well as physical wellbeing.

Case summary: The case report presented here wasa 23 year old female patient, from Repertory OPD, Homoeopathy Hospital, North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy, Shillong. The patient was treated with individualized homoeopathic medicine (Phosphorous30, 200) for one year, with significant improvement and progressively decreases in size of tumor.