
Application of Floating Maxim on Implicature in Japanese Language

Cooperative principle is a principle in communication to make speakers and listeners to be coordinative for achieve communication’s aims. In cooperative principle, there are maxims accordance cooperative principle. Speakers must give truth speech, be brief, do not more informative than its required, and make it clear. Sometimes people didn’t contribute in communication, and make utterance float the maxims. This floating maxim creates the implicature. Implicature is one of pragmatic’s scope discussed about conveyed meaning in utterances. Meanwhile pragmatic is a scope of speakers meaning which implicature has truth conditional meaning conveyed by speakers. But, only conversational implicature create by floating maxim. Implicature can be find in every language such as Japanese. It supported by ideology called aimai to make ambiguous speech. As the background, this research is to find floating maxim in implicature in Japanese. Floating maxims by Grice used for theory in this research. The method that used was descriptive analysis. Data source in anime and Japanese drama to find implicature in Japanese. The result of this research is maxim of relation were founded dominant. It according to the aims of communication, and other side speaker has different aims with their partner. Floating of relation maxim used for for showing disinterest, admiration, and sarcasm.

Conversational Implicature in the Webtoon Suddenly, I Became a Princess

In conversation events, sometimes the speech contains a specific purpose that is different from what is said. This condition is done by someone to disguise his speech. This research discussed the conversational implicature contained in a webtoon. The aims of this research 1) to describe the conversational implicatures and intentions contained in the webtoon Suddenly, I Became a Princess, and 2) to analyse the conversational implicatures and intentions contained in the webtoon. This research used qualitative descriptive methods. The data collection technique used the listening technique with advanced techniques in the form of note-taking techniques by collecting data in the form of conversational sentences between characters from episodes 21-41 which contain conversational implicatures. The data were analyzed by classifying conversational implicature using three types of conversational implicature (Yule, 2014) which are divided into general conversational implicature, special conversational implicature, and scaled conversational implicature. The results of the analysis, there were 42 utterances which contain conversational implicature, 17 utterances of general conversational implicature, furthermore 20 utterances of special conversational implicature, and 5 utterances of scaled conversational implicature.

The Analysis of Implicature and Cooperation Principles in Animation Web Drama a Day Before us: Pragmatic Study

This research aims 1) to find the types of implicature and examine the realization of the cooperative principle found in animated web drama speech, 2) to examine the realization of the cooperative principle found in animated web drama speech. The success of communication can be seen in the use of language in relation to context (pragmatics) and it is also not uncommon in films, and there are many implied meanings expressed in the form of implicatures to be conveyed. This research used Grice’s theory (1975) of cooperative principles and implicatures. The data used speech and conversational dialogues that contain forms of implicatures and cooperative principles. The research method used qualitative. Based on the results of the analysis, 7 data of conventional implicatures were found and 14 data of conversational implicatures. The form of the principle of cooperation from the observance of the maxims was found in 10 data 4 maxims of quality, 1 maxim of quantity, 2 maxims of relevance, 3 maxims of manner and the manifestation of the principle of cooperation from violation of the maxims was found in 11 data 3 maxims of quantity, 5 maxims of relevance, 3 maxim of way).