
Transforming Lesson Study with PHP Learning Application: It’s Impact on Students’ Digital Literacy

Improving the digital literacy of educators and students is an important element in educational reform to support the achievement of students’ academic achievement. This study aims to identify alternative solutions through the development of Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) application-based learning to improve students’ digital literacy. The study used a quasi-experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design involving 41 students of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Makassar Islamic University who were taking the Microteaching course. The study was conducted in eleven meetings, with digital literacy measurements using test instruments and questionnaires based on indicators compiled Referring to Caballé, Cervera, Esteve Mon (2020) and Wang Ng (2012). The results of the study showed a significant increase in digital literacy, with an average N Gain of 45% on the test results and 56% on the questionnaire. The implementation of PHP-based Lesson Study has also been shown to facilitate the implementation of the planning (plan), implementation (do), and reflection (see) stages, as measured by assessment instruments adapted from the UNY Lesson Study Team (2007) and Ibrohim (2009). With these results, the technology-based application shows its effectiveness in supporting the improvement of students’ digital literacy and can be implemented widely at various levels of education to improve the efficiency and quality of learning.