
Identifying Human Capital Readiness and Digital Culture toward Employee Performance in Facing Industry 4.0: Case of Pt Perusahaan Listrik Negara Province X

 The emergence of Industry 4.0 has brought changes and challenges to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). In order to adapt and thrive in this new era, it is crucial for companies to identify and enhance their human capital readiness and digital culture toward employee performance. The performance of employees generally has the potential to enhance the productivity of a company in achieving its goals. However, in the process of transforming and improving employee performance in the era of Industry 4.0, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) faces important challenges, namely the lack of mature employee readiness and weak digital capabilities. This study aims to identify the impact of human capital readiness and digital culture on employee performance in the context of facing Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 represents a significant transformation in the way businesses operate, driven by advancements in digital technology and automation. The study focuses on understanding how the readiness of employees in terms of skills, knowledge, and attitudes, as well as the organizational culture surrounding digital adoption, influence employee performance in the era of Industry 4.0. The research found will be used to determine which dimensions need to be prioritized in order to enhance the “Amount of Work,” “Punctuality,” and “Quality of Work,” aiming to address the company’s shortcomings in both work processes and systems. Based on the analysis, it is found that Soft Skills, Attitude, Digital First Mindset, Flexibility and Agile, and Data Driven Decision Making are the dimensions with the highest priority. These indicators are crucial factors that require improvement. Based on the research found, the proposed programs as company strategies to improve employee performance include enhancing employee capabilities through seminars and workshops related to digital technology. Additionally, improving the company’s technology is essential to enable employees to operate and apply their work digitally.

The Relationship between Human Capital Readiness in the Era 4.0 and Digital Culture towards Employee Performance: A Case Study of Unit X in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia

The present Industrial Revolution 4.0 will impact many aspects of human functioning. Companies in the sector must develop staff industry 4.0 knowledge and proficiency. Knowledge, abilities, and values found in human capital can be exploited to gain a competitive advantage. Strengthening digital culture is one of the elements that is thought to promote Telkom Group’s digital transformation, which is now taking place as it transitions from a telecom firm to a digital telco. The company’s corporate culture has an impact on how well its personnel perform. Performance among employees can be raised through a flexible and supportive business culture. SPSS 26 was used to process the quantitative research approach used in this study. The outcomes have a favorable and considerable impact on staff productivity and human capital preparation in the 4.0 era.

Human Capital Readiness in Facing Industry 4.0 – Study Case Shared Services Finance in Energy Company, PT Perminyakan

PT Perminyakan established a new organization named Shared Service Center (SSC) in 2018 as one of the embodiment of digital transformation of the company. SSC consist of four functions called multitower, they are Finance, IT, Human Capital and Asset Management. Shared Service Finance (SSF) provide services to stakeholders (customers, suppliers, and other function inside PT Perminyakan) in finance operation activities. In the daily job, SSF face many challenges, high volume and repetitive jobs are occurs every day. SSF helped by the management team that provide technologies industry 4.0 based to help and assist them in doing their daily activities. But the utilization of the tools is still low. Based on these problems, in this final project a research was conducted using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods using questionnaire and equipped with semi-structured interviews to obtain data and information that will be included in the concept of Human Capital Readiness. Human Capital Readiness seen from four aspects: Knowledge, Hard Skill, Soft Skill, and Attitude. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to determine and give deeper information about the questionnaire result and gain insight about how company respond to the condition. SSF also has SIERA, it is an industry 4.0 based tool that develop by SSF itself. It uses Artificial Intelligence based technology. Writer also use the quantitative and qualitative method to find out the Human Capital Readiness of SSF in implementing SIERA. Furthermore, from Human Capital Readiness assessment that provide Human Development Index (HDI), a gap was used to determine some aspects that defined as ready, optimal, not ready. From the questionnaire and interviews that validate the questionnaire result, writer also give some recommendation of implementation plan to the company. The findings in this study are divided into two scopes. The first is about readiness to face the industrial 4.0, and the second is about the readiness in implementing SIERA. First scope give result that Knowledge and Soft Skill are not ready, but Hard Skill and Attitude are optimal. By this result, writer give recommendation to increase digital literation, upskilling and re-skilling, and culture development (digital leadership and digital mindset). Second scope give result that Hard Skill and Attitude are not ready, meanwhile Knowledge is optimal and Soft Skill is ready. Writer give three recommendations: upskilling, solve application issues and update, and aggressive branding for SIERA.