
Burning Characteristic of Biocharcoal Briquettes Blend of Goat Manure Charcoal, Saboak Shell and Corn Cob

This study aims to determine the effect of a mixture of goat manure charcoal, saboak shell and corn cob on the combustion properties of biocharcoal briquettes. The method used in this study was a completely randomised design consisting of 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment consisted of P1: 25% goat manure charcoal + 75% saboak shell without corn cob, P2: 25% goat manure charcoal + 50% saboak shell + 25% corn cob, P3: 25% goat manure charcoal + 25% saboak shell + 50% corn cob, P4: 25% goat manure charcoal + 75% corn cob without saboak shell. The results of variance analysis showed that the treatments had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the combustion temperature, combustion resistance and the ability to boil water, but a very significant effect (P<0.01) on the combustion rate, and no significant effect (P>0.05) on the colour and smoke. The mean values obtained are: combustion temperature 333.3°C; combustion rate 2.308 g/min; combustion resistance 195 min; colour 3.5 smoke 3.96 and ability to boil water 12.94 min. It is concluded that increasing corn cob charcoal with different proportions results in increased briquette temperature, combustion rate and combustion resistance tend to decrease, colour and smoke burning tend to be the same and the ability to boil water quickly.

Physico-chemical Properties of Biocharcoal Briquettes Blend of Goat Manure Charcoal, Saboak Shell and Lamtoro Twigs

The study aimed to determine the effect of blend of goat manure charcoal, saboak shell and lamtoro twigs on the physical and chemical properties of biocharcoal briquettes. The completely randomised design with 4 treatments and 4 replications was applied in this study. Those treatments were, P1 = 25% goat manure charcoal + 75% saboak shell without lamtoro twigs, P2 = 25% goat manure charcoal + 50% saboak shell + 25% lamtoro twigs, P3 = 25% goat manure charcoal + 25% saboak shell + 50% lamtoro twigs and P4 = 25% goat manure charcoal without saboak shell + 75% lamtoro twigs. The variables studied were: yield, density, moisture content, ash content, calorific value, volatile matter and fixed carbon. Data were analysed according to the analysis of variance procedure. The mean values obtained were: 55.20% yield; 0.56 g/cm3 density; 3.41% moisture content; 14.80% ash content; 5195.05 cal/g calorific value; 25.54% volatile matter; 56.25% fixed carbon. Statistical analysis showed the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on yield, density, moisture content, ash content and fixed carbon, but not significant (P>0.05) on calorific value and volatile matter. It can be concluded that blend of goat manure charcoal, saboak shell and lamtoro twigs with an increasing proportion of lamtoro twig as substitute on saboak shell produces biocharcoal briquettes with good moisture, density and calorific value that has fulfilled the requirements standardised in SNI 01-6235-2000, while other physicochemical properties such as fixed carbon, volatile matter ash content   not meet these standards.

Physico-chemical Characteristics of Biochar Briquettes Blend of Goat Manure Charcoal, Saboak Shells and Rice Husk

The study aimed to determine the effect of goat manure charcoal mixture, saboak shell and rice husk on the physico-chemical characteristics of biocharcoal briquettes. The completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replicates was applied. Those treatments were P1 = 25% goat manure + 75% saboak shell without rice husk, P2 = 25% goat manure + 50% saboak shell + 25% rice husk, P3 = 25% goat manure + 25% saboak shell + 50% rice husk, P4 = 25% goat manure + 75% rice husk without saboak shell. Variables measured: yield, density, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and calorific value. The average data obtained were: yield 58.94%; density 0.65 g/cm3; moisture 2.42%; ash 27.41%; volatile matter 26.58%; fixed carbon 43.59%. and calorific value 4086.7 cal/ g; Statistical analysis showed that treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on ash content and fixed carbon; significant effect (P<0.05) on moisture content and calorific value; and not significant (P>0.05) on yield, density and volatile matter. It was concluded that increasing the proportion of rice husk charcoal in the mixture with goat manure and saboak shell produced biochar briquettes with characteristics decreased of moisture content, fixed carbon and calorific value, increased of ash content while yield, density and volatile matter tended to be the same.