
Cervical Abrasion and Gingival Recession in Dental Polyclinic Patients

Background: The most common dental health problem in Indonesia is dental caries. The prevalence of caries by 92.2% and ages 35-44 years experienced dental health problems, with the DMF-T index of 6.9 meaning the average number of tooth decay was 6 to 7 teeth per person. One effort that can be carried out to prevent caries is to pay attention to the cleanliness of the oral cavity area especially teeth, plaque cleaning every day is by brushing teeth. Inappropriate brushing techniques can lead to the removal of tooth roots by transferring gingival margin bonds to the apical position of the cementoenamel junction which can result in tooth abrasion and gingival recession. The purpose of this study was to determine the cervical abrasion and gingival recession in dental polyclinic patients at the Pertamedika Clinic Office Center.

Method: This study used a descriptive method. The sample of this study was using purposive sampling as many as 54 respondents. The data used are secondary data taken from the patient’s medical record.

Results: The results of cervical abrasion studies showed that 25 people (46.3%) did not have cervical abrasion and 29 people (53.7%) had cervical abrasion. Respondents did not have gingival recession of 26 people (48.1%) and those who had gingival recession were 28 people (51.9%).

Conclusions: Most of the Pertamedika Center Office clinic patients have cases of cervical abrasion and gingival recession.