
The Effect of Fear of Missing Out on Buying and Post-Purchasing Behaviour toward Indonesia’s Generation Z Online Shoppers (Case study: E-Commerce Indonesia)

Some things related to a person’s behaviour and preferences will be linked to his behaviour as a consumer. Technological improvements in this era, such as the internet and social media spread, have become an addiction and formed an understanding that social life is needed. However, unfortunately, what is produced on social media does not all have good results. One of them is the phenomenon of FoMO or Fear of Missing Out. This study aims to get a picture of Consumer Buying and Post-Purchase Behaviour, which in this case is Generation Z shoppers on E-Commerce, as the impact of the FoMO phenomenon. This study uses 14 variables in it, namely social self-efficacy, consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence, social media addiction, social media self-control failure, novelty seeking, self-esteem, FoMO, the theory of planned behaviour, purchase intention, buying behaviour, and post-purchasing behaviour.  The methodology is quantitative research, with the analysis method used being PLS-SEM with SmartPLS 4.0. Data analysis shows that all indicators and variables are valid and reliable. The prediction accuracy of the existing models is also good. Based on the survey data, most respondents feel that FoMO has affected their lives, with a score of 5-6 on a Likert scale of 6, indicating a high effect. Also, based on the analyzed data from questionnaire responses, four paths have the most substantial influence, buying behaviour towards post-purchasing behaviour, fear of missing out on subjective norms, purchase intention on buying behavior, and consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence on FoMO.

Analysis on the Impact of Company Employer Branding with the Desire of Generation Z in Choosing Their Workplace: A Case Study of PT BRI

Generation Z’s entry into the workforce has shifted perspectives on work. They have clear job expectations and are more demanding, seeking fulfillment, purpose, and a better quality of life. Employers who prioritize these needs will attract and retain Generation Z, shaping the future of work. They are technologically adept, socially aware, and engaged in global issues. Despite uncertain times due to the pandemic, rapid technological growth, and potential economic recessions, Gen Z enters the workforce with clear job expectations. The primary research objective is to develop employer branding strategies that align with the values and expectations of Gen Z. The methodology used in this research is Interactive Model Analysis to know what the important factor for Gen Z is according to Employer Attractiveness Scale (EmpAt). Primary data are acquired by doing an in-depth interview with several employee of PT BRI and also from external that is Gen Z who are currently working in a startup. This research revealed that from 5 dimensions of EmpAt, the most important one to explore is Safety Values because it is one of the benefits of working in BUMN company.

The Effect of Work Stress and Work Values on Turnover Intention of Generation Z Employees in Call Center Company (Case Study of PT ABC in Java, Indonesia)

A various of previous research have found that different generation has a positive and negative traits. Generation Z is a generation that born between 1995 and 2012. Generation Z have distinct qualities including the need for convenience, are watchful and worried about their emotional, physical, and financial safety, and also have a realistic view of the importance of their profession. There has been found a high turnover rate of the Generation Z. Employees in a call center interact with customers over the phone or through other technological devices. Because of the constant interaction with angry customers seeking information, support, and help, working at a call center can be difficult. This exposes the customer service representative to a range of stressful circumstances and negative feelings. The employees experience work related stress and are emotionally exhausted, and tend to express themselves by increasing their intention to leave the company. The main issues in many call centers include a high employee turnover rate, which is believed to be as high as 40% annually also it is believed that many contact centers face is a high employee turnover rate that is higher than any other industries.

PT ABC is a focused company specializes in outsourcing business process management with a call center business which is part of BPO or Business Process Outsourcing. The business emphasis is one of the PT ABC has held for a very long time. Based on the interview with HR Support of the PT ABC in Bandung, the TAM division is the division that consider with the most and the highest employee turnover rate compared to other divisions and the majority are the young employees, every month turnover is found in the division, one of the reason stated by the HR Officer is that the factor of the turnover probably due to the workload. This research was made using a quantitative method and random sampling that have been conducted in April 2023 in PT ABC in Java, Indonesia. Based on the previous research this research assumes that work stress and work values affecting turnover intention of the Generation Z, this research conducted to prove that the assumption above is right. Data collected in this research was using interview and the measurement scales used are work stress and turnover intention scale adapted by Agustina (2022) and work values scale by Sulistiobudi & Hutabarat (2022), which have been tested using validity and reliability. This research is analyzed using multiple linear regression using SPSS 25 to determine the effect of the variables. Based on the results of the data processing, there is social dimension of work value, leadership attitude and organizational structure of work stress dimensions that impacted to Generation Z employees in PT ABC. This research contributes to understand the Generation Z characteristic in the work environment. It also contributes and helps how company handle the employees especially the Generation Z. Author recommends that next researcher that using other variables in the company to broaden and deepen the researchs of Generation z in the call center.

The Influence of Critical Success Factors of Innovative Insurance Product Development Concept Test towards Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study of Millennials and Generation Z as Target Market in Indonesia

The insurance industry faces numerous challenges, including intensifying competition, shifting customer expectations, and disruptive technological advancements. To navigate these challenges successfully, insurance companies must embrace innovation in product development. This approach enables them to meet the evolving needs of customers, adapt to market changes, and deliver greater value to their clientele. In Indonesia specifically, insurance companies face the considerable challenge of low insurance penetration, which has remained stagnant over the past five years from 2017 to 2021 (AAJI, 2022). Furthermore, insurance literacy and inclusion levels are alarmingly low, standing at only 19.40% and 13.15%, respectively, significantly below the Indonesian averages of 38.03% and 76.19% (OJK, 2019). Considering these challenges, PT Delta Echo Lima Insurance (placebo name and hereinafter named “DELI”) aims to address these issues by developing innovative, customer-centric insurance products and aspires to launch a ground-breaking insurance concept in Indonesia targeting Millennials and Generation Z. This research focuses on analyzing the characteristics of the target market and examining the correlation between critical success factors as key dimensions of the concept test for innovative insurance products and their influence on perceived innovation, perceived value, perceived price, and purchase intention. Additionally, an overall relationship model is established to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interconnections between these variables. To gather data, a quantitative approach was employed, utilizing questionnaires as the primary research instrument. The aim was to collect responses from two distinct groups of participants: Millennials and Generation Z. The collected data was then processed using the SmartPLS 3.0 software application, enabling the application of Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS SEM) analysis to derive insights and draw conclusions. This research provides valuable insights into the influence of critical success factors of innovative insurance product development concept tests on various aspects, including perceived innovation, perceived value, perceived price, and purchase intention among Millennials and Generation Z. The findings shed light on the unique characteristics of these target markets and highlight the significance of perceived value in driving customers’ purchase intentions. By understanding these dynamics, insurance companies like PT DELI can better tailor their product development strategies to effectively cater to the needs and preferences of Millennials and Generation Z while addressing the challenges and opportunities within the Indonesian insurance industry.

The UTAUT Model Analysis in the Technology Use of Generation-Z Users in Cambodia during COVID-19 Situation

Due to the widespread infection of the coronavirus (COVID-19) over the world, people were forced to stay at home, and technology has been increasingly used in communication, entertainment, and work. This research emphasized the study on the technology usage of Generation Z who are ready and highly skilled in using technology. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of key factors affecting the intended use and practical application of Generation Z technology in Cambodia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher chose to use the UTAUT Model to test the research hypothesis. A questionnaire is a research tool used to collect data online. It was found that the sample size was 212 respondents. Descriptive analysis and the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) evaluation were performed. The results revealed that (1) most of the respondents were male, had under a bachelor’s degree, and monthly income was equal to or more than 312 US dollars, (2) the performance expectancy significantly influenced the behavioral intention, but effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions did not affect the behavioral intention of technology use, and (3) the behavioral intention to use technologies significantly influenced the actual use behavior during the covid-19 situation. This study suggests that technology organizations or businesses should pay attention to the potential benefits of technology for spurring the technology adoption and use of Generation Z people in Cambodia.