
Financial Feasibility Study in the Construction of the “Katering Nusantara” Project in the New National Capital of Indonesia (IKN) PT. XYZ

The development of an Indonesia new national capital requires a significant workforce, with over 260,000 construction workers needed for the phase 1 construction between 2022 and 2024. To support this massive undertaking, PT. XYZ received an opportunity to provide catering services for 4,500 employees involved in building the nation’s capital, known as Katering Nusantara. Recognizing the potential of the catering industry as a stimulant for corporate growth, PT. XYZ expanded its product line, from only focusing on inflight catering to remote industrial catering. While the inflight catering business relies on flight availability and aviation infrastructure, the industrial catering segment offers more flexibility and opportunities for growth through participating in tenders at various factories across Indonesia. As part of the study, a financial feasibility analysis will be conducted to evaluate the investment in Katering Nusantara, considering factors such as investment costs and overall feasibility. Financial feasibility study conducted in this project to allow PT.XYZ assess the potential risk and return associated with the Katering Nusantara project. The investment of Katering Nusantara will cost Rp5,275,990,000 and will be funded using debt and equity. In the research reveal that the payback period 3.82 years, with a Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp. 11,647,468,485, a profitability index 2.21, and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 45%, which surpasses cost of capital 14.38%. This suggests that PT.XYZ should proceed with the implementation of the Katering Nusantara project. At the same time, it is important to note that the project’s financial performance is sensitive to changes in catering sales prices, emphasizing the need for cost optimization and alternative pricing strategies to mitigate potential fluctuations.

Financial Feasibility Study on Antam Pongkor Low-Grade Gold Ore Mine After Implementing Business-Level Strategy

The Pongkor Gold mine is under Production Operation Permit until 2031 while existing feasibility study stated that Pongkor gold Mine only have economical number until 2025 with ore volume in 1.5 million wmt and ore grades above 4 gpt. Pongkor Gold Mine has resources in low-grade gold ore (below 4 gpt) in 1.9 million wmt with the grades is 3.61 gpt. Having a gap period between mining permits (until 2031) and the latest feasibility study (until 2025) and abundant resources in low-grade gold ore, provides research opportunities to finding how to formulate business strategy level for Pongkor Gold Mine in order to maximize gap period by processing low-grade gold ore. This study started with business situation analysis, with VRIO and Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix are conducted for internal analysis, while PESTLE (Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal, and Ecological) analysis, Porter’s Five Forces framework and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix are conducted as external environment analysis. The result shown Pongkor Gold Mine in region V in internal-external (IE) matrix, the region indicated that hold and maintain strategies are suitable for Pongkor Gold Mine. Study continued with Porter generic competitive framework to define the strategy that most suitable with Pongkor Gold Mine condition. The result shown cost leadership strategy is the most suitable strategy with the detailed strategy are (i) implement a cost reduction program every year, (ii) substitute retired organic workers (permanent Employee) with outsourced or contracted workers, (iii) limiting investment only to things that have a direct impact on revenue and (iv) long-term contract in heavy equipment. The impact of these strategies will calculate in financial feasibility study. Financial feasibility study uses financial criteria of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period (PBP). The results shown NPV in 25.33 million US$, IRR in 52.2% and payback period in 21 months, these number indicated the Pongkor project extension is feasible. This study also intended to determine the most affecting variable to the NPV by conducting sensitivity analysis. The results shown the extension project is feasible as long as the gold price not declined more than 18.4% from the base, production cost (COGS) not increased more than 22% and the productivity not decreased more than 16.94% from the base.

A Financial Feasibility Study to Determine the Best Funding Structure for a Total Renovation Project of the Karebosi Field in Makassar

The objective of this study is to determine the best debt-equity combination to fund the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project applying the Build-Operate-Transfer (B-O-T) scheme for the total renovation of Karebosi Field in Makassar City, Indonesia. To assess the feasibility of the project, the financial feasibility study methodology is conducted. The study covers an analysis of both external and internal analysis. The external analysis covers the analysis of macroeconomic factors and microeconomic factors utilizing the PESTEL and Porter’s Five Forces framework. The internal analysis is focused on the resources of the project. The SWOT analysis presents the outcomes of both external and internal factors. In addition, the author presents three funding structure scenarios as potential alternatives to fund the project. The funding scenarios consist of three alternatives: scenario 1 of full equity funding, scenario 2 of hybrid funding with a proportion of 50% debt and 50% equity, lastly, scenario 3 of hybrid funding with a proportion of 70% debt and 30% equity. Along with that, the author also considers the operational occupancy scenarios that include worst-case, base-case, and best-case scenarios. The percentages of each of the three scenarios are 40%, 60%, and 80%. Following that, the financial projections are calculated for each scenario, resulting in investment measurements such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period. Finally, a risk analysis is performed to assess the sensitivity of the best funding structure and to identify potential risks. Additionally, the evaluation of risk mitigation is added to enhance the overall effectiveness of the best funding structure.

The findings indicate that the project is feasible, and scenario 3 of hybrid funding with the combination of 70% debt and 30% equity is the best funding structure for the project. In addition, the author performs a sensitivity analysis on the best funding scenario, considering ten input variables. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis indicates that five variables, namely WACC, assumption of operational occupancy per day, interest rate, soccer field rental rate, and the ratio of operating expenses to revenue, significantly impact the net present value (NPV). Strategies to reduce potential risks are effective marketing and operations, managing occupancy rate volatility using backup strategies, developing new revenue streams, and negotiating long-term rate fixes with lenders.

Therefore, future research can explore the dynamic nature of the external factors that influence the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period, and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). Determining the best funding may require ongoing research to assess the effects of market conditions, interest rate fluctuations, and industry-specific factors. Furthermore, explore how input variables like WACC, operational occupancy per day, interest rate, soccer field rental rate, and operating expense ratio to revenue affect NPV.