
Relationship between Family Burden, Stigma, Stress, Social Support, Family Acceptance, and Family’s Ability in Caregivers of Patients with Schizophrenia

The family’s ability as a caregiver for schizophrenic patients is very necessary because it can affect the success of the treatment process provided. This article aims to determine the relationship between family burden, stigma, stress, social support, family acceptance and family’s ability in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. This study used a quantitative method with a cross-sectional study design. The study was conducted at the outpatient polyclinic at Teuku Umar General Hospital with a total sample of 98 family members of schizophrenic patients. The results of this study indicate that family burden, stress, stigma, and acceptance are related to the family’s ability to provide care to schizophrenic patients (p = 0.0001 < 0.05). Only the social support variable has no relation with the family’s ability to provide care to schizophrenic patients (p = 0.145 > 0.05). The lack of a relationship between the social support variable and family’s ability is consistent with the stigma variable’s results, which indicates a negative stigma from the community towards the family, so social support becomes unnecessary. This study concludes that families can better care for schizophrenic patients when their burden, stress level, and stigma are reduced or lower. The greater a family accepts schizophrenia patients, the greater their ability to care for them.

Development of Screening Instruments for Detection of Neglect in the Elderly with Cardiovascular Disorders

Neglect in the elderly, if not addressed, will cause serious problems, especially in the elderly who have cardiovascular problems. This study aims to develop an instrument that detects neglect of the elderly with cardiovascular disorders at home. This study uses Research and Development research design. The population is all families with elderly and elderly who experience cardiovascular disorders in the working area of the Nanggalo Health Center, Padang. Data were collected using questionnaires to the elderly families and guided interviews with the elderly. The results of the questionnaire development obtained 42 questions that can be used to detect neglect of the elderly with cardiovascular disorders at home.

The Essence of Economic Tasks in the Implementation of Economic Relations of the Family

In this article, the authors focused on the analysis of the economic function of the family, which are the priority areas of today’s economic reforms, the causes of income in the family, the main features of the family and household, the composition of their functions , as well as the concept of economic relations of family students.