
Improve Employee Key Performance Indicator through Establishment of High Performing Team Model (Case Study: TNP)

TNP, a company in cargo transportation and logistics, is grappling with challenges such as high employee turnover and struggles to meet performance goals, both on an individual and team level. The company’s turnover rate exceeds its target, and the overall Key Performance Indicator (KPI) achievement by High-Level Management remains below the company’s standard of 80%. This study aims to improve the situation by analysing the current KPI framework. High turnover disrupts operations and suggests employee satisfaction problems, while inconsistent KPI achievement indicates operational inefficiencies. The study utilizes various methods, including interviews with High-Level Management, questionnaires for employees, and analysis of historical performance data. The analysis includes external and internal evaluations, leading to a SWOT analysis, which contributes to the research findings. These findings highlight several areas for enhancement. Proposed solutions involve implementing a High-Performing Team (HPT) model, drawing inspiration from Wageman and Hackman models. This model thrives on collaboration, utilizing collective skills to surpass individual contributions. It emphasizes open communication, knowledge sharing, and complementary skills to address turnover and improve KPI achievement. The study’s significance lies in its potential to guide TNP’s transformation. Through refining the KPI system and addressing underlying concerns, the study aims to provide actionable recommendations. Ultimately, the study suggests that adopting a high-performing team model could bridge existing gaps. By fostering a collaborative culture and implementing team coaching, the company could potentially revolutionize its cargo transportation and logistics services while also improving employee retention.

Proposed Employee Retention Strategy as the Form of Employer Branding in an Educational Startup (Case: Vokraf)

The fast-changing of technology and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of aspects in the world, one of them is in the field of HRM. Thus, some adjustments are needed to be done by the companies so they can keep up with the industrial trend and demand. Vokraf is one of the educational startups in Indonesia established in 2019 and their products are selling online digital classes. Based on the interview result with the Vokraf’s HR department, there was a great resignation phenomenon happening from 2022 until mid-2023. In 2022 the employee resignation was 24 from 61 employees while per mid-2023, the employee resignation was 18 from 50 employees. This employee resignation somehow has impacted the company’s performance and should be overcome immediately. The author uses some factors that affecting the turnover intention from the previous research to identify what factors that triggering the employee turnover intention at Vokraf. The secondary data and primary data are being used to help the author in mapping and finding out those factors. Secondary data is sourced from 12 exit interview data while primary data is sourced from semi-structured interview with 9 Vokraf’s key informants. The key informants are chosen by using purposive sampling with snowball sampling technique. All the collected data are being analysed using the Interactive Model Analysis by Miles and Huberman (2014). The employee retention strategy will be proposed as the final step and the recommendation to the company to overcome this issue. There are five factors found that affecting the employee turnover intention at Vokraf, they are about career path, job stress, employee compensation, leader-member exchange, and supportive work environment issues. The author makes the employee retention strategy in the form of implementation plan & implication timeline starts from June 2023 – June 2024.

The Effect of Work Stress and Work Values on Turnover Intention of Generation Z Employees in Call Center Company (Case Study of PT ABC in Java, Indonesia)

A various of previous research have found that different generation has a positive and negative traits. Generation Z is a generation that born between 1995 and 2012. Generation Z have distinct qualities including the need for convenience, are watchful and worried about their emotional, physical, and financial safety, and also have a realistic view of the importance of their profession. There has been found a high turnover rate of the Generation Z. Employees in a call center interact with customers over the phone or through other technological devices. Because of the constant interaction with angry customers seeking information, support, and help, working at a call center can be difficult. This exposes the customer service representative to a range of stressful circumstances and negative feelings. The employees experience work related stress and are emotionally exhausted, and tend to express themselves by increasing their intention to leave the company. The main issues in many call centers include a high employee turnover rate, which is believed to be as high as 40% annually also it is believed that many contact centers face is a high employee turnover rate that is higher than any other industries.

PT ABC is a focused company specializes in outsourcing business process management with a call center business which is part of BPO or Business Process Outsourcing. The business emphasis is one of the PT ABC has held for a very long time. Based on the interview with HR Support of the PT ABC in Bandung, the TAM division is the division that consider with the most and the highest employee turnover rate compared to other divisions and the majority are the young employees, every month turnover is found in the division, one of the reason stated by the HR Officer is that the factor of the turnover probably due to the workload. This research was made using a quantitative method and random sampling that have been conducted in April 2023 in PT ABC in Java, Indonesia. Based on the previous research this research assumes that work stress and work values affecting turnover intention of the Generation Z, this research conducted to prove that the assumption above is right. Data collected in this research was using interview and the measurement scales used are work stress and turnover intention scale adapted by Agustina (2022) and work values scale by Sulistiobudi & Hutabarat (2022), which have been tested using validity and reliability. This research is analyzed using multiple linear regression using SPSS 25 to determine the effect of the variables. Based on the results of the data processing, there is social dimension of work value, leadership attitude and organizational structure of work stress dimensions that impacted to Generation Z employees in PT ABC. This research contributes to understand the Generation Z characteristic in the work environment. It also contributes and helps how company handle the employees especially the Generation Z. Author recommends that next researcher that using other variables in the company to broaden and deepen the researchs of Generation z in the call center.

Impact Analysis of Work Environment Mediated by Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance (Case Study Asuransi Siap)

Individual and organizational performance are substantially influenced by the work environment. This paper aims to investigate the impact of the work environment on employee performance at PT. Asuransi Siap, as mediated by job satisfaction. This research aimed to determine which elements of the physical or non-physical work environment had the greatest influence on Employee Performance and to establish the relationship between Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance. On the other hand, Job Satisfaction as a mediator variable has four dimensions consists Compensation, Working Conditions, Relation Within the Company, and Promotion and Development. Employee Performance dimensions consist of Quantity, Quality, Timeliness, Presence, and Ability to Cooperate.

This study uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect primary data from companies using questionnaires sent to 110 respondents at the head office of PT. Asuransi Siap, and the author interviews company employees who are considered to be able to provide an overview for the author. In addition, secondary data are obtained from literature reviews from previous studies.

According to research finding, the non-physical work environment has a considerable influence on employee performance. Employees agree that elements such as positive company relations, positive interaction with supervisors or executive management, and recognition from superiors have a greater impact on employee performance than physical aspects like as lighting, temperature, etc. Although it is indisputable that the physical work environment can also influence employee performance.