
The Relationship between Human Capital Readiness in the Era 4.0 and Digital Culture towards Employee Performance: A Case Study of Unit X in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia

The present Industrial Revolution 4.0 will impact many aspects of human functioning. Companies in the sector must develop staff industry 4.0 knowledge and proficiency. Knowledge, abilities, and values found in human capital can be exploited to gain a competitive advantage. Strengthening digital culture is one of the elements that is thought to promote Telkom Group’s digital transformation, which is now taking place as it transitions from a telecom firm to a digital telco. The company’s corporate culture has an impact on how well its personnel perform. Performance among employees can be raised through a flexible and supportive business culture. SPSS 26 was used to process the quantitative research approach used in this study. The outcomes have a favorable and considerable impact on staff productivity and human capital preparation in the 4.0 era.

The Influence of Leadership Style, Supervisory and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance through Motivation as an Intervening Variable (Descriptive Study of Quantitative Analysis of Employee Performance at the Education and Culture Office of Serang Regency)

Based on the results of observations, that the level of absenteeism is still low, employee absences continue to increase every year, especially for the criteria for absences, sick, late and going home. This shows that the leadership is less than optimal in supervising its employees, it is found that there are still many employees who do not come to work due to permits, illness and are late for work and even go home early. Based on the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants Article 3 Point 11 which states that entering work and obeying the provisions of working hours. As a result, employees do not complete the work and often make mistakes over and over again. The purpose of this study in general is to analyze and describe the significant direct or indirect positive influence of leadership style, supervision and organizational culture on employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable. The research method used is to use path analysis (Part Analysis) to determine the direct or indirect effect of the variables studied. It is then used to analyze the extent to which the work motivation variable is able to mediate an increase in the quality of management information systems to improve employee performance and to what extent the work motivation variable is able to mediate the effect of leadership style on improving the performance of the Serang Regency Education and Culture Office Employees. The results obtained after the research was carried out were: 1) Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of leadership style on performance β = 0.000 the indirect effect of motivational mediating factors on the influence of leadership style on the performance of the employees of the Education and Culture Office of Serang Regency obtained value of β = 0.215. The comparison of the value of direct effect is smaller than the value of indirect effect which causes work motivation to be able to mediate the influence of leadership style on employee performance. 2). Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of supervision on performance β = 0.155. the indirect effect of the mediating motivational factor on the influence of supervision on the performance of the employees of the Department of Education and Culture of Serang Regency obtained the value of β = -0.046. Comparison of the value of direct effect is greater than the value of indirect effect which causes motivation to be unable to mediate the effect of supervision on employee performance. 3). Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of organizational culture on performance β = 0.000. the indirect effect of the mediating motivational factor on the influence of organizational culture on the performance of the employees of the Department of Education and Culture of Serang Regency obtained the value of β = 0.243. Comparison of values ​​direct effect is smaller than value indirect effect that causes motivation to be able to mediate the influence of organizational culture on employee performance.

The Effect of Employee Engagement and Career Development on Employee Performance Mediated By Work Motivation At Large Center for Training and Empowerment of Village Communities, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Yogyakarta

The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of employee engagement and career development on employees mediated by work motivation at training centers and empowerment of rural communities, disadvantaged areas and transmigration in Yogyakarta. This study was applied to 55 respondents who are civil servants at the training and empowerment center for rural communities, disadvantaged areas and transmigration in Yogyakarta. In this study, all samples, namely Civil Servants, were used as respondents, so the sampling technique used was Census. “Tests in this study were carried out using the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software. And the research results are as follows: (1) Employee Engagement has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (2) Career Development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Effect of Compensation, Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance of Zulu Alpha Papa Company

Representative execution is a determinant of the advancement or decay of an organization, worker execution is impacted by a few variables including remuneration factors, inspiration factors, and work discipline factors, from these components we can see the organization’s usefulness, since representative execution will be straightforwardly corresponding to organization efficiency, on the off chance that representative execution expands, organization usefulness additionally increments, despite what might be expected assuming worker execution diminishes, organization efficiency likewise diminishes. The reason for this examination was to decide how the impact of pay, inspiration, and work discipline on worker execution at PT. Zulu Alpha Papa. This examination strategy utilizing subjective techniques with the number of tests utilized in this investigation were 120 respondents who were disseminated haphazardly to representatives of the PT. Zap head office. Inspecting strategy utilizing soaked example while information examination utilizing way investigation procedure (Path Model) which is upheld by Smart PLS programming variant 3.0. Because of this examination, the outcomes showed that there was a positive and huge impact among pay and worker execution, there was a positive and huge impact of inspiration on representative execution, there was a positive and huge impact of work discipline on worker execution, remuneration, inspiration, work discipline at the same time had a positive impact and important to worker execution.