
Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance in Startups: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Commitment

Human resources are a valuable asset for any organization. In human resource management, the issue of employee performance is very important because performance has a major impact on the success of an organization. Therefore, researchers want to conduct research by linking the variables of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment because these variables are considered to be very instrumental in efforts to improve employee performance at company.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance with job satisfaction and organizational commitment as mediation at company. This research was conducted on employees at company. The sampling method used simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. This type of research is a type of quantitative research and uses an analysis method with the Smart PLS 3.0 programmed.

The results indicate that transformational leadership does not have a significant positive impact on job satisfaction or employee performance within the company. However, it positively and significantly influences organizational commitment. Additionally, job satisfaction shows no effect on employee performance, whereas organizational commitment demonstrates a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Furthermore, transformational leadership indirectly and significantly affects employee performance.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Employee Performance through SHRM and Organizational Creativity at ABC Bank Yogyakarta Area Office

This study explores the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mediating the effects of Sustainability Human Resource Management (SHRM) and Organizational Creativity on employee performance. Conducted at ABC Bank’s Yogyakarta Area Office, the research employs a quantitative survey method and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze data. SHRM practices, including HR development, diversity, and occupational safety, directly contribute to employee engagement and productivity. Similarly, Organizational Creativity, encompassing individual creativity, team collaboration, and knowledge creation, enhances innovation and adaptability within the workplace.

The findings demonstrate that SHRM and Organizational Creativity have a significant positive impact on employee performance. SHRM fosters a sustainable work environment, while Organizational Creativity drives the generation of new ideas and solutions to meet organizational goals. However, AI’s role as a mediator between these variables and employee performance was found to be statistically insignificant. This suggests that while AI facilitates HR processes and supports strategic decisions, its integration as a mediator depends on factors such as technological readiness and employee adaptability.

This study underscores the importance of aligning SHRM and Organizational Creativity with technological advancements to enhance employee performance. While the mediating effect of AI requires further exploration, its potential to transform HR and creativity processes remains promising. These findings provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to optimize employee performance by leveraging sustainable practices, fostering innovation, and integrating advanced technologies.

An Analysis of the Role of Work Motivation and Work Discipline in Improving Employee Performance: Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Factor (Case study on PT Prima Sejati Sejahtera I)

This study analyzes how worker motivation and discipline affect performance through job satisfaction. Using primary data, this study is quantitative. This study took a sample of all workers totaling 48 people because the population was below 100. Path analysis and multiple linear regression are used. The hypothesis of this study produces the following conclusions: work motivation, discipline, and job satisfaction improve employee performance at PT Prima Sejati Sejahtera I. Work motivation and discipline increase job satisfaction in employees. PT Prima Sejati Sejahtera I workers will be more productive when job satisfaction is high, because they can moderate the relationship between work motivation and work discipline.

The Relationship between Human Capital Readiness and Digital Leadership towards Employee Performance: Case Study of FMC Program at PT Telkomsel Branch Office X

The development of the industrial world in the industrial revolution 4.0 will have an impact on various aspects of organizations and human function in industry is one of the various aspects that will have an impact. PT Telkomsel as a state-owned company must of course answer the challenges of the development of the industrial world by presenting the FMC program means that there will be indirectly organizational restructuring and adjustments to the technology used. This technology is of course related to industry 4.0 such as Cloud Computing, Data Processing, and the Internet of Things. In an effort to answer these challenges, organizations need to increase employee understanding of Industry 4.0 as well as hard and soft skills in using the technology used. Apart from that, the role of leaders in implementing organizational programs is an integral part in the smooth implementation of programs and in responding to the challenges of industry 4.0. The research found that Human Capital Readiness in the aspects of knowledge, hard skills and soft skills regarding industry 4.0 has a positive relationship with increasing Employee Performance. Apart from that, the Digital Leadership indicator in Leader such as being open to technological changes, the way they adapt to technology, and the way they communicate with employees can improve aspects of employee readiness and also have an impact on improving employee performance.

The Effects of Motivational Factors on Employee Performance: A Case Study on Telecommunication Sector in Nangarhar, Afghanistan

This study evaluates the impact of motivating variables on worker performance in Nangarhar, Afghanistan’s telecommunications industry. The data from relevant respondents is gathered using the stratified random sampling technique. The study’s sample size consists of 120 workers from Nangarhar telecommunications industry. The study’s outcome is analyzed using the basic linear regression technique. Positive correlations have been found between motivating elements and employee performance. This suggests that employee performance will rise in tandem with an increase in motivating factors. The degree of relationship is shown by the correlation’s size, which is 73%. This suggests that there is a 73% correlation between motivating factors and employee performance.  According to the anticipated positive coefficient of motivating variables, employee performance would climb with every unit increase in these components. With all other variables held constant, an increase of one unit in motivational factors would result in an average improvement in employee performance of 35.4%, according to the magnitude of the coefficient, which is 0.354. The explanatory power of the study’s independent variables is indicated by the R-square. The study’s R-square of 68 percent indicates that the independent factors contributed 68 percent of the variation in the dependent variable. The model’s overall relevance or fitness is demonstrated by the F-statistics. Since the model’s p-value is less than 5%, the model as a whole is significant.

The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Mediation Variables (Case Study PT. BPR Eka Ayu Artha Bhuwana)

This research aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture and work motivation on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. The independent variables in this research are organizational culture and work motivation. The dependent variable in this research is employee performance and the mediating variable in this research is job satisfaction. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data used is primary data and secondary data, with a research sample of 32 people who are employees of PT. BPR Eka Ayu Artha Bhuwana. Hypothesis testing is carried out using a variance-based Structural Equation Model (SEM) or what is called Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the research show that organizational culture has a positive but not significant effect on job satisfaction, work motivation has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction, organizational culture has a significant positive effect on employee performance, work motivation has a positive and not significant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction has a positive and not significant effect on performance employees, job satisfaction is not a mediation of the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance and job satisfaction is not a mediation of work motivation on employee performance.

The Impact of South Korean Work Culture in Improving Working Performance: A Multiple Regression Method Analysis

This study aims to assess the South Korean work culture implemented at WITCON Co., Ltd., its impact on enhancing employee performance, and the extent of its influence. This form of research employs a blend of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, sometimes called mixed methods. WITCON Co., Ltd. is at 35 Seochangnamsunhwan-ro 215beon-gil, Namdong-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea. The acquired data is primarily classed as independent and dependent variables. Work culture is an independent variable, meaning it can influence other variables.

On the other hand, employee performance is classified as a dependent variable, meaning other variables impact it. Both variables were measured using instruments in a questionnaire comprising multiple questions, which were subsequently employed to collect participant data. The poll was administered to the whole foreigner workers at WITCON, comprising 30 people with E-7 and E-9 visas. Hence, the approach employed to examine this study’s findings involves utilizing multiple regression analysis. Multiple linear regression is a regression model that incorporates multiple independent variables. Multiple linear regression analysis is conducted to ascertain the magnitude and direction of the independent variable’s impact on the dependent variable. Furthermore, a Sobel test is conducted to ascertain the statistical significance of the indirect influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable via the mediator variable in a mediation model. The findings indicate that South Korea’s work culture prioritizes the enforcement of discipline in order to attain objectives while still being adaptable and accepting.

Correlation of Employee Performance System Implementation with Budget Performance at Local Government Work Unit in Banda Aceh City Government

This study aims to examine the correlation between the implementation of the employee e-performance system and budget performance at Local Government Work Unit (SKPD) in Banda Aceh City Government. The population in this study were 43 SKPD in the Banda Aceh City Government that used the employee e-performance system. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling or census, the samples and data sources were obtained from SKPD using the e-performance system so that the total sample was 43 SKPD in the Banda Aceh City Government. The non-parametric statistical data analysis method in this study is the Spearman Rank correlation method which is processed with the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) program. The results showed that the implementation of the employee e-performance system had a positive relationship with budget performance.

The Influence of Job Stress and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT Majuperkasa Indonesia in Bati-Bati, Tanah Laut Regency

Employee performance is the most important part in supporting every company performance activity, so every employee needs to be aware that they have a responsibility to the company for the results of their work. This research aims to examine the influence of work stress and the work environment partially and simultaneously on employee performance and to look for variables that dominantly influence the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees in Bati-bati, Tanah Laut Regency. This type of research is quantitative, the population in this sample are employees of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia. Determining the number of samples used the Slovin method with a sample size of 74 respondents. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and distribution of questionnaires. The instrument used was a Likert scale model questionnaire with the data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that work stress does not have a significant effect on the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees, while the work environment has a significant effect on the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees. Work stress and the work environment simultaneously influence the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees. The work environment has a dominant influence on the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees.

The Effect of Human Resource Training and Development on Increasing Employee Performance with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable

This research aims to determine the effect of training and human resource development on improving employee performance with work motivation as an intervening variable at CIMB Niaga Kediri Branch. This research uses quantitative research methods because the research data is in the form of numbers and analyzed using statistics and meets scientific principles, namely concrete, objective, measurable, rational and systematic. The population in this study were 200 employees who worked at the financial institution CIMB Niaga Kediri Branch. Meanwhile, the sample was 67 respondents. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis method is descriptive analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS). From the results of this research it can be concluded that: (1) Based on data processing carried out by researchers through the bootstrapping method, training has a significant positive effect on employee performance. (2) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between human resource development variables on improving the quality of employee performance. (3) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between training and motivation. (4) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between human resource development variables on motivation. (5) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between motivation variables on performance. employee. (6) The relationship between training and improving the quality of employee performance is mediated by the motivation variable with a significant positive effect. (7) The relationship between human resource development and improving the quality of employee performance is mediated by the motivation variable with a significant positive effect.