
Factors Affecting Medication Adherence among Elderly People with Chronic Illness in Surigao City

A descriptive quantitative study in Surigao City, Philippines, investigated the factors affecting medication adherence in elderly individuals with chronic illnesses. The study involved 50 geriatric respondents to whom the researcher-made questionnaires adapted from the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) were administered. Most respondents exhibited a predominantly very high adherence level to their medication regimen, indicating overall satisfactory adherence. Various demographic factors such as age, gender, education, occupation, marital status, income, and clinical diagnosis did not significantly associate with adherence. Exploratory factor analysis identified four key factors affecting medication adherence namely: effectiveness of the medicine, desire to be treated, physician’s good prescription, and influence of positive observations. The study recommends that healthcare providers should implement a continuous monitoring and evaluation process, facilitating adjustments and refinements based on evolving circumstances among the elderly population. Healthcare systems and policymakers should explore strategies to make medications more affordable and accessible, particularly for those with limited financial resources. Future research should delve deeper into each factor to gain a comprehensive understanding of medication adherence.

The Study on Exercise as a Boost for the Health Promotion of the Elderly in Selected Urban Area in Porur

Aim: the present study aims to exercise as a boost for the health promotion of the elderly in selected area in pour.

Methods and Materials: A quasi experimental research design was used for this present study. Total 60samples were collected using non probability sampling technique. The demographic variable and pre posttest level of health status elderly was assessed using structured questionaries’ and, followed by that data was gathered and analyzed. descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: the results the study shows significant association with health of elderly in posttest p<0.01.

Conclusion: The study concludes that there was a relationship between the effect of exercise on elderly to accomplish to improve the health of elderly.

The Effect of Slow Deep Breathing Exercise on the Blood Pressure of Elderly People with Hypertension at the Working Area of the Public Health Centre Air Tawar Padang

Hypertension is often found in elderly, it is a major factor causing stroke and heart disease. The number of people with hypertension continues to increase every year, it is estimated that by 2025 there will be 1.5 million people affected by hypertension in the world. The purpose of study was to determine the effect of slow deep breathing exercise on changes in blood pressure in the elderly in Public Health Center Air Tawar. This researchis a Quation Experiment with one group pre-post design. The research was conducted in Public Health Center Air Tawar, Padang from January to June 2022. The population were 80 erderly with hypertension,with a sample of 20 people obtained from the slovin formula. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test with Signed Rank Test. The type of data wasseondary obtained from the Air Tawar Public Health Center and Primary from questionnaires. The results showed that the average of systolic blood pressure before intervention was 149/100 mmHg. The average after the intervention decreased to 140/92mmHg. The effect of the slow deep breathing exercise was proven by the significant value of blood pressure before intervention and after intervention was 0.001. The conclusion shown, there was a significant influence of slow deep breathing exercise on changes in blood pressure of the elderly. The changes in blood pressure obtained were still in the category of hypertension, it is hoped that respondents willconsume low-salt diet, drug consumption and utilizing the services of health workers can make slow deep breathing exercise as one of the blood pressure control techniques.

Scoping Review on Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity in Older Adults

Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID -19) is highly contagious disease caused by a new corona virus that first appeared in Wuhan, China and was dubbed SARS-CoV-2. Physical activity lowers the risk of numerous chronic diseases and extends life expectancy. The number of older persons suffering from mental illnesses has risen dramatically in recent years around the world. Depression and anxiety are common mental disorders among older persons, and because of their serious implications, they should be considered a public health issue. Physically active lifestyle can help them cope with the psychological stress and drastic lifestyle changes that come with social isolation. The perceived comfort and attractiveness of environmental settings appear to play another important role for older persons in terms of their sense of security towards their own body and the environment. As we all know, a variety of factors such as environmental and social factors can have an impact on the physical and psychological health of the elderly, causing anxiety, depression, and loneliness. In order to overcome these symptoms, physical activity plays a critical role.

Development of Screening Instruments for Detection of Neglect in the Elderly with Cardiovascular Disorders

Neglect in the elderly, if not addressed, will cause serious problems, especially in the elderly who have cardiovascular problems. This study aims to develop an instrument that detects neglect of the elderly with cardiovascular disorders at home. This study uses Research and Development research design. The population is all families with elderly and elderly who experience cardiovascular disorders in the working area of the Nanggalo Health Center, Padang. Data were collected using questionnaires to the elderly families and guided interviews with the elderly. The results of the questionnaire development obtained 42 questions that can be used to detect neglect of the elderly with cardiovascular disorders at home.

Multicultural Islamic Education in Encouraging Spirit of the Elderly

This study aims to reveal Multicultural Islamic Education in encouraging the spirit of the elderly in terms of enthusiasm and optimism, the power to fight frustration and group spirit through the existence of Multicultural Islamic Education. This qualitative research with a phenomenological approach was conducted at Griya Werdha Surabaya-Indonesia. The data were collected using in-depth interviews, observations and documents involving seven Muslim elderly people and three representatives of the leadership taken purposively.
The results of this study indicate that it has an impact on three aspects of the spirit of the elderly. In the aspect of enthusiasm and optimism, the elderly have a deeper spiritual closeness to God which has a positive impact on the elderly to have good behavior towards fellow elderly in their daily lives. In the aspect of strength against frustration, the elderly no longer blame themselves or those around them for the conditions that befell them. For the aspect of the spirit of the elderly to group, the elderly are encouraged to interact with one another and live a harmonious life in their daily lives.