
Online Zoning-Based Admission Systems in Junior High Schools: A Study on Efficiency and Accessibility in Gorontalo City

The purpose of this study is to analyse and describe the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City with a focus on (1) goal achievement, (2) integration, and (3) adaptation. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentary. Data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that (1) the achievement of goals in the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as student domicile data that is not always accurate in the system, and community dissatisfaction (parents and prospective students) with online PPDB services. (2) Integration in online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as limited training for school operators and teachers, lack of public understanding, especially parents of students about zoning rules, and technical problems with network infrastructure capacity that still needs to be improved. (3) Adaptation to online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles in the form of unstable school internet accessibility. Suggestions to improve the success of zoning-based online PPDB services in Gorontalo City include strengthening student domicile data validation, improving operator and teacher training, socialising zoning rules to parents more effectively, and increasing network infrastructure capacity.

The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Model on Critical Thinking Skills in Grade IV Elementary School on Fraction Number Material in Bantul District

Project Based Learning is one of the learning models that provides space for students to explore knowledge. The purpose of this research is to find the effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL) on the development of critical thinking skills on fractional number material. The method used is mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) with the research objective to identify the effectiveness of the PjBL model on critical thinking skills. Data collection by questionnaire and document analysis Skills measured based on 5 aspects of critical thinking skills consisting of 12 indicators. This research was conducted in grade IV elementary schools in Bantul district. Data collection by test The results showed that critical thinking skills were obtained at 97.1% with very good criteria. It can be concluded that students have very good critical thinking skills development.

Evaluation of the Free Halal Certification Program (SEHATI) for Processed Livestock Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Blitar Regency

The free halal certification program (SEHATI) aims to support the Indonesian government’s goal of having one million halal-certified food and beverage products by 2024 by accelerating the rate of halal certification through the SEHATI program. Blitar Regency has 33,932 micro and small enterprises (MSEs), but only 389 have halal certification, including egg and milk processing products. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of the SEHATI program’s implementation for livestock processing MSEs in Blitar Regency. The study uses mixed methods. Data were collected through questionnaires to 12 respondents, including stakeholders and livestock processing business actors. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis and logic model evaluation analysis. The effectiveness of the SEHATI program’s implementation was the data collected in the research. The results show that the SEHATI program in Blitar Regency, through socialization and assistance to livestock processing business actors, is effective. The logic model evaluation on all indicators shows that the business actors are well-informed, understand well, and strongly agree with the input, activities, output, and outcome of the SEHATI program. The conclusion of the research is that the SEHATI program in Blitar Regency significantly benefits in raising awareness, understanding, compliance, and the number of halal products from egg and milk processing business actors. This indicates the effectiveness of this program in helping livestock processing business actors obtain halal certification.

Evaluating Coaching Effectiveness to Improve Performance at Rumah Zakat

Rumah Zakat is a philanthropic institution that manages, collects, and empowers zakat, infaq, and sadaqah funds. It was established in 1998 under the name Ummul Quro Social Wallet (DSUQ). Currently, to enhance employee performance and optimize organizational results, Rumah Zakat emphasizes the involvement of leaders in the team development process. In previous years, Rumah Zakat managers underwent training related to leadership skills to optimize their roles. In this context, one crucial aspect of a manager’s role is to engage in the coaching process. Effective coaching by a manager can significantly impact individual behavior change and improve organizational results. However, in reality, not all managers can properly optimize the coaching process and their role as coaches in the workplace. Several issues have arisen among participants in the employee improvement program regarding the involvement of leaders or managers in team development.

Therefore, based on the situation, there is a need for a comprehensive evaluation of the coaching process conducted by all managers at Rumah Zakat to immediately implement improvements and provide training to optimize coaching effectiveness. In this study, using quantitative methodology, primary data was gathered from Rumah Zakat employees who completed a set of questionnaires. This survey will be distributed specifically to employees at the officer level who often interact directly with their leaders at Rumah Zakat. To determine the number of samples, this paper uses Slovin’s formula with a confidence level of 95%, resulting in 213 samples with a margin of error of 5%. Furthermore, the results will be followed up with a qualitative phase using semi-structured interviews. From these results, it is indicated that the implementation of coaching effectiveness tends to be at a medium level for all components. This suggests that the coaching process has been implemented and is reasonably optimal, but the assessment is still at a medium stage, indicating the need for improvements.

Increasing the Effectiveness of the Budget Organizations through the Influence of Financial Control

The article examines the issue of increasing the effectiveness of the budget organizations through the influence of financial control. In addition, the article studies research papers of scholars–economists on financial control, the activities of financial control bodies to ensure the purposeful spending of funds of budget organizations, as well as analytical operations performed. In reliance upon the research outcomes, the author has developed relevant conclusions.

Assessment of Quipper as Learning Management System of Saint Paul University Surigao

A school learning management system (LMS) is extremely important in the current educational landscape since it transforms how educational institutions administer and deliver their courses. LMS gives educators a strong platform to produce, organize, and distribute instructional content while enabling students to access resources, participate in interactive learning activities, and collaborate with peers by seamlessly integrating technology into the learning process. This study was conducted to assess the level of utilization, level of satisfaction, and level of effectiveness with Quipper as an LMS in Saint Paul University Surigao (SPUS), Surigao City, Philippines. The research design was quantitative, and researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather data from the college faculty of SPUS during the academic year 2022-2023. To ensure reliable results, 33 college teachers were purposefully and conveniently chosen as respondents. The data were analyzed using various parametric and non-parametric statistical tools considering the normality of the data. The study revealed that variables such as sex, age, department, highest educational attainment, and years of teaching experience did not significantly impact Quipper’s utilization and satisfaction among teachers. The profile of college faculty members also did not significantly affect Quipper’s effectiveness as a learning management system. However, the department variable significantly influenced Quipper’s performance, with frequent utilization leading to higher satisfaction and effectiveness. Overall, Quipper was widely used, effective, and met the needs of the college faculty at SPUS. The study suggested room for improvement, and the administration could establish clear implementation goals, offer incentives to consistent users, provide proper training and guidance, and encourage teachers to explore more features to better support students’ learning.

The Effectiveness Compulsory Road Traffic Accident Fund Contribution (SWKDLLJ) Application Based on Usability to Motorized Vehicles Driver

Implementation of Mandatory Road Traffic Accident Fund Contribution is very necessary and is a manifestation of the responsibility of the state in implementing policies as a social and welfare state so that these policies can be felt by all Indonesian citizens in accordance with the national ideology, namely Pancasila as a way of life. In this paper examines the effectiveness of the application of mandatory contributions to road traffic accident funds based on their use for motorized vehicle drivers. This research method has the character of “Normological-Norms Wishenchaft” in studying philosophical, juridical, and sociological facts about the regulation of the effectiveness of SWDKLLJ implementation. The results of this research are expected to the government or related stakeholders to be able to explain in detail the meaning and use of the SWDKLLJ policy which is interpreted as a Traffic Accident Compulsory Contribution Fund so that there is no confusion or ambiguity in the implementation of its application, so that public vehicle owners in the sense of entrepreneurs and private vehicle owners understand well the procedure in terms of benefits and usability to claim when experiencing an accident.

Effectiveness of Structural Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Effect of Junk Food on Mucosal Layer of GI Tract

 Junk food refers to fast food which are easy to make and easy to consume. Junk food also called HFSS- High fat, sugar and salt. Various type of junk food that available in market. Junk food is more popular because of experience of great test and easy transportation. It causes a lot of harmful effects on mucosal layer of GI tract and also effect on the body like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and skin cancer. This study identified that 66.66% had a inadequate knowledge, 33.33% had moderate knowledge none of them had Adequate knowledge for pre experimental group. The study results shows that the pre-test mean value is 14 2 and pre-test SD is 3 36. The post-test mean value is 23.53 and post-test SD is 2.44.  The mean difference is 9.33. The calculated‘t’ value is 12.30 is higher than the table value 1.69. The stud6 structural teaching program is very effective for improving students’ knowledge regarding effect of junk food on GI tract.

Awareness Regarding First Aid Management of Sports Injury among Primary School Teacher

First aid management of sports injury means during the time of any sports activity injury occur in children that time what type of first aid management is given to resolve the wound or any injury and to prevent complication. So, that the basic knowledge of first aid is required in primary school teacher.

Objective: assess the knowledge regarding first aid management of sports injury among primary school teachers 2. To the effectiveness of health education regarding first aid management of sports injury among primary school teachers 3. To associate the knowledge with selected demographic variable.

Research approach: Quantitative research approach.

Research design: Experimental design

Participation: 40 primary school teacher.

Tool: Questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge among primary school teacher.

Results: The comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre – test and post – test level of knowledge regarding management of sports injury among primary school teacher. The mean score was increased from 10.55 to 16 which showed a marked deference of 5.45 respectively and the standard deviation was 0.300 to 0.42 after the administration of health education. ‘T’ test value is 11.94. This value is significant at p < 0.05 level. It indicate the effectiveness of health education on increasing the level of knowledge regarding first aid management of sports injury among primary school teacher. Hence the hypothesis was accepted.

Conclusion: Teachers had increase level of knowledge.

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Early Puberty among Girls

Introduction: While The Onset Of Puberty Is A Natural Process, It Indeed Is A Very Unsettling Phase In A Girl’s Life. Sadly, This Is An Alarming Trend In Urban Areas – Some Girls From Rural Areas Are Still Getting Their Periods At 15-16 Years But Girls From Urban Areas Are Getting Their Periods Earlier Than 8! Early Puberty (Also Known As Precocious Puberty) Means Having Signs Of Puberty Such As Development Of Breasts, Pubic And Underarm Hair And Menstrual Bleeding Early Than Usual. Girls Who Begin Their Puberty Early Before Their Peers Are Usually Quite Alarmed. This Puts Them At Risk Of Depression. Parents Have Got A Very Vital Role To Play. If Necessary, Psychological Counselling May Be Sought For The Girl As Well As The Parents. As Parents, It’s Important To Make Sure That The Child Maintains A Healthy Weight Is Another Way To Avert Early Puberty.” In That Results Showed That Majority Of Pre-Adolescent Girls And Boys (75%), (74%) Had Below Average Knowledge Regarding Pubertal Changes Followed By 25 % Girls And 24%Boys Had Average Level Of Knowledge And In Levels Of Attitude, Majority Of Pre- Adolescent Girls And Boys (95.19%), (90%) Had Moderately Favourable Attitude Regarding Pubertal Changes Followed By 3.84% Girls And 10%Boys Had Unfavourable Level Of Attitude.

Design: Experimental One Group Pre-Test, Post-Test Research Design Was Used To Conduct The Study At Visnagar City. Sample Size: The Sample Size Was 60. Technique: In This Study Using The Purposive Sampling Technique. The Data Collection Was Done With Prior Permission From Authorities The Principal, D.D Kanya Vidhyalay Visnagar.

Tool: The Purpose Of The Study Was Explained To The Students And Written 20 Questions Informed Consent Was Obtained The Demographic Data Was Collected By Using Questionnaire. After The Pre-Test, The Investigator Use Flash Card & Seminar To The Students. On The 7 Day The Post-Test Level Of Knowledge On Early Puberty Was Assessed By Using Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. The Data Was Analysed Using Descriptive And Inferential Statistics. Chi-Square Was Used To Associate The Pre-Test And Post-Test Level Of Knowledge Regarding Early Puberty With The Selected Demographic Variables.

Results: The Mean Pre-Test Observation Score Was 11.5% And The Mean Post Test Score Was The 44.38%, And The Standard Deviation Was 2.50% In Pre-Test And 26.42% In Post Test Score, Also The Calculated “T” Value Was 11.38%.