
The Information and Computer Technologies in Special and Inclusive Higher Education in Uzbekistan

One of the leading trends in the process of informatization of higher education is the active introduction of new tools and teaching methods focused on the use of information technologies. Modern information technologies have a powerful educational potential, have a wide range of capabilities, allow the implementation of fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching, and intensify the educational process at all levels. Computer technologies act as a means of forming (organizing and managing) educational activities, setting and solving educational problems, and performing professional actions in the full range of their components. A computer can be considered as a specific means of modeling educational activities, which is capable of performing several fundamental functions–as a means of modeling the subject content of learning objects.

The Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Media Education Technologies in Institutions of Higher Education

This scientific work provides information about the importance of artificial intelligence in modern media education technologies in institutions of higher education. Artificial intelligence in media education in Uzbekistan offers unique opportunities for students and educators. Initially, artificial intelligence (AI) is employed for personalizing the educational process by adapting learning materials to the individual needs of each student. This contributes to more effective comprehension of the material and improved academic performance.