
Shortcomings And Their Solutions in the Lesson Automation Schedule of Higher Military Educational Institutions

We know that all our hands still do that in the old system, Besides taking up the time of officers and workers, the lesson schedule created by this manual system also means that they have to work in the evenings outside of work without enough time because of the work in the department and the tasks assigned by the superiors. In the age of 21st century “Information technologies” in which we live, in order to abandon this system, we can set up the automation of the lesson schedule and, making our work much easier, it will be possible to devote time to other tasks. Therefore, I believe it is necessary to develop a system for automating the lesson schedule in higher military educational institutions using modern programming languages.

Ethical Research Practices in Educational Institutions: A Literature Review

Research is one of the tri-focal functions of a university. The educational institution is the first home and ‘engine’ of scientific studies. Educational institutions infinitely embrace research as humans continuously thirst for knowledge to improve our quality of life. Thus, ethical research practice has always been an issue and matter of academic concern in schools. This article aims to review evidence of ethical research practices in educational institutions. The references and sources of this literature review came from known research databases such as Google Scholar, Open Access Directory Journals, and prominent University Websites with specific sections on Research and Ethics. Furthermore, this provides a better understanding and a general picture of research ethical practices in schools that led to the development of a conceptual framework that illustrates the supposed-to-be ethical research practices and standards for schools that lead to the crafting of quality studies that are worth publishing and disseminating. Research ethical considerations and principles guide research designs and implementations. These include the universal standard and norm of ensuring the voluntary participation of and obtaining informed consent from research participants (Bhandari, 2022; Felzmann, 2009; & Resnik, 2020). Furthermore, this review also led to the researchers’ assumption that research ethical practices and principles are associated with the level of personal ethics and moral values of a researcher and that there is a difference in the degree of practice and consideration of research ethics with respect to the nature, purpose, and design of research. Lastly, this article illustrated in its framework that the assumptions and the primary principles of research ethics (Resnik, 2020; & Smith, 2003) are inputs to ethical considerations in research. Hence, these concepts strongly underpin the significant roles of the technical review boards (TRBs) and the research ethics committees (RECs) in educational institutions to ensure that academic and scientific research done in the school setting is of quality and with academic integrity, credibility, trustworthiness, and rigor (Bhandari, 2022).

A Meta-Analysis of Assessment on Educational Institutions

This analysis on the educational institutions’ assessment and the impacts of class-based-together evaluation with respect to learning and teaching. In this analysis, 13 articles were included from different aspects related to educational institutions. There were critical quantities of teachers who could have done without instructing with class-based evaluation and expressed that class-based assessment has expanded their responsibility. All in all, instructors have inspirational perspectives toward utilizing evaluation techniques that require mental intricacy from understudies as well as posing inquiries that require a more significant level of thinking to reply. Despite the fact that teachers’ perspectives are connected with their ability toward utilizing such evaluation approaches in their classes somewhat. The result of this review might add to better performance of class-based assessment in this educational section and also the absence of correspondence between teachers’ attitudes and their assessment rehearses. Mental intricacy isn’t many times underscored in study hall practice.