
Implementation of Pancasila Ideology in Indonesian Educational Leadership: A Literature Review

Pancasila plays an important role in responding to the times because the basic values ​​of Pancasila can be developed in the life of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila is the basis of the Republic of Indonesia which is used as a reference in the nation and state. Pancasila as the foundation of nationality and state administration can be used as a solution to solve complex problems in terms of economic, social, political, cultural, educational, defense and security dimensions. The actualization of Pancasila values ​​needs to be socialized, internalized and strengthened in its implementation, in the practice of national and state life by strengthening the character of the nation’s generation in participating in building public understanding of national awareness. The Indonesian state needs a leader who can carry out his vision based on the values ​​of Pancasila as a unifying tool for the nation. The values ​​contained in the Pancasila ideology can be used as the basis for Indonesian education leadership. The values ​​contained in Pancasila, whether God, Humanity, Unity, Consensus, and Justice, must be practiced and applied in the life of the nation, state and society in order to achieve the goals of education in Indonesia. Pancasila-characterized leadership will be able to guide the community towards the ideals of the state, and can be an intermediary in uniting the nation, and instilling the values ​​of Pancasila in the Indonesian people.

Transformational Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance: A Literature Review

The principal as an educational leader in school institutions has an important role in advancing the educational institutions he leads. The success or failure of educational institutions is strongly influenced by the ability of the principal as a leader to be able to carry out his duties, one of which is helping teachers in improving their performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of transformational leadership on teacher performance. This study uses a literature review. The result of this discussion is the role of transformational leadership causes a teacher to work more enthusiastically and focused, so that the teaching and learning process becomes transformative for every teacher.