
Proposed Digital Marketing Strategy for Textile Companies (Case Study: PT. Aneka Tekstil Indonesia)

PT. Aneka Tekstil Indonesia commonly called ATENDO is a company engaged in the textile sector. ATENDO has been producing textile products for the past three years or so, but until now there are still many people who do not recognize and do not believe in this company. This company faces the problem of a lack of brand awareness and a sense of trust from the public, resulting in several transactions being canceled by potential customers. In the midst of this digitalization era, people get more information and trust a company digitally through the internet. This study aims to help companies deal with problems related to promotional issues using internal and external company analysis. The results of the analysis show that the company has not carried out a marketing strategy through digital marketing. The author proposes the implementation of a new marketing strategy using new digital marketing techniques by creating a website for the company, then implementing SEO, and creating several social media for the company as a means of information and communication for testimonials from customers, some of these strategies are based on the results of internal, external, and SWOT analysis of the company.

Proposed Integrated Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for PT Karya Seni Hadiprana (Hadiprana Artwork)

PT. Karya Seni Hadiprana (KSH) is a consultant and contractor company that provides artwork in architecture and interior industry. The company provides customize premium artwork products and services that have local content inspired from the rich of Indonesian culture. However they are having decreasing numbers of new customers and revenue streams due to global pandemic of COVID-19. Digitalization in architecture and interior industry also impact the PT KSH compare with other competitor who already utilized digital marketing strategy. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons of the business issues, due to changing of customer behavior impact from Covid-19 and digitalization in architecture and interior industry. The research method uses qualitative descriptive methods. Qualitative descriptive methods are used to acquire primary data and make observation from in-depth interview with the company executives. The collection data is then to create internal and external analysis. The internal analysis is to gather the information about PT KSH internal conditions with Marketing Mix, Business Model Canvas and VRIO analysis, while the external analysis is used to evaluate the external factor of architecture and interior industry as well as customer behavior. Furthermore, after internal and external analysis was conducted, the researchers used SWOT analysis and find the weakness of the company, which lack of digital marketing strategy. Based on the analysis, researchers presented new integrated marketing strategy by optimizing digital marketing and improve marketing knowledge in order to increase awareness of products and services of PT Karya Seni Hadiprana.

The Role of Digital Marketing and Online Branding as En Effort to Create Market Opportunities in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period (A Studi Case on Msmes in Bandung)

The purpose of this study is to determine the role of digital marketing; online Branding carried out by MSMEs on Market Opportunities during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The research method used is quantitative research with a questionnaire research instrument distributed to 100 MSMEs in the city of Bandung using simple random sampling technique. The results of this study obtained the role of digital marketing and online branding has an effect on efforts to create market opportunities during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Digital Smart Poultry Market Readiness in West Java

Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) have been impacted to the decrease in poultry product demand in Indonesia which leads to cause oversupply and declining in this industry margin. As one of the companies that promote digital transformation in Indonesia, Indonesian ICT company develops a new subsector in its digital agricultural platform to solve the problem. This company created Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to develop its current digital platform in subsector poultry (digital smart poultry). It consisted of several features such as funding, partnership, and B2B/B2C marketplace. After planning the MVP, the problem is mainly focused on determining the market readiness for smart poultry digital platform and how to create the most suitable marketing strategy to enter the market. They also had not specified the target segment to sell the products yet. This research is aimed to explore more whether the poultry farmers need the smart poultry digital platform to solve the problem, the market readiness, and formulate the marketing strategy and implementation plan for the smart poultry digital platform that targeted on poultry farmers.
To validate the issue in the poultry industry, the authors conduct a preliminary survey by interviewing poultry farmers in West Java. Next, to gain in-depth insight into the product necessities and market readiness, the author did an environmental analysis (internal and external) as the base to formulate the SWOT-TOWS analysis. The internal analysis that has been used for this research consists of Business Model Canvas (BMC) and VRIO analysis. The author used PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, competitor, and consumer’s analysis for the external analysis. According to the analysis, the poultry farmers as the targeted consumers are considered ready and necessary to use the product. After formulating SWOT-TOWS based on the environment analysis, the author used QSPM analysis to determine the most suitable business and marketing strategy to be implemented. The author proposed several strategies and implementation plans that consisted of 1) Increase the smart poultry digital platform capabilities (especially in IoT to help solve the poultry farmers’ problem). Optimize digitalization for business development and marketing (SO2), 2) Optimize the service marketing (ST1), and 3) Maximize the use of integrated marketing strategy to maximize promotion (WT3).

Integrated Industrial Marketing Strategy in Social Media to Increase Electrical Products Awareness for PT Unindo Hi-tech Pratama

In this era of information, it requires everyone to have a marketing knowledge. Marketing knowledge can be implemented for every businesses in all over the world. In B2B business, there is a term of industrial marketing strategy which is a similar marketing strategy, but can be implemented for a long-term relationship with the customers. PT. Unindo Hi-tech Pratama is one of Hiwin distributor in Indonesia which provide mechanical and electrical spare parts for industrial automation needs. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons for the lack of awareness of the Hiwin electrical products in PT. Unindo Hi-tech Pratama. The research method uses qualitative methods. Qualitative methods are used to obtain primary data and make observations from interviews with owners, employees, and customers. The collected data is then used to create internal and external analysis. Internal analysis is used to gather information about PT. Unindo Hi-tech Pratama internal conditions with VRIO analysis and marketing mix, while external analysis is used to evaluate the industry environment as well as define the behaviour of customers of the company. Furthermore, after external and internal analysis was conducted, the researchers used root cause and produced the cause of the problem on the lack of effective promotions and limited resources in raising awareness of Hiwin electrical products. Based on the analysis, researchers presented a new industrial marketing strategy by maximizing digital marketing and improve marketing division management in order to increase awareness of Hiwin electrical products.