
Unraveling the Dynamics of Social Media Engagement and Activism among Far Eastern University Students: A Demographic and Attitudinal Analysis

As multiple generations continue to engage in social media and activists, the researchers saw this as an opportunity to influence change. This study explored how technology, particularly social media platforms, helps shape activism among Far Eastern University students, containing 80 participants from various academic years. Through analysis of the engagement, the study intended to understand which social media platforms are the most and least effective for promoting social change. The researchers used a quantitative approach with survey questionnaires, exploring the students’ views about social media activism. Integrating data analysis that includes descriptive and inferential statistics provides valuable insights for activists, policymakers, and educators navigating the dynamic realm of social media activism. Eventually, the data shows Instagram is the most popular site for social media activity at Far Eastern University, with Threads receiving the least attention. Students mostly utilize social media for communication, information searching, and self-expression, motivated by socio-political interests and a desire to belong. The study emphasizes the strong link between social media use and online activist activity, implying a transformative effect. Future studies should broaden demographics and use mixed-methods approaches, focusing on capacity-building activities for student activists focused on social media advocacy to achieve positive societal change.

Digital Art in Art Museums in the New Era-Take Queensland Museum of Modern Art as an Example

This paper explores the role of digital art in the Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) in Brisbane, Australia. QAGOMA has been at the forefront of exhibiting and collecting digital art since the early 2000s, and has developed a significant collection of works in this medium. The paper examines the ways in which QAGOMA has embraced digital art, including through its exhibitions, acquisitions, and programming. It also considers the challenges of exhibiting and collecting digital art, such as technological obsolescence, preservation, and the question of authenticity. Through an analysis of key works in the QAGOMA collection, the paper argues that digital art has become an important and valued part of the contemporary art world, and that QAGOMA has played a vital role in promoting and supporting this medium.