
Debt Management Literacy and Financial Performance of Saccos in Kumi County – Kumi Uganda

This dissertation is presented on the topic, “Debt management literacy and financial performance of SACCOs in Kumi County”. The overall objective of the study was to determine the effect of Debt management literacy on financial performance of SACCOs in Kumi County and to achieve this the researcher used one specific objective Vinz; “To determine the effect of Debt management literacy on financial performance of SACCOs in Kumi County”. In carrying out the study, the researcher used a case study research design because of its ability to investigate the study variables in detail. The population under study was 150 (N) people and a sample population of 108 (n) people consisting of; SACCO board members, SACCO management team members and SACCO members. The sample size was determined by use of both probability and non-probability sampling techniques. In data collection, the researcher used a duo approach with the use of; Questionnaire survey method which allowed collection of firsthand information within a short period of time and interview method employed on some key informants i.e. SACCO Board members as this was intended to probe for more information, get clarification and capture facial expression. Two tools in this context were used i.e. Research Questionnaire and interview guide.
The data collected was both quantitative and qualitative in nature. Data analysis was carried out in two fold; Quantitative data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 25*64 bit. Qualitative data was recorded in the researchers note book and transcribed for a clear meaning.
The research findings highlighted a strong positive relationship between debt management literacy and financial performance of SACCOs with R = 0.666. The study confirmed that Debt management literacy explains 44.4% of financial performance as evident with R2= 0.444.
The researcher based on the study findings recommended creation of awareness and corporative member education on debt management; Documentation and implementation of a comprehensive credit or debt management policy; There must be a clear line of authority as to who authorizes and approves what and creation of a policy on relationship management strategies so as to ensure long and lasting beneficial relationships with clients.