
Customer Preference Analysis on Attributes of Toyota’s EV Shuttles Using Conjoint Approach: A Business Case of the Stones Hotel Bali Collaboration Project

This study examines Indonesia’s efforts to achieve Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2060, with a specific focus on Bali’s pioneering initiatives to reach NZE by 2045. The research primarily investigates sustainable mobility solutions in the tourism sector as an approach to accomplish this goal. The study analyzes customer preferences for Toyota’s xEV (BEV/PHEV/HEV) shuttle services at The Stones Hotel Bali. The objective is to support the hotel in differentiating itself through sustainable practices and support Toyota Indonesia to develop xEV products that are suitable for the market. The study employs Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis to assess five key attributes: EV rent price, capacity, technology, CO2 emission reduction, and baggage capacity. The results indicate that the most significant attributes affecting customer choices are EV rent price (33.18%), capacity (24.97%), and CO2 emission reduction (18.84%) are the most influential factors in customer decision-making, followed by baggage capacity (15.63%) and EV technology (7.38%). These insights provide a foundation for developing targeted marketing programs and product offerings that align with customer preferences and Bali’s NZE goals, while supporting the broader transition to sustainable transportation in Indonesia’s tourism industry.

Promotion Strategy of Local Artisan-Made Product

Fashion has merged and become one of the main interests for each individual and has a personal meaning according to the personality and taste preferences of each. This holds true for fashionable shoes as well, especially for ladies. Considering how it has evolved, footwear is one of the elements of fashion that reveals the social standing of its wearers. Shoes are no longer merely a basic necessity for human existence, but they are also now inextricably linked to the demands of fashion for the ideal image.

Women’s shoes are created in a variety of styles that are characterized by model, color, and shape, whose purpose varies depending on the style they wish to exhibit, along with the evolution of fashion trends. Many women are on the lookout for new shoe improvements that are feminine but also straightforward and comfortable to wear. Privet is thus active as a company involved in fashion, specifically women’s shoes, to meet the demands of the market. The company, which has been operating legally under the name CV. Privet Dwi Sentosa since October 23 2020, are produce the product made by local artisans with a variety of feminine models, however they still seem stylish and comfortable. Each Privet product is embellished with handmade features to give it a special, one-of-a-kind touch.

Considering the large opportunity in the market potential and the ability of local craftsmen to produce high-quality products, Privet wants to try to expand sales distribution by offering products directly to consumers by exploring direct-to-consumer promotion strategies based on the customer preferences like many other big brands do to attract the maximum market potential.

Customer Preference Analysis on Attributes of Hybrid Electric Vehicle: A Choice-based Conjoint Approach

Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) have been introduced on the Indonesian market since the 2000s in an effort to minimize emissions from the country’s automotive industry. Using a conjoint analysis approach, the objective of this study was to determine the most preferred combination of HEV attributes. This study assessed whether a variety of attributes, such as (1) vehicle pricing, (2) driving range, (3) consumption level, (4) emission level, and (5) HEV policies, had the most influence on purchasing decisions. A conjoint analysis and a choice-based survey design were utilized to determine respondents’ preferences for HEV. The results revealed that price was the attribute that influenced respondents’ purchase decisions the most (39,7%), followed by policy (22%), emission (15,9%), consumption (13,7%), and driving range (8,7%) being the least preferred. Automotive companies will benefit from the findings of this study about customer preferences for HEV attributes. Lastly, the findings of this study can be used to research electric vehicles conducted around the world.