
Assessment of Challenges Experienced Among Households on Promotion of Sanitation Practices in Tigania West Sub County, Meru County, Kenya

A poorly constructed toilet may deter its use and provoke open defecation. Globally, 2.5 billion people do not have access to improved sanitation facilities. In Kenya, over 5 million people are forced to defecate in the open due to challenges associated with toilet construction and use resulting in high prevalence of water, sanitation and hygiene-related diseases such diarrhea. This study therefore sought to profile the challenges experienced on promotion of sanitation practices among households in Tigania West, with a view of yielding insights on promotion of safe disposal of human waste. Questionnaires, interview guide and observations were used to collect data in a mixed study design. Systematic and purposive sampling technique was employed to select respondents and the data analyzed using SPSS version 21.0 and audio recordings were transcribed into text and then analyzed thematically.  73.4% of the residents lacked adequate space for toilet construction and (26.6%) who did not. (69.1%) of respondents had limited toilet construction materials, (11.8%) had challenge in toilet construction in rocky soils. Loose/collapsing soils were 9.4% (4.6 %) and financial constrains were (5.1%). 75.3% encountered culture challenges which affected toilet construction. More than half 64.9% had problems with sanitation facilities sharing (n=225).Sanitation practices had a significant positive correlation with cultural practices (0.119 (p=0.003<0.05), sharing of toilets (0.142; p=0.002<0.05), space availability in the household (0.098; p=0.004<0.005) and financial challenges (0.074; p=0.004<0.005). Innovative approaches to toilet construction using locally available materials, training and subsidies together with behavioral change sensitization could improve sanitation among households of Tigania West Sub-County.

Attitude of Organic and Inorganic Farmers on Indian Culture – A Comparative Study

Culture is the reflection of customs, belief, knowledge, art, etc of an individual or a group living in a society. Culture was learnt or formed through socialization. It is considered as a set of knowledge passed on over time. Different cultures serves as a form of guideline or base for the behavior or code of conduct for its followers, thus in a way influenced the way of thinking and acting. Expressive forms involved in a culture like art, rituals, customs are also a representation of a particular set of people. Various civilizations from across the globe practiced or created different cultures which were passed on the next generations. Farming community in general has practiced culture involving safeguarding women, worshipping nature etc. The present study deals with the opinion of organic and inorganic farmers on Indian culture, safeguarding and protecting women, influence of western culture on youngsters and western culture penetration.