
Investigating the Correlation between Frustration and Values with an Emphasis on Gender

This research paper investigates the correlation between individuals’ reactions to frustration and their values, with an emphasis on sex differences. Frustration is an arbitrary emotional response to obstacles or unmet expectations, although social values carry beliefs and principles that guide behavior within a societal context. Getting a gist of how sex influences these aspects can shed light on societal dynamics and inform interventions aimed at promoting psychological well-being and social harmony. The study undergoes a quantitative approach to the data, through different scales using SPSS to analyze data and gather comprehensive insights. Results reveal new patterns in how individuals of different genders perceive and respond to frustration in relation to their value system, Enlightening the need for gender-sensitive works in addressing emotional regulation and socialization processes.

Internalization Strategies of Company Culture: A Case Study of Ex-Employees of Chevron Pacific Indonesia Transitioning to Pertamina WK Rokan

In today’s business world, organizational changes are frequent and are often motivated by variables like as mergers, acquisitions, and strategic realignments. These transitions sometimes include substantial alterations in the company’s culture, which can pose obstacles and offer possibilities for employees, especially those who are moving across businesses. This study examines the methods used by PERTAMINA WK Rokan in order to assimilate the former workers of Chevron Indonesia and to adopt the business culture of PERTAMINA WK Rokan which is AKHLAK as they transition between the two companies and post-transition. It sheds light on the challenges and intricacies involved in assimilating to a new work culture during and after change in management. Cultural integration plays a crucial role in organizational changes, impacting employee morale, productivity, and ultimately, the effectiveness of the business. When employees switch from one organization to another, they carry their values, beliefs, and work habits with them. These may or may not match the existing culture of the new firm. Gaining insight into how individuals embrace the process of transitioning between cultures is crucial for promoting effective integration and cultivating a harmonious work environment.

Exploring Pragmatics: Uncovering the Layers of Language and Meaning

The dynamic interaction of pragmatics, semantics, and culture in language understanding and communication is examined in this narrative review. The review emphasizes how pragmatics and semantics provide complementary viewpoints on language meaning, drawing on current findings in linguistics and communication studies. Semantics concentrates on the exact meanings of words, but pragmatics takes speaker intent and context into account. Comprehending both improves meaning interpretation and communication. The research also highlights how culture influences, how language is used and understood, especially when it comes to nonverbal cues like humor and manners. Language is used to communicate and understand emotions, and this is influenced by cultural quirks. The results highlight how crucial it is to take cultural background, emotional expression, and context into account when developing language instruction and communication approaches. The study ends with recommendations for future research, such as cross-cultural comparison studies, language change monitoring longitudinal studies, and examinations of how language usage is affected by digital platforms. This review advances pragmatics knowledge, which leads to more successful communication techniques in a variety of settings.

Ternate Sultanate Palace: A Multifaceted Hub at the Crossroads of Culture and Politics

Historically, sultans have always had living space (lebenschraum habitus). In the Sultanate of Ternate, the living space of the sultans was the kadaton (palace) which since its birth was organized according to the philosophical cosmology constructed in a person’s customs. The palace (kadaton) as the basis of political legitimacy means that the palace is not merely the residence of the king and his relatives, but it is also seen as the state itself (exemplary state), so that in the history of its development, the palace has become an institution of power that politically has the same weight as the institution nobility itself. This research aims to 1) to reveal the Myth of the Seven Princesses: Source of Legitimacy, and 2) to reveal how the Sultan’s palace strengthened the Cultural and Political Center. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research revealed that the Sultanate of Ternate attempted to build and maintain its power base based on three factors. First, geopolitics, which causes the palace to have a traditional identity position that is closely related to the source of magical beliefs. Second, the doctrine of power, the palace has a central doctrine which makes the king the representative of God’s power (micro cosmos). Third, the basis of aristocratic power centered on cultural hegemony.

Korean Residential Architecture of Joseon Dynasty Through The Kingdom of a Thousand Years

The novel “The Kingdom of a Thousand Years” by Kim Kyung-uk is based on a true story from history when three Dutch sailors drifted into Joseon during the 17th century. Through the narration of Jan Jansz Weltevree – the first Westerner to set foot in Joseon, the life, society, and people of Joseon are perceived and depicted in a fresh and unfamiliar way, different from the evaluations of Koreans or Easterners. This study focuses on examining the architecture and culture of the people in Joseon to understand the diverse types of houses for each social class during the Joseon period, while also identifying similarities and differences with the architecture of houses in Vietnam.

The Role of Management Information Systems in Kerambitan Village Governance with Tri Hita Karana Culture as a Mediation Variable

This study aims to examine the effect of Management Information Systems on Governance. The mediating variable, namely the concept of Hindu culture Tri Hita Karana is included in this study. This research was conducted in one of the agro-tourism villages in Bali, namely Kerambitan Village – Tabanan by taking 128 research samples. The overall model evaluation results are based on the R-Square (R2), Q-Square Predictive Relevance (Q2) and Goodness of Fit (GoF) values, so the model is declared good. The results obtained by the Management Information System have a positive effect on Tri Hita Karana, Tri Hita Karana has a positive effect on corporate governance and Tri Hita Karana mediates the influence of management information systems on corporate governance.

Talent Readiness of PT KAI to Face the Era of Change

PT KAI is the only rail-based transportation company in Indonesia managed by SOEs. The main services offered by PT KAI are transportation for passengers and products, while its non-core business is real estate, and its subsidiaries include six companies offering a wide range of services. PT KAI is currently undergoing changes that can be seen with the change in partnership PT KAI is moving towards Global Partnership. This can be seen by the cooperation carried out by PT KAI with other countries in carrying out the Indonesian Fast Train project. One of PT KAI’s missions is to become digital-based railway transportation. This mission is a business response to changes moving into the digital era.

This research was conducted using quantitative methods. Data collection was carried out by researchers by visiting PT KAI Head Office located on Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.1, Babakan Ciamis, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, and PT KAI Training Center located in two locations, namely Jl. Kacapiring, Batununggal District, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia, and Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.215, Dago, Coblong District, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesian. The respondents of this study were active employees of PT KAI totaling 168 respondents. The method of data collection is carried out by du event, namely Quick Count or Pooling Priority, and also through Questionnaires. The data processed then was from 140 respondents. The data reduction was carried out because it was found that there were outliers of 28 respondents or 16.67% obtained through examination with the  SPSS 26 tool with the Casewise Diagnostic method.

Researchers also provide solutions to change issues so that PT KAI is better prepared to face the era of change in the future,  consist of PT KAI Goes International through English Habits, and Work Abroad Opportunities for PT KAI’s Top Talent, Transforming Service Quality and Security by maximizing the use of AI and Renewable Technology in all Business processes, Creating Synergies (Including SOEs) through harmonious and collaborative strategic alliances with other state-owned companies, Global Partnership as the best transportation ecosystem solution for Indonesia by opening up to the existence of a Global partnership business scheme.

The Intervention of Indonesian Students’ Culture in Translating Into English Collocation: A Case Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk Banggai

Once Indonesian students translate collocation into English, they remain under their culture and language system. This qualitative research intends to identify Indonesian collocation that translated inappropriately into English and explain how their Indonesian culture intervene in translation. A list of some sentences containing Indonesian collocation was translated into English by the students. The differences lies in the way the lexical choice of collocation is inappropriate. Both of Indonesian and English dictionaries were used to reflect meaning transparency, commutability, and the patterns. This research found that 33 data were inappropriate. Students translated those literally as their culture and the common way of thinking, and prefer to their own collocation patterns. Those sound fairly familiar to Indonesian students. They did not recognize meaning and culture of target language. The research findings offer valuable insight on undergoing foreign language learning as a part of understanding other cultures.

VRIO Analysis in the Commercialization of the Traditional Music Industry

Art is one of the elements of human culture in general which is an expression of the creativity of the culture itself. Culture-based creativity is a reflection or uniqueness of a nation’s identity. However, in the current era of globalization, traditional arts are increasingly being abandoned by the public. Based on the data released by about West Java arts’ status state that there are several traditional arts that are almost extinct and there will be an increasing number of traditional arts that follow extinction. One of the reasons is that the current generation is more interested in popular music than traditional music or in other words they are not sufficiently concerned about their own culture. This is also because many think that traditional art is outdated. Not only experiencing extinction, several Indonesian traditional arts have also been claimed by other countries. Quoting from (2010) in his article entitled “Angklung Will Become a World Cultural Heritage” which also discussed where angklung as a traditional art from Indonesia was claimed by another country which infuriated the Indonesian people, and after the debate between Indonesia and Malaysia. Angklung then was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Indonesia at UNESCO in November 2010. In order to actively participate in preserving and maintaining the existence of angklung in society, RagamLaras came up with an innovation for angklung, where the RagamLaras angklung has 15 scales that can play both pentatonic and diatonic notes in one angklung ensemble. It is hoped that it can provide a new presentation for the performing arts of angklung and open space for creativity for traditional artists, as well as spreading the public awareness, especially the younger generation, to get to know and preserve the nation’s culture better.

Impact the Effect of Shamanism in Modern Society in South Korea

Shamanism is an indigenous Korean faith that incorporates various beliefs and practices influenced by native Korean Buddhism and Taoism. In Korean, shamanism is called mu (무) and practitioners are called mudang (무당). The function of the mudang is usually held by women who make contact (liaison) between gods and humans. Shamans perform gut ceremonies or offerings to perform healing, bring good luck and intercede for gods by means of possession. Gut ceremonies are also held to guide the spirits of the deceased to heaven. This research aims to 1) to reveal the role of shamanism in culture in the midst of modern South Korean society, and 2) to analyze the 1970s when shamanism was going through difficult times. This research used qualitative descriptive that described and analyzed the data in the form of information. The results of this research is presentation about the cultural asset of South Korea, namely shamanism, it is should be maintained because it is very influential on Korean tourism as an ancient ritual even though it is considered not in accordance with the modernization period.