
Learning Activities in Mathematics Education: Application of the PBL Model and RME Approach in the Power Dominating Set for Solving Electricity Network Optimization Problems to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

Mathematics education has a significant role in developing students’ critical thinking skills, especially in dealing with complex problems. In an effort to support this, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of applying the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) learning model combined with the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach to learning the concept of Power Dominating Set (PDS). The PDS concept, which is part of graph theory, is used to solve power network optimization problems by minimising the number of control points. This is expected to improve the efficiency of resource use and the overall performance of the power grid. This research method involves the application of the PBL model, where students are actively involved in the learning process through real context-based problem solving, as well as the RME approach that connects abstract mathematical concepts with realistic situations. The learning process is focused on mastering the concept of PDS both from the theoretical side and its application in power network optimisation. The results showed that the combination of the PBL model and the RME approach significantly improved students’ understanding of the PDS concept, both in terms of mathematical abstraction and its application in practical contexts. In addition, this approach proved effective in developing students’ critical thinking skills, especially in analysing and solving complex power network optimisation problems. The discussion of the results of this study highlights that learning strategies that integrate PBL and RME are able to provide deeper and more relevant learning experiences for students. This approach not only helps students understand complex mathematical concepts, but also trains them to apply the knowledge in real situations. The implications of this research provide important insights for educators to adopt innovative learning methods that can improve the quality of mathematics learning, especially in teaching applicable concepts such as Power Dominating Set.

The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Model on Critical Thinking Skills in Grade IV Elementary School on Fraction Number Material in Bantul District

Project Based Learning is one of the learning models that provides space for students to explore knowledge. The purpose of this research is to find the effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL) on the development of critical thinking skills on fractional number material. The method used is mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) with the research objective to identify the effectiveness of the PjBL model on critical thinking skills. Data collection by questionnaire and document analysis Skills measured based on 5 aspects of critical thinking skills consisting of 12 indicators. This research was conducted in grade IV elementary schools in Bantul district. Data collection by test The results showed that critical thinking skills were obtained at 97.1% with very good criteria. It can be concluded that students have very good critical thinking skills development.

Development of Problem-Based-Learning (PBL)-Oriented Electronic Student Worksheets (e-Worksheet) to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Class XI Senior High School Students on Factors that Influence Rate of Chemical Reactions Material

Education system changes from time to time, and with these changes, the existing curriculum in Indonesia also continues to undergo several curriculum updates. The Merdeka Curriculum is the answer to the high level of competition that occurs in the 21st century. Factors that influence the rate of chemical reactions are one of the materials in chemistry phase F of the Merdeka curriculum, which has abstract characteristics and requires experimentation. Based on these characteristics, the problem-based-learning (PBL) learning model is suitable for use and can improve students’ critical thinking skills. This research aims to determine the feasibility of developing a PBL-oriented student e-worksheet to improve critical thinking skills on factors that influence reaction rates. The method used in this research is R&D with a 4D model. The results obtained are that the student e-worksheet developed is feasible because the content and construct validity results obtained in mode 5 with a very valid category, then the practicality results obtained a response questionnaire score of 98.44%, which was supported by the results of the student activity sheets, and the effectiveness was obtained. From the data from the pretest and posttest results, which were analyzed using the SPSS Paired Sample t-Test, the results showed that there was an increase in students’ critical thinking skills, namely with a significance value of 0.00.

Development of Problem-Solving-Oriented Electronic Module (E-Module) to Improve The Critical Thinking Skills of Class XI Senior High School Students on Acid-Base Material

The Independent Curriculum is a solution to the tight competition for human resources in the 21st century. The critical thinking skills needed in the 21st century can be improved through studying chemistry, especially acid-base materials. The problem-solving learning model is an appropriate learning model for understanding acid-base materials and can improve students’ critical thinking skills. Learning media that can be used in chemistry learning are electronic modules. The aim of this research is to develop a problem-solving-oriented e-module to improve critical thinking skills in acid-base materials. The development model in this research uses the 4D model by Thiagarajan. The development of problem-solving-oriented e-modules was declared suitable for improving students’ critical thinking skills in acid-base material in terms of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Validity is seen in content and construct validity, both of which received a mode value of 5 in the very valid category. Practicality can be seen from the results of the student response questionnaire, which obtained a percentage of  98.75℅ in the very practical category and is supported by the results of observations of student activities. Effectiveness can be seen from the results of the students’ critical thinking skills pretest and posttest, which obtained a significance value of 0.00 using the paired sample t-test.

Meta-Analysis the Effectiveness of Implementing the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) Model in Improving Students’ Critical Thinking

In preparing the order of life in the era of revolution 4.0, it is necessary to prepare competencies in achieving national education goals. The competency needed in the 21st century is the ability to think at a high level. These skills are critical thinking, creative, collaborative and communicative. This meta-analysis study aims to analyze the effect of using the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) model towards increasing students’ critical thinking skills in learning. The method used in this research is a meta-analysis method by reviewing 9 journal articles and integrating 1 international journal article and 8 national journal articles. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the average Effect Size (ES) which is then categorized based on interpretation of Cohen’s criteria. Based on the study results, the average ES model in the effect of applying the ADI model on students’ critical thinking skills is 0.36 in the medium category. So, it can be concluded that the ADI model can have a positive effect on students’ critical thinking skills.


Development of Literacy-Based Interactive Learning Media in Improving Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students in Islamic Religious Education

Critical thinking is very important in learning because it will improve students’ thinking skills in learning practices. So far, critical thinking has not become a culture among students, so there are still students who are passive in the learning process and do not dare to argue or ask questions. Critical thinking skills are the ability to organize themselves in producing interpretation, analysis, and evaluation as well as exposure using evidence, concepts, methodologies, and contextual considerations that are used as the basis for making decisions. Indicators of critical skills, namely: solving problems, making decisions, persuading, analyzing assumptions and conducting scientific research. This study aims to develop literacy-based interactive learning media in improving the critical thinking skills of junior high school students in Islamic religious education subjects that are valid, practical, and effective. Learning media that can support the success of learning activities in improving students’ critical thinking skills must be developed by meeting several criteria, namely valid, practical, and effective. The validity score obtained for each aspect is the media aspect with a percentage of 76.33% and for the material aspect with a percentage of 78.66%, therefore the learning media is declared valid. The average score of the overall learning implementation observation results obtained a percentage of 82.73%. There were 26 students who were complete or around 81.25%, the average score percentage of student activity was 84%, and as many as 92.83% of students gave a positive response. The findings of this study indicate that the development of literacy-based interactive learning media is effective in improving students’ critical thinking skills in Islamic Religious Education subjects. The implication of this research is the need for literacy integration in Islamic learning to help students’ develop a deeper and more critical understanding of the subject matter.

The Effectiveness of Using PQ4R Based Modules in Improving Critical Thinking Skills in Elementary Schools

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the PQ4R-based module to improve students’ critical thinking in elementary schools.This study uses a qualitative approach. This researchusing the One Group Pretest-Postest Design which is a form of the Pre-Experimental research method. This design uses one group. The population in the study were all students at SD Negeri Berundung. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling and the subjects of this study were students in class IV A at SD Negeri Berundung. Data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and tests. The results of the paired sample t-test were (Sig 0.01 <0.05) which means that there is a difference in the average student learning outcomes between pretest and posttest. The amount of increase using n-gain is 0.513 in the moderate category. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that learning using PQ4R-based modules is effective for increasing students’ critical thinking.