Development of OLMP Model Teaching Modules on SPLTV Material to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking Skills
Learning in the classroom that does not utilize media optimally causes the class to be boring, inhibits independence, and limits students from seeking knowledge. Apart from that, students’ creative thinking abilities in Indonesia are generally still relatively low. Therefore, come up with the idea of outdoor learning to develop students’ creativity. The aim of this research is to describe the process and results of developing OLMP model teaching modules on SPLTV material to improve students’ creative thinking abilities. This type of research is development using a 4D model. The data collection methods used are observation, questionnaires, tests, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this research were 4 classes of class X students at IBU Vocational School for the 2023/2024 academic year. Based on the research stages that have been carried out, it can be explained that a teaching module has been successfully developed which has gone through the stages of definition, design, development and distribution. Then it can also be said that the teaching module that has been developed is suitable for use. This is reinforced by the mean value of the three validators of 87.45%.