
Academically Challenged Students in Mathematics in Modular Distance Learning

This phenomenological study sought to explore the lived experiences of the low-performing students in terms of the benefits, challenges, and coping strategies in a modular distance learning modality. The focused group interview was used with the purposively chosen respondents and employed triangulation of data to validate their responses. Results show that flexibility of learning, self-paced learning, access to technology, and simplified concepts and outputs were the benefits of MDL. However, lack of interaction with teachers and procrastination are the common challenges that these students have encountered and tried to cope up with. They have adopted positive methods and strategies to manage their difficulty in learning mathematics like self-motivation, seeking support, online information sources, and time management have been essential in studying in this modality. Learning mathematics is formally learned best in school but some of the students displayed positive engagement with MDL and further research should be conducted in that regard.