
Modification of Rice Noodle Physical, Cooking Properties and Microstructure through Xanthan Gum and Moisture Control

Noodles have been a staple dish in Asia since ancient times, taking numerous shapes and forms. Presentation, texture, eating quality, and cooking qualities are all factors that influence its quality. Noodles can be made using either traditional or extrusion methods. Pasta extruders are modern machines that create pasta in a variety of shapes. Xanthan gum is a hydrocolloid that enhances the physical properties of rice. Its functions include enhancing texture quality, increasing air binding ability, and stabilizing dough structure. The amount of xanthan gum used influences not just the physical properties of rice, but also the feed composition. The air feed content is a crucial factor influencing the flavor of noodles. Using a pasta extrusion machine, this study investigated the influence of xanthan gum (0%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%) and feed moisture (35%, 40%, and 45%) on rice noodle characteristics. This study found that the optimum treatment was xanthan gum 1.5% and feed moisture 40%. This treatment has the following values: cooking time 5.83 minutes, cooking loss 5.95%, water absorption 274.12%, hardness 0.3887, adhesiveness = -0,0027 L = 75.51, a = -0.53 and b = 8.92.