
Improvement of Mobile Computer Laboratories Services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The mobile computer laboratory is a standard computer laboratory that can be moved from one place to another to meet the predefined needs of the community. This can be achieved through mobile computer buses, mobile computer flex carts, or mobile computer vans, depending on the required capacity and level of mobility. Improving the services of mobile computer laboratories adds value by simplifying the process of community digital transformation and reducing the negative impact of the digital divide. Current studies on the challenges of mobile computer laboratories have identified areas for improvement, particularly in terms of education services and courses related to information and communication technology (ICT). One major challenge is creating awareness among communities about the existence and benefits of mobile computer laboratories, as government authorities are often hesitant to implement these services. The findings of this study suggest that effectively implementing mobile computer laboratories improves ICT education and enhances general community digital transformation, with a focus on specific community groups. Furthermore, the effectiveness of mobile computer laboratories can be measured in terms of resources, benefits obtained from the services provided, and the language used in communication. When implementing mobile computer laboratory services, it is important to consider the relationship between the expectations of the beneficiaries and the overall objectives of the program.