
The Impact of Airline Responds to Service Failure towards Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Airline Industry

This study explores the relationship between airline responses to service failures and customer’s satisfaction and loyalty in the airline industry. Using a framework that includes various airline response categories derived from a service blueprint such as overbooking, flight delays, cancellations, lost or damaged luggage, in-flight service issues, customer service failures, and security issues, this study investigates the relationship between these factors and customer satisfaction, as well as the resulting impact on customer loyalty. A qualitative approach has been used alongside by using non-probability sampling that will be use in this study includes snowball sampling and convenience sampling. Upon collected data through survey, the result is then being regressed linearly in SPSS. The analysis of data reveals that effective and timely handling of service failures, as well as considerate handling of complaints, play a significant role in determining customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty positively, highlighting the significance of service recovery in nurturing long-term customer relationships. The findings emphasize the need for airlines to prioritize efficient service recovery processes, such as transparent communication and adequate compensation for service failures. Future research recommendations include investigating the role of technology in service recovery efforts and other service failure scenarios. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on service recovery in the airline industry and offers insights for marketing strategies to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Increasing Employee Performance through Digital Culture, Compensation, Career Development and Employee Resilience in PT. Janji Mulya Executive Learning

PT Janji Mulya Executive Learning (PT Janji Mulya) was a business unit within Janji Mulya Business School foundation and became an independent business entity as a limited liability company (Perseroan Terbatas) in January 2020. When Covid-19 happened, the company’s revenue dropped to only 30% in the first year (2020) after the spin-off. In the next year (2021) the revenue increased almost one hundred percent despite the fact that it was still forty percent below the 2019 performance. The company expect that the trend will keep going up to the 2022 fiscal year, however the fact says the contrary: the revenue in 2022 was slightly going down. Besides, the majority of individual performance decreased by 45.9% of employees. These problems in the postpandemic condition that is differed from expectation, has raised concern of PT Janji Mulya management. Further information were obtained that several factors could be the cause of low employee performance, namely digital culture, compensation, career development, and employee resilience. Based on these problems, this research was conducted to know and analyze the relationship of digital culture, compensation, career development, and employee resilience, with employee performance, as well as to propose solution regarding the four factors that could increase employee performance.

To that end, this study was conducted with two objectives, namely descriptive and verification purpose. To analyse the hypotheses, this study employs multiple regression. Data collection was done by census to the population of PT Janji Mulya employees (N=60). Questionnaire was distributed at one-shot time horizon method and cross-sectional data.

The findings revealed that there is a significant simultaneous influence of the four independent variables on employee performance. The test of partial effect showed that each variable of digital culture, compensation, career development, and employee resilience, have a positive and significant relationship with employee performance.

Based on the results of the analysis that combines the results of hypothesis testing and the results of interviews with research informants, the business solutions for developing employee performance at PT Janji Mulya are arranged in the form of priorities based on the correlation values of the four variables on employee performance. Besides there are several insights that might influence employee performance, namely: a clear business strategy that is communicated effectively from the top management to the lowest level in the organization, Availability of resources that affect the performance of a department, and Strategic Foresight Analysis training to equip employees to be skillful at analyzing conditions, predicting changes that may occur, and managing response preparation and implementation plans, so that employees become more resilient.

Knowledge and Attitude of Dental Practitioners about Professional Indemnity Insurance in Davangere District: A Cross Sectional Survey

Background: It is essential that dentists should have an adequate knowledge of professional Indemnity insurance to safeguard themselves.

Aim: To assess the knowledge and attitude of dental practitioners about professional     indemnity insurance (PII) in Davangere district.

Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted involving data collection from 101 dental practitioners in Davangere district at their respective clinics using a pretested, validated, investigator‑administered closed‑ended 10 items questionnaire. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 21 (IBM Corp., Armonk, N.Y., USA) was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were generated in terms of percentages and chi square test was used to compare the responses across groups.

Results: The mean age of participants was 41.4±8.1 years. Majority of the participants were females (51.5%) and qualified with a masters degree (70.3%). Majority did not have a professional indemnity insurance (PII) (69.3%) as they were unaware of it (51.5%). Many (56.4%) were informed about PII by their professional colleagues. Around 51.5% felt that it was not mandatory to have a PII. Around 83.2% maintained patient records and around 76.2% paid compensation to their patients for negligent dental practice.

Conclusion: Majority of dental practioners in Davanagere district did not have Professional Indemnity Insurance as many were unaware about it.

Effect of Compensation, Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance of Zulu Alpha Papa Company

Representative execution is a determinant of the advancement or decay of an organization, worker execution is impacted by a few variables including remuneration factors, inspiration factors, and work discipline factors, from these components we can see the organization’s usefulness, since representative execution will be straightforwardly corresponding to organization efficiency, on the off chance that representative execution expands, organization usefulness additionally increments, despite what might be expected assuming worker execution diminishes, organization efficiency likewise diminishes. The reason for this examination was to decide how the impact of pay, inspiration, and work discipline on worker execution at PT. Zulu Alpha Papa. This examination strategy utilizing subjective techniques with the number of tests utilized in this investigation were 120 respondents who were disseminated haphazardly to representatives of the PT. Zap head office. Inspecting strategy utilizing soaked example while information examination utilizing way investigation procedure (Path Model) which is upheld by Smart PLS programming variant 3.0. Because of this examination, the outcomes showed that there was a positive and huge impact among pay and worker execution, there was a positive and huge impact of inspiration on representative execution, there was a positive and huge impact of work discipline on worker execution, remuneration, inspiration, work discipline at the same time had a positive impact and important to worker execution.

The Influence of Organizational Culture, Compensation and Competency on Asset Misappropriation with Integrity as a Moderating Variables

This study aims to empirically examine the relationship among variables of organizational culture, compensation, competence, with asset misappropriation and their effects in which the factor of integrity as moderating variable. The study used questionnaires to collect data from 150 respondents (samples) comprising employees of Bank DKI, BCA and Adira Finance with various levels of positions. Furthermore, the questionnaires were analyzed using SEM (structural equation modeling) and processed using the computer software SmartPLS Version 3. Based on the results of data processing, it found out that variables of organizational culture and competency did not influence asset misappropriation, while compensation and integrity negatively affected the asset misappropriation. Moreover, the factor of integrity was unable to strengthen the negative influence of organizational culture and compensation, as well as unable to weaken the positive effect of competence on asset misappropriation.