
Ecotourism Commodification from A Socio-Economic Perspective (A Case Study of Tanjung Puting National Park, Indonesia)

This research aims to determine the socio-economic impact of the commodification of ecotourism occurs in Tanjung Puting National Park. Data in this study were obtained using a case study method. The economic indicators used include income and employment opportunities. Meanwhile, social indicators include cultural acculturation and the community’s skill level. The results show that the development of this ecotourism is able to create more job opportunities for the public in the tourism sectors such as tour guide, food and beverages service, and travel agents. Public who taking opportunities will generate another source of income. In addition to contributing income to the local community, this ecotourism also contributes Non-Tax Government Revenue (PNBP). The social impact that arises is shifting of the public lifestyle becomes more westernized and an increase in the level of creativity of the public in business entrepreneurship.

Commodification Study in Socio-Economic Perspective (Study Case: Ponggok Tourism Water Village, Klaten, Central Java)

This article aims to describe commodification from the socio-economic perspective the local people in Ponggok Tourism Water Village. It employs a descriptive method to summarize data and information. Several indicators include employment opportunities, income local people, cultural life and social conflict through analysis. The results show that an expansion of employment opportunities, an increase in income and the standard of living of local people. There is a change in a person’s socioeconomic status which is indirectly a result of his involvement in the tourism sector. It cannot be denied that it has also had a negative impact. Not a few residents from outside the area migrate and there are conflicts between residents. Local people life is experiencing changes towards westernization. Ponggok Village was previously known as a village that was far from hedonistic life, but now it is different following the times. Packaging local culture has also become something of global value.