
Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase the Sales of Coffee Shop in Banjarmasin (Case Study: Eastland Coffee)

Eastland Coffee is a coffee shop located in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Eastland Coffee serves a variety of drinks and food such as coffee drinks, non-coffee, snacks, and heavy meals. Previous research shows that there is a potential of coffee industry in Indonesia due to the high and ever-increasing coffee consumption, as well as the thriving coffee shop businesses available in the country. However, the preliminary analysis shows that the sales of Eastland Coffee have a negative trendline and never meet its monthly target. On top of that, the brand awareness is low. Thus, it is at the utmost importance to generate a marketing strategy to increase the sales and the brand awareness. The author conducted internal and external environment analysis with several marketing frameworks. The author also conducted survey that generates 185 respondents. The survey was then ultimately used for the customer analysis. All the analyses result in a proposed marketing strategy in the form of new target market and positioning, as well as new marketing mix (7Ps) for Eastland Coffee to implement in the near future.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Dairy-Free Coffee Shop in Jakarta (Case Study: Mad For Coffee)

The coffee industry in Jakarta is a thriving and dynamic market, with a large number of coffee shops, cafes, and restaurants serving various types of coffee and snacks. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the plant-based lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular in Jakarta. More and more people in Jakarta are choosing to adopt a plant-based lifestyle, either for ethical, health, or environmental reasons. Along with that, the market opportunity for dairy-free coffee shops in Jakarta is significant and growing. Many consumers in Jakarta are looking for healthier, more sustainable, and ethical food options, and dairy-free coffee shops cater to these needs. Mad for Coffee is one of the players in the coffee shop business, with their unique selling proposition as a dairy-free coffee shop. It is owned by one of the famous influencers in Indonesia, who is a vegetarian and also has a vegan community. With a huge number of competitors, Mad for Coffee needs to increase their market awareness and sales to make the business sustain for a long period of time. Based on the external analysis, the author found the coffee industry has intense competition. Competitors not only come from other dairy-free coffee shops, but also from regular coffee shops because they also provide a variety of dairy-free milk options. Moreover, from the internal factor, Mad for Coffee are not utilizing the power of their famous owner and their friends to help promote or to build partnerships or to collaborate with their coffee shop. From internal and external analysis in Mad for Coffee, then the author obtained SWOT analysis. From SWOT analysis, the author found that Mad for Coffee lacks marketing programs such as special discounts or loyalty programs to retain customers. Also, their social media contents are not really exposing their products and their strong branding as a dairy-free coffee shop. From matrix TOWS analysis, the author proposed several alternative marketing strategies that can be implemented by Mad for Coffee. Those alternatives are improving promotion by representing several strong points on Mad for Coffee and ads placement in social media, collaborating with influencers, community and media, developing loyalty programs and product promotion, and improving facilities and human resources in Mad for Coffee.

Propose New Marketing Strategy for the New Branch of Café Kopi Madi

In 2019, Covid-19 that hit Indonesia greatly affected all segments. The decline in sales and revenue received by the company has made some businesses unable to withstand this pandemic. However, in 2022, Indonesia has begun to be free from the Covid-19 pandemic, little by little. Kopi Madi is a coffee shop that was built in 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic was still hitting Indonesia. But Kopi Madi has survived until now because of the products offered and requests from customers that continue to increase every year. And in 2023, Madi Coffee has expanded its wings and opened its first branch in the Tebet area, South Jakarta. Seeing the increase in income derived from Kopi Madi, the owners opened branches to expand their market. However, from the sales results for the first and second months, Kopi Madi (Tebet) is very far from being successful. Therefore, this research was also conducted to find out what strategies are suitable for Kopi Madi (Tebet) in increasing its sales.

This study aims to investigate effective marketing strategies to increase sales at Kopi Madi (Tebet). In a competitive industry like coffee shops, it is important for business owners to develop and implement the right marketing strategy to attract customers and increase revenue. The analysis used is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the internal and external data of Kopi Madi (Tebet). And the results obtained from processing the data will be formulated using the SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix to find a suitable strategy. And after getting the strategy to be implemented, a plan is needed to implement the strategy at Kopi Madi (Tebet).

Business Valuation Using Discounted Cash Flow Method in Restaurant Industry (Case Study: Coffee Shop XYZ)

The level of coffee consumption continues to increase from year to year due to the influence of third wave coffee, this also affects the sales of Coffee Shop XYZ which continue to increase. Departing from this success, management wants to open two new branches, namely in Purwakarta and in Subang through raising funds on the equity crowdfunding platform. That’s why Coffee Shop XYZ needs steps for company valuation to find out the business value and share price that Coffee Shop XYZ will provide. Coffee Shop XYZ’s company valuation assessment uses absolute and non-absolute valuation methods, where the absolute valuation method uses discounted cash flow with terminal value, while the non-absolute valuation method uses a relative model which compares Coffee Shop XYZ’s financial ratios with similar companies in the same industry. , namely the restaurant. Based on the results of the study using the absolute valuation method, it was found that Coffee Shop XYZ had an enterprise value of Rp 19.930.457.260, with a share price of Rp 49.706,38 and 390.000 outstanding shares. Meanwhile, based on the non-absolute method, the EV/EBIT, P/E and P/B ratios indicate that Coffee Shop XYZ is undervalued, meaning that the business will generate greater profits, and the business is considered not too high-risk for investment. It also has a fair share price and the ratios show its ability to distribute dividends to investors. In conclusion, based on Coffee Shop XYZ’s valuation, it is known as a declining overvalued company. Even so, Coffee Shop XYZ will still provide positive residual income.


Instagram Coffee Shop Content Ideation for Pondok Aren (Bintaro) Community

The development of the coffee shop industry in Bintaro, South Tangerang is becoming more numerous and varied, this has given rise to competition for customers. Therefor Coffee shop carries out Instagram activities as a channel to provide their content. However, 77.22% of coffee shops are dissatisfied with the performance of their Instagram. In the final project this aims to find out what content attracts the Bintaro Community and how this content influences brand equity. This study uses the PLS method with the independent variable Instagram Attractiveness (IA) and the dependent variables in the form of Brand Awareness (BA), Brand Image (BI), Perceived Quality (PQ), Brand Love (BL) and Brand Re-usage Intention (RI). Data collection used the Google form which was distributed to 210 respondents from the Bintaro community who use Instagram.

From the results of the study, it was found that the Instagram Attractiveness variable was accepted and had a positive impact on Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Perceived Quality. Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Perceived Quality variables were accepted and had a positive impact on Brand Love and Brand Re-usage Intention. However, the Brand Awareness variable for Brand Re-usage Intention is rejected. It can be concluded that Menu, Ambience and Event content at coffee shops are attractive types of content and will have a positive impact on Brand Equity. The solutions given to coffee shops are planning, creating, and also posting menu content, events and also ambience with viral marketing strategies, building Instagram themes for brand images, and also using photography techniques to create content.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for Coffee Shop Business (Case Study on Brand Payu Coffee & Eatery)

The total distribution of Coffee in Indonesia is increasing every year, and it is in line with the growing of Coffee Shop industry in Indonesia, specifically in Jakarta. Payu is one of local SME Coffee Shop brand located in Gandaria, South Jakarta which was established in 2020. Building brand awareness is important for a new brand, particularly for SME company with an existence of less than five years like Payu. According to interview with Payu’s co-owner that Payu brand awareness is very low which in line with the result of questionnaire from total of 202 respondents shows that 68,8% never heard of Payu before. To analyse the root caused more deeply, researchers used Fishbone Diagram and Inter-relationship Diagram and found that Lack of Marketing effort is primary root cause for Payu. The purpose of this research is to propose a suitable marketing strategy to increase Brand Awareness for Coffee Shops like Payu. Researchers use both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in conducting research. Data collection is done by conducting in-depth interview, distributing questionnaires, and conducting a focus group discussion. The collected data is then used to do analysis based on the collection methods. Quantitative results are used to make Cluster Analysis and Brand Awareness Analysis. While Qualitative results is used to make Behavioural Shift analysis and Brand Concept Mapping. According to focus group discussion, customers are like the coffee trends like Ready-to-Drink Coffee and Snapchilled Coffee. After conducting analysis, the proposed marketing strategies are carried out. Based on BCM model, Payu are relatable with associations links “Nyaman” and “Kerja”. There are three new marketing strategies that can increase coffee shops brand awareness like Payu. First, developing Buyer Persona Creation strategy based on cluster analysis. Second, coffee shops can work with influencers who has audience driven from the Buyer Persona Creation strategy. Third, conduct a brand activation based on the association links from brand concept mapping and invite the chosen influencers.