
A Comparative Analysis of the Nutritional and Chemical composition of six West African Medicinal Fruits

Background: Many nations can no longer afford the ever rising cost of healthcare, governments across the world are in search of alternative and affordable ways of disease control. Clinical studies are revealing hope from herbs.

Objectives: A comparative analysis of the nutritional and chemical composition of six fruits used for treating many diseases in West Africa; to examine the composition, concentration and education for easy choice of suitable fruits based on peculiar situations as well as to provide easy access of consensus evidence to busy healthcare practitioners. Also, clinical evidence of plant medicine is not as much as modern medicine and education is necessary.

Methods: A systematic review investigation. Theory is a Community approach to intervention services. Search engines were Google scholar, Firefox and Google.

Results: Macro and micronutrients were present in the plants. Moisture was high in all but, Tetrapleura tetraptera. Anacardium occidentale, 86.00g/100 g/dry weight showed highest carbohydrates concentration, Annona muricata was lowest, 14.63%. Crude protein was generally low in all the plants, Chrysophyllum albidum scored highest, 7.00%, Annona muricata scored lowest, 1.00%. Fat was generally low in all, highest fat, 4.00% occurred in Tetrapleura tetraptera and least, 0.88% in Annona muricata. Fibre concentration ranges from low to high. The highest fibre occurred in Tetrapleura tetraptera, 45.00% and the least in Mangifera indica, 1.80%. Ash was excessively high, 60.00% in Annona muricata, Mangifera indica came last with a score of 1.95%. Outcome will be beneficial to users.

Conclusion: The fruits were rich in nutrients with nutraceutical and pharmacological properties, justifying its use as native medicine.

Use of Industrial Waste in the Development of Ceramic Mass Compositions

The compositions of ceramic masses for facing slabs based on Angren secondary kaolin and clay were developed, using metallurgical waste–iron–containing dust from the gas cleaning of “Uzmetkombinat” JSC and sandy waste from the Toytepe fluorite enrichment plant. With the help of differential thermal and X–ray phase analysis, the chemical–mineralogical compositions, exothermic and endothermic effects of the used components of ceramic masses were determined during their heat treatment. Thus, the suitability of using these wastes for the development of the composition of ceramic masses has been established.

Chemical Characterizaction Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia Volubilis) Seed: Oleaginosa Promising From the Colombian Amazon

The physical and chemical characterization of the oil and almond from sacha inchi seed (Plukenetia volubilis), grown in the Guamuez Valley, Department of Putumayo, Colombia was conducted. The whole almond and free fats free from sacha inchi has a high content of oil, protein and essential amino acids, except lysine and tryptophan. The oil extracted from sacha inchi possesses a high degree of unsaturation, rich in essential fatty acids α-linolenic and linoleic, also contains -carotene and vitamin E. Additionally, the physical properties of density, refractive index, viscosity, iodine index and saponification of sacha inchi oil were measured.