
A Proposed Measurement Model for Enhancing Strategic Business Transformation Performance

This research was conducted at PT XYZ, an Indonesian digital telecommunications leader, to address declining profits and increasing competition which threaten its mission to provide reliable and innovative business services. The study aimed to develop a strategic measurement model to enhance business transformation performance. A mixed-methods approach was utilized, collecting qualitative data through in-depth interviews with 7 key individuals and focus group discussions with 6 participants, along with quantitative data from surveys involving 100 internal employees and 100 external stakeholders. This comprehensive approach helped identify several key factors affecting transformation success. Key findings included the necessity of a progressdriven approach with regular strategic alignment checkpoints, a significant gap in organizational capabilities due to insufficient training, lack of stakeholder engagement resulting in minimal buy-in, and the absence of clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) complicating progress tracking and decision-making. To overcome these challenges, the study proposes optimizing resource allocation via a robust management system, investing in ongoing training programs to enhance organizational capabilities, improving stakeholder engagement through continuous communication, and establishing definitive performance metrics and regular evaluation mechanisms. Implementing these strategies could significantly boost PT XYZ’s financial profits, customer satisfaction, and competitive standing in the telecommunications sector.

Internalization Strategies of Company Culture: A Case Study of Ex-Employees of Chevron Pacific Indonesia Transitioning to Pertamina WK Rokan

In today’s business world, organizational changes are frequent and are often motivated by variables like as mergers, acquisitions, and strategic realignments. These transitions sometimes include substantial alterations in the company’s culture, which can pose obstacles and offer possibilities for employees, especially those who are moving across businesses. This study examines the methods used by PERTAMINA WK Rokan in order to assimilate the former workers of Chevron Indonesia and to adopt the business culture of PERTAMINA WK Rokan which is AKHLAK as they transition between the two companies and post-transition. It sheds light on the challenges and intricacies involved in assimilating to a new work culture during and after change in management. Cultural integration plays a crucial role in organizational changes, impacting employee morale, productivity, and ultimately, the effectiveness of the business. When employees switch from one organization to another, they carry their values, beliefs, and work habits with them. These may or may not match the existing culture of the new firm. Gaining insight into how individuals embrace the process of transitioning between cultures is crucial for promoting effective integration and cultivating a harmonious work environment.

Assessment of Organization Readiness in the Implementation of Change Management (Case Study: PT. IMS)

PT. IMS is one of the local companies, classified as medium enterprises, that produce bottled drinking water and distribute its products in the Aceh province area. The CEO of IMS initiated a change implementation, namely digital transformation in IMS business process Phase 1, by upgrading their management software system. The purpose of this change is for IMS to be digitized, more efficient and faster, in order to be more close to the customers and accurately analyze the customer’s expectations. This research aim to assess IMS Organizational readiness for change before implementing it, the readiness is assessed based on McKinsey 7S elements and its factors.

This research collected data and information using qualitative method by conducting depth interview with the CEO of the company and managers of every departments, and desk research is also conducted to support the results. After doing a thematic qualitative analysis, the result shows that IMS is stated as ready for change by the CEO and the line managers in all elements. Moreover, if we dig deeper to 14 element’s factor, one of them is rated as not ready, namely organizational culture. The rest of it rated as ready, 7 of them (consist of Goals/Objectives, Strategic Plan, Size, IT infrastructure, Training & Education, Staff Skills, and Share Belief) still need minor improvement and 6 of them (Centralization, Data, Top Management Support, Project Team, Management skills and Company-wide Commitment)  are ready to go ahead.

The researcher also propose several solution that IMS could do to increase its organizational level of readiness to change, consist of create a change communication plan, create a facilities upgrading schedule and monitoring it, launch new policies to support the change, create training list, and plan continuous socialization events. Moreover, this research also proposed that IMS could better use Kotter’s 8 steps model as a strategy to ensure the change successfulness.

Practices and Challenges of Change Management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court

The current study examined the practice and challenges of change management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court. This study adopted a descriptive design with a mixed approach. The objective of the study is to describe the practice, attitudes, and challenges of employees and leaders in the Federal Supreme Court. Primary data was collected by using a questionnaire and interview on the other hand, secondary data was collected from unpublished materials like reports and manuals of the court. 204 respondents who properly completed and returned the questionaries and five interviewed leaders are involved as sources of data. In order to select respondents, a simple random sampling technique was used. The analysis and summary of findings reflected major practices of change management, perception, and challenges of employees. The organization faces many challenges in the implementation of change management among these, a lack of knowledge about change management, employee resistance, insufficient employee participation in training, and the change management process is the main. The study concludes that the change held in the organization is not satisfactory. It is recommended that for Federal Supreme Court become more successful participate employees in the change management process to reduce challenges and in order to achieve its goal.

Assessment of PT. XYZ’s Change Management Initiatives towards Employee Readiness in Organization Restructuring

Digital content and influencer marketing leader PT. XYZ Located at the crossroads of content, platforms, and brands, aims to revolutionize content creation, distribution, and consumption in Asia. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Tokyo, Manila, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Jakarta are the 8 Asia Pacific offices (including Philippine after the merger with Indonesia). Organizational reorganization is essential, according to PT. XYZ. After Q1–Q3 2021 revenue declines, this campaign was launched. Employee readiness to adopt the new organizational structure must be assessed. This study assesses staff readiness for the new organizational structure and then determines the best approach to address current and future results. For the Managing Director and HR Manager, the writers use the Kotter 8-Steps model, followed by the ADKAR model for Leader Functions and their personnel. This study found that employees are aware of company changes, although their views on the need for change vary. Some employees reject the idea despite knowing it will boost business success. This is largely due to a lack of accurate information and change-specific training. Because leaders want to help, employees are ready for change. Unfortunately, there is no assessment system with clear success criteria, making it difficult to determine which appraisals were beneficial. Especially without prizes or recognition to motivate improvement. Thus, improvements are needed, such as forming appropriate guiding coalition teams with the same goals, one-on-one meetings with employees, providing training to support new hires, launching short-term wins, publishing change progress reports, and HR system alignment in compensation, promotion, and succession planning.

Proposed Stress Management Strategies to Accelerate Organizational Change at Greeneration Foundation: A Change Management Approach

Nowadays, climate change and other forms of environmental degradation area among defining challenges at present. Moreover, these several things are not only experienced in Indonesia, as well as other countries experiencing the same problem. To overcome the existing problems, of course, there needs to be joint synergies from all elements of society and the government to answer them. Greeneration Foundation (GF) as a a member of Indonesian Philanthropy aims to advance philanthropy and contribute to the goals of social justice and sustainable development in Indonesia. In 2022, the Greeneration Foundation is rearranging and consolidating its business foundations, product research and development, and business ideas based on funding sources coming from the individuals themselves. Furthermore, this changing of organization foundations doesn’t mean it doesn’t cause problems for the employee at Greeneration Foundation. Meanwhile, in undergoing these changes not all individual organizations are able to adapt or cope with the changes made, so of course there are impacts felt by individuals such as tension or stress. Therefore, the authors conducted research related to the correlation of work stress and organizational changes carried out by the Greeneration Foundation to serve as evaluation material for the Greeneration Foundation. This research was conducted on Greeneration Foundation employees with the aim of knowing the correlation between work stress and organizational changes faced by employees at Greeneration Foundation. In this study the authors collected data using a questionnaire with a total sample of 30 respondents and used a type of sample that is saturated sample. The data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis with the linear regression method using the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics program. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows a level of work stress of 59.0% and organizational change of 68.0% which is in a fairly high category. Based on the following results, work stress and organizational change have a positive and significant correlation with a correlation value of 63.9%. Based on this research, the high level of work stress certainly has the potential to become even higher if proper management is not carried out, especially in the individual and organizational aspects. So that the Greeneration Foundation needs to manage the stress level of employees in order to accelerate organizational changes.